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Help Stop Slanderous Comments About

Please help us put an end to this misguided, slanderous criminal who is attempting to deface our five years of hard work. We will prevail and the sooner the better.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Slander Oregon, California and Washington have legal medical marijuana programs. The big money pharmaceutical companies don't like it, and they especially don't like our recognition of medical cannabis.

So, at least one individual is trying to undermine this small media company by calling our advertisers and telling them we "promote drug use" which is a slanderous lie. We do not promote drug use, the only thing we provide credible information about is medical marijuana.

Read Full Article (Oct-19-2009 12:33)

How Will New Fed Guidelines on Medical Marijuana Affect Charles C. Lynch?

Lynch remains out on $400,000.00 bail pending appeal, while eagerly waiting to see how this will affect his case.

(LOS ANGELES) - Charles Lynch The Associated Press broke a story late Sunday that the U.S. Department of Justice will be issuing new guidelines Monday to U.S. Attorneys regarding an official policy toward medical marijuana.

The Department of Justice posted the memorandum regarding those guidelines on their blog early Monday morning.

Read Full Article (Oct-19-2009 00:37)

Medical Marijuana Advocates Hail New Fed Guidelines as Big Win

In spite of the news, a number of restrictions remain.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - The Associated Press broke a story late Sunday that the U.S. Department of Justice will be issuing new guidelines Monday to U.S. Attorneys regarding an official policy toward medical marijuana.

While the guidelines are yet to be released, advocates are hailing this formal policy as a major victory in the effort to allow states to implement medical marijuana laws without interference from the federal government.

Read Full Article (Oct-16-2009 14:14)

Purdue Pharma Marketing to Physicians About Their `Attitudes`

It is an attack on professionalism.

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - So now we have the Internet used as a marketing tool by Purdue Pharma posting something as ludicrous as physicians prescribe narcotics based on the attractiveness of their patients.

These are the same physicians Purdue Pharma only a few years ago was convincing that their blockbuster drug OxyContin was less addictive than other narcotics.

Read Full Article (Oct-14-2009 23:41)

German National Pleads Guilty to Smuggling Coral from the Philippines

Discovery of shipping containers full of illegal coral in Oregon led to indictment.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Unrelated photo of coral from the scientific order Scleractinia Gunther Wenzek, a German national, pleaded guilty Wednesday before District Judge Anna J. Brown of the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon to one count of smuggling coral into the United States at the port of Portland, Oregon, the Justice Department announced.

Law enforcement officials arrested Wenzek in February 2009 when he entered the United States at Dulles airport outside of Washington, D.C., en route to a pet exposition in Orlando, Florida.

Read Full Article (Oct-13-2009 19:13)

New York Judges Fight New Investigation of 9/11

Group says the will of the voters is denied as Judges dismiss call for review of critical American incident.

(NEW YORK) - 911 Treason On October 8th, Justice Edward Lehner of the State Supreme Court, "rubberstamped Referee Louis Crespo’s recommendation that the decision to establish a local commission to investigate the events of September 11th not be put before the voters on November 3rd," reported.

"After showing interest in weighing both sides’ arguments in the hearing, the Judge’s short decision gives no indication of having considered the arguments put forth in the Petitioners’ memorandum of law."

Read Full Article (Oct-13-2009 14:06)

Surprise Awakening for Oregon City Apartment Dwellers (SLIDESHOW)

Jeep wakes up residents early by crashing into Oregon City apartment.‏

(OREGON CITY) - Jeep crashed into Clackamas, Ore. apartment 10-12-09 Residents of the Mountain View Apartment complex in Oregon City at 1840 Molalla Ave woke up early this morning at 3:26 a.m. to the sound of a Jeep that drove into the stairwell of one of the buildings.

No one was injured, but upper floor residents had to be assisted down their back balcony by Clackamas firefighters because of the destruction done by the Jeep to their stairs outside their front door. Oregon City Police were on scene and took the driver of the Jeep into custody.

Read Full Article (Oct-13-2009 13:43)

State Revokes Mortgage Broker License

"Oregon mortgage brokers should meet or exceed the ethical and legal standards for the industry" -David Tatman, administrator of the Division of Finance and Corporate Securities

(SALEM, Ore.) - Gavel In its ongoing effort to protect consumers from mortgage lending fraud, the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) has revoked the license of Tigard-based Pacific Rim Mortgage, Inc. and issued a cease-and-desist order against its owner, Victoria Bigham.

The order prohibits Bigham from working in the mortgage lending business as an owner, in a supervisory position, or as a loan originator for a mortgage broker.

Read Full Article (Oct-09-2009 01:13)

Has Uncle Sam Strayed? Is He Cheating on Us?

9/11 was not the first and it won't be the last.

(CINCINNATI, Ohio) - graphics uncle sam hat We make it easy for them. Lying to us is nothing. Our own government is a pack of philandering cheats, phony attacks, lying about wars, never a word of truth we can depend on. No matter what kind of outlandish thing they do, some "commission" covers it up.

We don't need any of their blue ribbon commissions, we need a good divorce lawyer.

Read Full Article (Oct-08-2009 10:33)

Oregon Law Enforcement Wins $31 Million in Federal Stimulus Grants

Oregon law enforcement coalition wins federal stimulus grant money for additional police officers, prosecutors and crime victims’ services.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon Attorney General John Kroger A new coalition of Oregon Attorney General John Kroger, district attorneys, sheriffs, police chiefs and victims’ advocates has won a total of $31 million in federal public safety grants from the federal government.

“Thanks to the work of the coalition, law enforcement in Oregon is in a better position to protect the public,” said Attorney General Kroger.

Read Full Article
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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
