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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Dec-03-2011 04:11)

Reflections of the Iraq War

It's a war where nationalism drove an aggressive U.S. to mirror the behavior it supposedly believed Iraq was 'capable' of committing.

(SALEM) - View from a U.S. soldier's sunglasses For many the war in Iraq will never end, and for their sake everyone should understand as much as possible about this military operation that claimed far more lives than western media sources accurately reveal.

There is right and there is wrong and there is popular opinion. U.S. politicians with few exceptions, follow that third option.

Read Full Article (Nov-28-2011 00:08)

What We Have Here Is A `Flagrantly Undemocratic Situation`

There are two population groups in one region, one of which possesses all the rights and protections, while the other is deprived of rights and is ruled by the first group. This is a flagrantly undemocratic situation.

(CHICAGO) - AP Photo by Sebastian Scheiner. The picture is from In the words of Ha’aretz publisher Amos Schochken, Gush Emunim has seized control of power in Israel and driven the state into a “flagrantly undemocratic situation.”

How was it possible for this much power to be seized by “a right-wing ultranationalist, religio-political revitalization movement”, as it is described in Israel: A Country Study?

Read Full Article (Nov-27-2011 22:48)

Something`s Rotten in the Heart of Western Governments

Beware politicians cloaked in the American flag or diplomats sporting Union Jack kippahs…

(LONDON) - When Marcellus, in Shakespeare's Hamlet, famously says, "Something's rotten in the state of Denmark", he means that the body politic is rotting from the top down and the corruption stinks to high heaven.

410 years later the Bard's words are especially applicable to the so-called political élite of the Western world. The stench of their corruption is assailing the nostrils of more and more people and causing mass nausea.

Read Full Article (Nov-27-2011 13:47)

Noam Chomsky - 7th Annual Edward Said Memorial Lecture: Unpeople

Before his death in 2003, Professor Said was seen as one of the leading literary critics of the 20th century, and described by many as an ‘Intellectual Superstar’ in the United States.

(MELBOURNE, Aust.) - Noam Chomsky The ESML is AFOPA’s showpiece event. This year’s guest speaker, Noam Chomsky, is a world renowned linguist, philosopher, and human rights activist.

The Edward Said Memorial Lecutre organisers, the University of Adelaide and the Australian Friends of Palestine Association (AFOPA), celebrate Chomsky’s recognition as a recipient of the 2011 Sydney Peace Prize.

Read Full Article (Nov-24-2011 13:51)

The Arab Spring - hello or goodbye to democracy?

Netanyahu blasted Israeli and world politicians who support the demands for change in the Arab world.

(LONDON) - Mohamed Hussein Tantawi Israeli democracy fades to black (the black of the blank screen at the end of a film). That was the headline over a recent article by Lawrence Davidson, an American professor of Middle East history.

He says the suppression of the democratic rights of non-Jews in Israel is coming full circle with PM Netanyahu’s Likudniks & settlers targeting the rights of Jews.

Read Full Article (Nov-20-2011 19:44)

Hope not Hate? Truth not Lies more likely!

Rather than deny the Holocaust, I actually want to strip from it, its primacy and to turn it into a universal and ethical message.

(LONDON) - Wandering Who This weekend, Bradford TUC joined the Israeli lobby’s attempt to silence me. This sort of thing is no surprise since my book ‘The Wandering Who’ exposes the devastating continuum between Israel, Diaspora Sayanim, Anti-Zionist Zionists (AZZ) and the influential and varied communities of Shabbos Goyim.

Is it a coincidence that Paul Meszaros and some of his fellow unionists got very busy indeed doing the Zionists’ bidding?

Read Full Article (Nov-19-2011 19:47)

A Must-do Menu

The time is past due to use protest movements and social networks to educate the public. If you have a different “must-do menu” do it! Start now!

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Must do I'm writing this for people who will never read it without prompting: members of working families who relax by watching TV after a long work day and after they put the children to bed.

People without spouses and children, including students, don't often read articles like this either.

Read Full Article (Nov-18-2011 03:30)

Wahhabis weave web of plot in Syria

There are times when you marvel at how events happening in one place are twisted to the benefit of one group and to the loss of another.

(TEHRAN) - Death in Syria In an unprecedented move, the Arab league decided to suspend Syria and call for sanctions on the country, an act which evidently reeks of the influence the West and others exercise on those who should be the main game players rather than being merely influenced by others. What a shame!

It is not difficult to conjecture that the move is a prelude to a US-led military invasion of Syrian in the style of Libya war and an eventual war in the region.

Read Full Article (Nov-17-2011 15:41)

Apologise? Hell no...

Let’s demonise Iran!

(LONDON) - Targeting Iran When new recruits join British Petroleum (BP) they are fed romantic tales about how the company came into being.

William Knox D'Arcy, a Devon man, studied law and, after emigrating to Australia, made a fortune from the Mount Morgan gold-mining operations in the 1880s. Returning to England he agreed to fund a search for oil and minerals in Persia and negotiations with the Mozaffar al-Din Shah Qajar began in 1901.

Read Full Article (Nov-17-2011 03:18)

The Actual Victims Toll of 9/11

“Saddam never had any weapons of mass destruction but nevertheless, with the American invasion of Iraq, the Iraqis were destined to experience what it really meant to be bombarded with such weapons.”

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - New Yorkers dumbstruck by the mysterious collapse of the towers on 9/11 It is still one of my most vivid memories ever, as I’m sure it is for many others. …

The planes crashing into the towers, the hysteria and the blunders of the mainstream media, the initial silence and ineptness of the white house, and people all over the world glued to their TVs as they watched in amazement the towers of the world trade center collapse like a house of cards on September, 9, 2001.

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