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CCR Files for Class Certification in Stop-and-Frisk Lawsuit

News from the Constitutional Center for Human Rights.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Stop-and-Frisk Lawsuit Last week, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), Covington & Burlington, LLP, and Beldock, Levine & Hoffman, LLP filed a motion for class certification in Floyd, et al. v. City of New York, et al., a federal lawsuit filed against the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and the City of New York.

The suitt challenges the NYPD's practice of racial profiling and unconstitutional stop-and-frisks.

Read Full Article (Nov-14-2011 18:11)

The Bouncer

“The need to act immediately because of a higher degree of risk,” is a spurious argument that applies to all countries.

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Bouncer Here's a story to think about: A bouncer at a night club doesn't like the looks of one of the customers. What makes matter worse is that the customer is loud-mouthed and vilifying night club bouncers, saying that they are the ones who should be kicked out of the club.

The bouncer takes a night stick that he has for just such an occasion, walks over to the table where the noisy customer is ranting and raving.

Read Full Article (Nov-14-2011 15:16)

The bill to silence the like of us

The new bill seeks to prohibit the receipt of funds from governments and institutions abroad, which is an important source of income for Israeli peace and human rights organizations.

(TEL AVIV) - Gush Shalem The Funding Prohibition Bill is aimed at peace and human rights orgs. Foreign right-wing extremist millionaires are not touched:

Read Full Article (Nov-14-2011 13:59)

Palestine - What Next?

The Palestinian refugees and their descendants are an awesome tribute to the success of Zionist ethnic cleansing.

(LONDON) - Palestine kids In advance of the formal burial of the Palestinian Authority’s bid for state recognition at the UN, BBC Radio 4’s flagship Today programme was on the right track.

In his introduction to a quite revealing report, presenter John Humphrys said reporter Kevin Connolly had gone to Israel to find out “what hopes there are, if any, for the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

Read Full Article (Nov-14-2011 13:09)

Playground bullying of Palestine and Iran must stop...

Minister listens ...

(LONDON) - Palestine Last Friday I had a 2-hour meeting with my MP Henry Bellingham, who is a minister in the Foreign Office. We spent much of the time discussing the Palestinian statehood question and the absurd sabre-rattling against Iran.

Mr Bellingham listened politely, saying he was more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause than some within the Government. He also agreed that the best way to influence Iran was to resume trade.

Read Full Article (Nov-14-2011 12:38)

Introduction to the Israel Lobby

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad” Aldous Huxley Report from The Council for The National Interest

(MELBOURNE) - The American 'Foreign Policy' Household Book The Israel Lobby is one of the most powerful and pervasive special interest groups in the United States. It began its activities many decades ago and played a major role in the creation of Israel.

It consists of a multitude of institutions, many of them extremely well-funded, that work to influence Congress, the Presidency, academia, the media, religious institutions, and the American public on behalf of Israel. It also includes influential individuals.

Read Full Article (Nov-10-2011 17:42)

Is Britain about to betray the Palestinians again?

Russell Tribunal comes gunning for the international community.

(LONDON) - Russell Tribunal on Palestine Media reports suggest that Britain will again betray the Palestinian people in the UN vote on whether to recognize the Palestinian territories as an independent state.

The Guardian, newspaper, for example, that Britain will join forces with two other European Union allies on the Security Council, France and Portugal, to abstain. Germany, the third EU member of the council, is also likely to abstain.

Read Full Article (Nov-10-2011 14:05)

Twisters Non-stop

Another type of twister, a tornado," says Wikipedia "is a violent, dangerous, rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud."

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Twister Distorters have a cause to serve. Media has their owners and readers or viewers to satisfy. Rupert Murdoch outlets, like Fox News and News Corp pander to Murdoch's interests.

MSNBC yields to its liberal supporters, often critical of Fox and almost always opposed to Fox's political positions. If Fox News twists news and commentary to right wing politics, liberal media twist reporting to the left.

Read Full Article (Nov-09-2011 22:31)

Australian voters support Palestine

The poll also found that 63 percent of Australians do not support Israeli settlers building homes on occupied Palestinian land.

(MELBOURNE, Aust.) - Australia Three in five Australians believe the United Nations should now recognize Palestine as one of its member States according to a poll conducted by Roy Morgan Research Pty Ltd.

The results are part of an independent national poll done by the respected Roy Morgan Research company.

Read Full Article (Nov-08-2011 10:06)

`Occupy Boston` takes Israeli consulate

You did not see that on CNN or MSBNC or FOX ?

(MELBOURNE, Aust.) - Awakened Americans 'Occupy' America Nostradamus predicted the rise of a great movement starting somewhere in the mediteraneum that would shake the pillars of power in Europe.

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