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Salem-News.com Russia-syria-convoys articles Page 31

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Salem-News.com (Apr-23-2012 21:02)

Blackout on Syrian Armed Opposition Obligations

Syria must conform to the provisions of the negotiated cease fire agreement; opposition fighters need to be issued the same demands.

(PORTLAND, OR) - Syrian flag The UN Secretary General is a citizen of South Korean-- a country in a close military alliance with the US and which hosts US military bases-and he seems to regard the US as his sponsor.

At the very least, his record demonstrates he is very sensitive to the urging of the US and its supporters.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-10-2012 05:58)

Hey Nikita is it Cold?
Russia`s Little Girl Soldiers

Revealing photos: girl child soldiers in Russia are product of years of militarization, but there are bigger problems.

(SALEM) - Female Russian child soldiers Dubbed “the Little Spies of Putin” by a French publication after photographer Sergey Kozmin documented these 'girl soldiers' in Russia for the first time, the young female cadets in Russia look serious.

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Salem-News.com (Apr-07-2012 14:14)

UN Blames Assad, Assad Blames Opposition for Violence Ahead of Ceasefire

People, all against international interference in Syria, are showing support for the reform program Assad promised to implement.

(MOSCOW, RTV) - Syria supporters of Assad Thousands of people have taken into the streets of Damascus in a massive pro-government rally.

Syrian President Assad, meanwhile, has sent a message to the UN blaming the opposition for the recent spate of violence ahead of the ceasefire deadline.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-25-2012 13:40)

Democracy Imperiled in the Maldives

Over the past month, pro-democracy demonstrators have once again taken to the streets as they had under Gayoom's rule.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Maldives flag Well before the launch of the Arab Spring, the people of the Maldives, a Muslim nation located on a tropical archipelago in the Indian Ocean, were engaged in widespread nonviolent resistance against the 30-year reign of the corrupt and autocratic president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

The growing civil insurrection forced the dictator to finally allow for free elections in October 2008, which he lost.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-20-2012 18:09)

NATO `Covers Up` Libyan Death Shame

The Libyan Health Minister of the National Transitional Council estimated that about 30,000 were killed during the conflict.

(ROME) - Images of injured Libyan nationals; estimates of civilian casualties from the western-backed campaign number around 30k NATO has failed to investigate scores of civilian deaths incurred during its seven-month military campaign in Libya, Amnesty international says.

NATO expressed its “regret” for civilian casualties but has taken no steps to initiate an investigation.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-19-2012 15:26)

US-NATO subversion in Syria

Saudi Arabia Is Arming Syrian "Opposition" As Twin Car Bombs Kill 27 In Damascus

(WASHINGTON DC) - Saudi Arabia aiding Syrian rebels Within hours of a twin car-bomb attack in the Syrian capital that left at least 27 dead and 100 injured, a senior Arab diplomatic source has confirmed that Saudi Arabia is arming anti-government factions.

It has been long suspected that Saudi Arabia and other pro-Western Gulf Arab states, including Qatar, are actively fueling the conflict in Syria over the past year.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-13-2012 14:49)

Syria: When Playgrounds Turn into Graveyards

A Human life is not a matter of debate or compromises. In my country Syria, time is blood.

(VICTORIA BC) - Syrian Revolution “Down with the regime and the opposition! Down with the Arabic and Islamic countries, down with United Nations! Down with the world, down with everything!” — a hopeless sign, just like this, lifts in the sky in one of Syrian’s endless protests.

Syrians know that they are alone; disappointed and bewildered, they feel traumatized and abandoned.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-11-2012 20:23)

Sri Lanka`s Ghastly Child Killings

More than 100 children were among a huge number of Tamil civilians killed by the Sri Lankan Forces in a gory bloodbath in May 2009.

(COLOMBO TruthDive) - one of the five bullet wounds in the body of 12-year-old Balakandran Prabakharan Even innocent and young children were not left behind in the blood bath staged by genocidal Sri Lanka.

Yet another horrid clip of a young boy killed in cold blood has surfaced, captured from the final hours of the gory 26-year civil war between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil rebels.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-10-2012 23:48)

Resolution Presented After Talks: US

Time is slipping by for the people of Sri Lanka...

(GENEVA The Sunday Leader) - Ambassador Eileen Donahoe The US says the draft resolution on Sri Lanka which was presented to the UN Human Rights Council this week, was done so after consulting other countries including those who will co-sponsor the resolution.

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Salem-News.com (Mar-10-2012 18:35)

Should England`s Cricket Team Tour Sri Lanka?

The England tour comes at a hugely controversial time.

(LONDON ) - Soccer ball in net As England's cricket team sets off for Sri Lanka, Channel 4 News Foreign Editor Ben De Pear asks whether the tour should be going ahead given the country's human rights record?

Andy Flower has departed for Sri Lanka today as manager of an England team reeling after a test whitewash in the UAE to Pakistan and nervous about playing on yet more slow and turning pitches

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