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About Gaza articles Page 47

Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-08-2011 00:38)

A World United for Human Rights

“ … disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind …”
- (United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

(LAVERNE, Calif.) - United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Citizens no longer control their government; they are slaves to it.

Representatives no longer serve the citizen seeking their consent to govern, they are servants of the corporations and lobbies that control the economic system to which the citizen is enslaved. Presidents no longer lead, they are the obedient lackeys of their corporate overseers.

Read Full Article (Nov-08-2011 00:05)

Obama OKs Piracy and Brutality

"As a Palestinian, I was not surprised at how the IDF treated us" - Majd Kayal

(RICHMOND, R.I.) - Obama and Netanyahu Barack Obama failed to criticize the killing of 9 unarmed activists in International waters in 2010. This told Israel that it’s OK to attack unarmed boats in international waters and to kill peace activists – even including an American citizen, Furkan Dogan. (Had the attackers been Somalis they would have been labeled pirates and hunted down by U.S. forces.)

So on Nov. 4, 2011 Israel again violently attacked unarmed boats trying to get to Gaza.

Read Full Article (Nov-07-2011 04:01)

Dreams of Democracy

"Democracy is only a dream: it should be put in the same category as Arcadia, Santa Claus, and Heaven." --H. L. Mencken

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Dreams of Democracy Leno asks questions that anyone with a rudimentary knowledge should be able to answer. The extent of the ignorance of the average public is perfect for a comedian, but disastrous for a democracy.

Returning to the voices for democracy, Arab protesters often don't know what it entails other than a constitution, a vote and representative voices in a parliament or congress.

Read Full Article (Nov-06-2011 14:23)

I write to you from cell 9, of the Apartheid State of Israel

Anishnabe-debuewin, restons humaine, stay human, in love and struggle...

(TEL AVIV) - Israeli prison A group of 21 activists who tried to sail to Gaza in breach of an Israeli blockade of the territory remain in Israeli custody, pending legal proceedings, the interior ministry said on Sunday.

Read Full Article (Nov-06-2011 00:52)

Call-Out for Solidarity with Egypt: Defend the Revolution

A letter from Cairo to the Occupy movements & other solidarity movements.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Occupy Tahrir square, February 2011 After three decades under a dictatorship, Egyptians started a revolution demanding bread, freedom and social justice.

After a nearly utopian occupation of Tahrir Square lasting eighteen days, we rid ourselves of Mubarak and began the second, harder, task of removing his apparatuses of power. Mubarak is gone, but the military regime lives on.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2011 23:42)

What Did the Children Learn in School Today?

A commonality of purpose ties Israel to two major influences in American society, the military/industrial complex and the Israel Lobby.

(CHICAGO) - Pete Seger Those are sentiments that drive every nation state as it seeks to shape the thinking of its children. Some states have long histories from which to develop those sentiments.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2011 17:04)

Freedom Waves to Gaza Boarded by Israeli Military

The Israeli military reported that the navy has been ordered by IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz to board the ships after “attempts to contact them failed.”

(GAZA CITY) - Gaza flotilla Canadian and Irish ships sailing with Freedom Waves to Gaza have been illegally boarded by the Israeli military in international waters a short while ago.

The Israeli military stated that “Upon arrival of the vessels at the Ashdod port, the activists will be transferred to the custody of the Israel Police and immigration authorities in the Ministry of Interior”.

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2011 13:01)

Targeting Iran: World War III and The Chain of Obedience

“The World is at dangerous crossroads” “The holding of mass demonstrations and antiwar protests is not enough”

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - WWIII The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the World simultaneously.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2011 11:06)

Boats to Gaza Stopped by Israeli Warships

UPDATE: - The IDF have taken the boats bound for Gaza Now is the time to act. Call the State Department and the White House and tell them to press the Israelis to ensure the safety of those aboard the two ships!

(MEDITERRANEAN SEA) - Gaza flotilla ships At 7:43 am (east coast time) ground support crew lost contact with two ships, the Saoirse of Ireland and the Tahrir of Canada, carrying 27 civilian passengers, medical supplies and letters of support for the people of Gaza. On board the Tahrir is one American, Kit Kittredge.

At 7:30 am the Tahrir was interrogated, via radio, by the Israeli Navy.

Read Full Article (Nov-03-2011 21:30)

Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth Weakling or Warrior?
An Analysis of Mahfouz`s Akhenaten

The real (and intrinsic) question... whose religion is right?

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Dweller in Truth A Novel Meriamun is a man on a quest: he wishes to understand the mysterious circumstances of Pharaoh Akhenaten’s rule in the days of his father in the eleventh century, B.C.(2)

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
