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One Democratic State in Palestine

"The State shall not establish or accord special privilege to any religion and shall provide for the free practice of all religions."

(LONDON) - Free Palestine Living in a world dominated by relentless Zionist lobbying, I am far from being captivated by the current state of Western democracy. I am not impressed at all by the lethal enthusiasm to democratize the World in the name of ‘moral interventionism’.

I am sickened by the murderous zeal that led the USA and Britain into a criminal war that left already more than 1.5 million Iraqi fatalities….

Read Full Article (Aug-26-2010 07:03)

Bodies of 72 Migrants Discovered Near US Border

The crime is connected to the Zetas drug cartel; it is the worst in Mexico's history.

(MEXICO CITY / SALEM) - Survivor of attack that left 72 dead at a Mexican ranch Texas has the reputation as the place where 'Everything's Big", but when it comes to mass murders and piles of dead bodies, the XXL award certainly belongs to the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, where the bodies of 72 people were discovered this week.

'White drugs', particularly methamphetamine, can quickly alter a personality and the need to maintain a supply leads people to do terrible things. That is likely part of the puzzle in a grisly discovery of 58 male corpses and 14 female bodies, described as Central and South Americans, who were killed this week.

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2010 23:59)

9/11 Planners Confess on Network Television

For our friends who still don't get it.

(CINCINNATI ) - Pentagon 9/11 damage How can a nation like the United States be duped into two wars and total bankruptcy? It would be one thing if the “truth” about 9/11 was internet conspiracy theory. This isn’t the case. It was all right there in everyone’s living room.

They fooled us once and then fooled us again and again. Yes, America has some tail to kick but this time, maybe we should make sure our boot goes up the right rear end for a change.

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2010 15:56)

America`s Rotten and Corrupt Foundation

One of the ingredients of American Kool-Aid is the belief in the prescience of the Framers and the profundity of the Constitution they produced.

(CALGARY, Alberta) - American flag I call Americans in general People of the Kool-Aid. Kool-Aid was invented in Hastings, Nebraska in 1927 and production moved to Chicago in 1931. It was sold to General Foods in 1953 and is now one of the Kraft Food brands.

The cultural reference to drinking Kool-Aid refers to the Jonestown Massacre in Jonestown, Guyana where 907 people died of cyanide poisoning which had been put into a drink called Flavor Aid (not Kool Aid).

Read Full Article (Aug-24-2010 01:00)

Schneider Trial Aftermath

My, my, at Waterloo Napoleon did surrender Oh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar way" - (Lyrics to Abba song)

(WICHITA, Kansas) - Schneiders I had planned on writing an article on the sentencing of Dr. Stephen Schneider and his wife in the fall, but some interesting events occurred recently that caused me to change my mind.

For starters, federal prosecutors told a federal judge last week that Stephen and Linda Schneider should be made to forfeit more than $4.2 million in assets to help pay for their crimes. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Annette Gurney and Tanya Treadway filed a motion asking U.S. District Judge Monti Belot to award the government money the Schneiders illegally obtained.

Read Full Article (Aug-23-2010 16:19)

Saudi Arabia Urged Not to Deliberately Paralyze Man as Retribution Punishment

Saudi Arabia regularly sentences people to various forms of corporal punishment.

(TABUK, Saudi Arabia) - Flag of Saudi Arabia Amnesty International has urged the Saudi Arabian authorities not to deliberately paralyze a man in retribution for similar injuries he allegedly caused during a fight.

Reports say a court in Tabuk, in the north-west of the country, had approached a number of hospitals about the possibility of cutting the man’s spinal cord to carry out the punishment of qisas (retribution), as requested by the injured victim.

Read Full Article (Aug-21-2010 22:13)

Lebanon Puts Palestinians Underground to Keep Them From Phoning Home

The idea that Palestinian refugees in Lebanon should not be able to communicate with certain family members underscores the rootless existence to which they have been relegated by the Lebanese government

(BEIRUT, Lebanon) - Ein el Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp in Saida, Lebanon: One step up from underground. (Image from Earlier this year in Lebanon, I paid a visit to Roumieh prison outside Beirut to see a Palestinian friend who had ended up there thanks to a business endeavor involving a series of fake checks and a fake ambassador of Somalia.

My friend had additionally been suspected of false patriotism and had been removed from Roumieh last year for a weeklong interrogation session to determine if he was an Israeli spy.

Read Full Article (Aug-21-2010 18:49)

Purdue Pharma Markets Deadly Drugs Through Facebook

Might be a good time for the FDA to make Purdue Pharma "honest" and require the word "addictive" along with "abuse liability" on their OxyContin label.

(MYRTLE BEACH, Calif.) - Oxycodone - OC 60 As the FDA finalizes their "Opioid Recommendations" by 2011, Purdue Pharma is "marketing directly to consumers" in Facebook - a social networking website

Gary Ruskin, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Commercial Alert, was quoted in 2005 as saying "Direct-to-consumer marketing of prescription drugs should be prohibited...

Read Full Article (Aug-18-2010 19:04)

Marion County Begins Relocation of County Offices from Courthouse Square

The Public Works Planning relocation to the Silverton Road campus has been delayed by one day. All offices will reopen with full services, as planned, on Monday, August 23.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Marion County Courthouse Square Starting August 16, 2010, Marion County offices will begin the move from Courthouse Square to new temporary quarters.

"We are working at an accelerated pace to have all county offices moved by September 28," said county Chief Administrative Officer John Lattimer.

Read Full Article (Aug-16-2010 18:43)

Front Row of a Drug War

If current policies and trends continue, the Mexican refugee situation could become an issue for the United Nations.

(LAS CRUCES, NM) - Bodies in a Ciudad, Juarez morgue They could have been videos from the Middle East or Central Asia. But the images flashed to the crowd at Texas Congressman Silvestre Reyes’ annual border security conference at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) showed graphic scenes from the so-called narco war in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas.

After giving a content advisory, the presenter, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official Alonzo Pena, started the show.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley