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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Aug-16-2010 03:33)

Missing Money and the Suspicious Jail Death of Robert Haws

"I know exactly where Robert got hurt, and it is the same place in the yard at the Marion Jail where all the attacks happen. The only place in the yard that gets the sun, which inmates really miss, is out of the camera's line of view." - Friend of deceased

(SALEM, Ore.) - Robert Haws The death of 29-year old Robert Haws, an inmate in the Marion County jail, on Tuesday, 13 July, involves significant information that was not revealed in our earlier report.

The incident leading to his mortal injury or injuries, reportedly involved Haws being injured by a single inmate in a fight.

Read Full Article (Aug-15-2010 00:25)

Thousands Head for Seattle`s Hempfest 2010 Honoring Jack Herer

"This one's for you, Jack!" The 19th Annual Seattle Hempfest is dedicated to the late hemp guru.

(SEATTLE, Wash.) - Seattle Hempfest 2010 Hippies and hempsters from high and low are coming together at the biggest hemp festival in the United States this weekend, August 21-22. The Seattle Hempfest celebrates its 19th year by remembering the late, great Jack Herer, a moniker of hemp events whose absence is greatly felt throughout the cannabis community.

For over forty years, Jack Herer, the Emperor of Hemp, shouted from the rooftops, "Hemp will save the world!" He spoke to advocates and critics alike, filling in the gaps created by propaganda and misinformation.

Read Full Article (Aug-14-2010 15:42)

Is there a `Peoples` Solution` to Wrongful Convictions in Oregon?

The shortest and quickest route to justice here is to demand that Governors exercise their Constitutional duties.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Wrongly convicted inmate Terrence Kimjble in Oregon All I can say is that there is already a "solution" to wrongful convictions, which is the authority of the Governor to pardon wrongfully convicted individuals, completely superseding the entire judiciary, even the Supreme Court of the U.S. (for State convictions, not for Federal).

Governors in general, and certainly in Oregon, have abdicated their Constitutional duties and responsibilities in this area.

Read Full Article (Aug-13-2010 23:51)

Memorial Tribute DVD Honors the Late, Great Jack Herer

"Emperor of Hemp" is narrated by Emmy winner Peter Coyote, with songs by Bonnie Raitt, Joe Walsh, Cheap Trick, The Rascals and Maroon5

(SALEM, Ore.) - Jack Herer Double J Films announces the release of the “Emperor of Hemp: Memorial Tribute Edition” DVD honoring the late great cannabis crusader Jack Herer, who died April 15, 2010.

The DVD includes a remastered “Emperor of Hemp,” regarded by many as the best marijuana documentary ever made; a 20-minute bonus feature containing never-before-seen interviews with Jack Herer, and “Hemp for Victory,” the 14-minute U.S. government-made newsreel promoting hemp farming during World War II.

Read Full Article (Aug-11-2010 22:27)

Who is More Guilty of Monumental War Crimes:
the Prime-Movers or Trigger Pullers?

The system is not only broken, it was crippled at birth.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Vanilla or Chocolate is merely the icing on the devil's cake! There is something inherently gone wrong in a nation when its brightest and most moral peoples become inexplicably limited in their conceptionalization of the social discourse, and their moral discourse.

But of course, even Noam Chomsky is afraid of the charge otherwise, of 'conspiracy theorist', for even he, as “arguably the most important intellectual alive”, prefers to assert that a monk in the Hindu Kush orchestrated 911.

Read Full Article (Aug-11-2010 21:59)

Detectives Seek Public Help in Kyron Horman Case

Investigators release new photos and requests.

(PORTLAND,Ore.) - Kyron Horman is a missing second-grader from Portland A press conference was held today to discuss the situation surrounding the disappearance of seven-year old Kyron Horman, a missing second grader from Portland who disappeared in early June.

Lt. Mary Lindstrand with the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office says law enforcement is seeking assistance from the public in several areas.

Read Full Article (Aug-11-2010 03:02)

One Border, Two Narratives

The issues of border security and violence will continue to be a live topic in El Paso this week.

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - Border Wall in Mexico One Border, Two Narratives As the US House of Representatives approved a $600 million border security bill August 10, polemics over the safety of the US-Mexico border intensified.

In language reminiscent of Iraq and Afghanistan, New Mexico Democratic Congressman Harry Teague praised the passage of the 2010 Emergency Border Security Supplemental Appropriation Bill (6080) as a concrete gesture of support for the first-term representative’s “border security surge.”

Read Full Article (Aug-10-2010 15:10)

Oregon Faith Leaders Urge a Public Accounting for Forced Experimentation on Human Subjects by CIA

‘Torture is a Moral Issue,’ Say Oregon Christian, Muslim and Jewish Leaders, Call on Sen. Wyden to Take Lead Role in Making Sure It Never Happens Again.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Torture is unAmerican More than 70 Oregon faith leaders today joined together, calling on Senator Wyden to help ensure that Congress not only investigates accountability for Bush-era torture, including new allegations of forced human experimentation on detainees, but also makes the findings public.

Senator Wyden has previously expressed his support for declassifying information on Bush-era interrogation practices.

Read Full Article (Aug-10-2010 12:22)

Nuclear Loan Guarantee/FOIA Lawsuit Filed - Obama Administration Sued for Hiding Details of $8.3 Billion Taxpayer-Backed Reactor

Illustrating the Validity of GAO Report Criticisms, U.S. Energy Department Stonewalls FOIA Request For Months After White House Announcement; One of Few Documents Released Was Censored 244 Times.

(ATLANTA, Ga.) - Barack Obama U.S. taxpayers are being denied timely access to information that could be used to assess the risk to their pocketbooks posed by the controversial $8.33 billion federal loan guarantee for two proposed nuclear reactors at Southern Company’s Plant Vogtle in Georgia.

This information, according to a lawsuit filed yesterday by the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE).

Read Full Article (Aug-10-2010 03:09)

Narcotic Maker Guilty of Deceit Over Marketing

"Into an endless grave I fall. Only God will understand, why I'm more than gone" - Deathalizer

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Photographs by Don Petersen for The New York Times From left, Howard R. Udell, the top lawyer for Purdue Pharma; Dr. Paul D. Goldenheim, the company’s former medical director; and Michael Friedman, Purdue’s former president.  Since the criminal prosecution in Federal Court of the three CEO's of Purdue Pharma in July 2007, anyone curious as to what these guys are doing with themselves these days?

It's not like they are hurting for money. After all, they made a fortune out of marketing a very dangerous drug called OxyContin as less likely to be addictive or abused resulting in scores of deaths and addictions throughout the U.S. and Canada.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley