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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Oct-07-2009 00:21)

Collective Cannabis Cultivation OK by California Supreme Court

ASA filed suit in May 2006 on behalf of David Williams, 56, and six other collective members in response to a warrantless search of his home by Butte County Sheriffs in 2005.

(SACRAMENTO) - California Supreme Court The right of California patients to collective cultivate medical marijuana, and then sue if that right is violated, has been affirmed by the California Supreme Court in another landmark legal victory for Americans for Safe Access.

The court last month refused to review an appellate court ruling that had found for the rights of a seven-patient collective in Paradise.

Read Full Article (Oct-06-2009 22:41)

Better Business Bureau Warns of Samoa Tsumani Scammers

Watch Out for Increased Scams Due to Natural Disasters.

(LAKE OSWEGO, Ore.) - Tsunami scam When natural disasters strike, con artists prey on those looking for details and hoping to help. BBB serving Alaska, Oregon, and Western Washington warns consumers that scams often circulate when natural disasters occur, such as tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes and floods.

Scammers were quick to respond to the tsunami that hit Samoa and surrounding islands on September 29.

Read Full Article (Oct-03-2009 01:43)

Are Right Wing Extremists Trying to Recruit Our Troops?

"We are in a battle for the hearts and minds of our own troops" - Direct quote from Oath Keepers

(CINCINNATI, Ohio) - Photo courtesy: A few months ago there was a controversy that got just as much a radical reception from the right-wing as the tea parties and Fox news coverage of the never ending Health Care debate.

The controversy I'm really talking about is when the Director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano was pressured by right-wing talk radio commentators and other conservative mouth pieces like the American Legion, to apologize to America's Veterans and Troops for something that actually is a real threat.

Read Full Article (Oct-02-2009 00:35)

Pot Goes Mainstream on NBC`s Today Show (VIDEO)

Studies indicate that 8 million American women smoked marijuana in the last year.

(LOS ANGELES) - Joanna Coles, and Dr. Julie Holland It was interesting to watch Matt Lauer have to be "cool" about marijuana in this week's NBC Today Show segment titled "Stiletto Stoners", which related a story of growing numbers of women who prefer pot as a wind down drug, that they see as far less harmful than alcohol or other substances.

Marie Claire editor-in-chief Joanna Coles, is one of many modern professional women who disagree with the somewhat common belief, that there is a large social stigma attached to smoking marijuana.

Read Full Article (Oct-01-2009 12:11)

The Criminal Behavior of G-20 Police in Pittsburgh

A disintegrating set of morals are allowing American cops to become the Gestapo and Stormtroopers of yesterday.

(SALEM, Ore.) - U.S. media outlets are writing about the new LRAD device used on demonstrators at the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh in a way that only brain-dead sold out scoundrels can.

Americans should be horrified by this new form of police abuse. I predict that it will ultimately be the last straw in a society that has too high of a threshold for this type of torture. The device disburses crowds by emitting a high decibel sound so painful that it causes people to freeze and try to run. Apparently they can not always do this.

Read Full Article (Sep-28-2009 10:38)

Frances Oldham Kelsey, PhD, MD An American Hero

Time to slow down and honor those who made a difference, before the big pharmaceutical companies had control.

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Today Dr. Kelsey is in her 90's and retired from the FDA. For those not familiar with the name Frances Oldham Kelsey, she became nationally famous in 1962 when she prevented the sedative drug Thalidomide from entering the United States. Thalidomide was found to have caused birth defects in 10,000 European children in the late 1950s and early 1960s. For preventing an American Thalidomide tragedy, Kelsey was awarded the government's highest civilian award, the President's Distinguished Federal Civilian Service Award.

Kelsey's civil service career began in August, 1960, when she became a medical officer for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). After one month on the job, Kelsey was asked to review what was expected to be a simple and routine marketing application for Thalidomide. Thalidomide, a sleep inducer, had been developed in West Germany in the 1950s, and was widely marketed in Europe; belief in its safety was so widespread that the drug was available without prescription.

Read Full Article (Sep-25-2009 00:06)

Medical Cannabis 201: Education for Federal Cannabis Cretins

I only hope that the NIDA cretins will read this article. They need to know how wrong they are!!

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - I am so disgusted with the Federal Employees of NIDA (National Institute of Drug Abuse) et cetera and their egregious lies and distortions about cannabis that I have contracted a case of REEFER MADNESS in both acute and chronic forms.

They themselves have not educated themselves beyond the movie that is truly pathetic, pitiful and harmful to patients.

Read Full Article (Sep-24-2009 15:37)

Salem as a Symbol of Criminality in Crimea

Simferopol, Ukraine is Salem, Oregon's sister city, and in the years after the fall of Communism, it was a wild and dangerous place.

(SEMFEROPOL, Ukraine) - Simferopol, Ukraine Probably, the habitats of Salem, Oregon will be surprised, knowing, that the name of their city for inhabitants of Simferopol and all of Crimea shows something connected with the organized criminality.

This history began at the end of late 1980's, when Simferopol signed an agreement with the Salem for establishment of communications and that two cities now will be sister-cities.

Read Full Article (Sep-21-2009 01:48)

Same Sex Marriage - Not

By trying to force religious people to recognize them, gay marriage proponents turned out to be as welcome as ants at a picnic.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - Same sex marriage I’m opposed to gay marriage and same-sex marriage but not for a standard reason.

Opponents of same-sex marriage, argue vehemently that marriage is between a man and a woman. This is true and has been for thousands of years. This is because marriage has been defined as a religious coupling.

I can empathize with those who have been raised in a faith which sanctifies marriage as between a man and a woman. Now you have gay people, about whom many religious people already have very negative feelings, trying to push their way into a religious sacrament.

Read Full Article (Sep-18-2009 02:34)

Record Harvest of Marijuana Seized by Crimean Militia

News from Simferopol, Ukraine, a sister city of Salem, Oregon: A record harvest of marijuana seized by the Crimean militia in Simferopol, Ukraine may amount to political posturing,

(SEMFEROPOL, Ukraine) - The new chief of the Crimean militia, Gennadiy Moskal, hasn't been in his position very long, but he is attracting attention on a regular basis. Moskal arrested his first assistant, Marina Chernova though Moskal is probably a bigger target for the future. Some speculate that is why president Yushchenko send him to Crimea.

He already arrested Simferopol's Gennadiy Babenko, his assistant Chernova, and now has a new show underway in the Crimea militia’s yard.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
