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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-03-2011 20:23)

Glenn Beck Promotes Freedom of Palestine - Cites Israel`s Human Rights Abuse

Beck promotes new 'Free Palestine' video; discusses "End of Israel".

(SALEM, Ore.) - Beckestine Glenn Beck is promoting the new song, Freedom for Palestine before it has even been released. The song by a gathering of artists, in Beck's words, "Calls for the West Bank security barrier to be toppled, it calls for human rights and justice for all."

The talk show host added that the song is, "truly amazing".

Read Full Article (Jun-03-2011 15:40)

Revisiting The Gates Of Rafah

Whatever the forces behind the apparent back tracking, the people of Palestine are, yet again, held hostage to politics not of their making.

(WINDSOR, N.H.) - Rafah gate Last weekend, the interim Egyptian military government opened the border gates at Rafah a little wider allowing greatly improved entrance and exit for the people of Gaza.

For the past several years, Palestinians wishing to go to school or obtain medical care unavailable in Gaza have been out of luck.

Read Full Article (May-26-2011 07:47)

Libya`s Revolution and the Open Air Market

Like the worst plot lines of a thousand Hollywood “B” war flicks all crunched together on a single reel and running on fast forward.

(WINDSOR, N.H.) - Libya protests When Libya announced its “revolution” I was excited.

Not only would this nation join in the Arab Spring, further promoting the fervor for freedom in that region, it signaled a coming end to the reign of one of the world's most schizophrenic despots and a possible end to the stranglehold plans of the oil elite.

Read Full Article (May-18-2011 19:32)

To Gaza with Love

Teachers, students, retirees, everyone: end a personal letter to the people of Gaza.

(NEW YORK) - To Gaza with Love The U.S. Boat to Gaza Campaign is collecting thousands of personal letters to the people of Gaza from people like you in the U.S., in an act of friendship and solidarity.

These letters will be carried as our cargo on the U.S. Boat to Gaza when it sets sail in June 2011 in the next International Freedom Flotilla Stay Human.

Read Full Article (May-16-2011 14:32)

Israel Attacks Humanitarian Ship to Gaza in International Waters

Israeli naval forces fired warning shots at a Malaysian ship carrying aid to Gaza as it approached the shore, forcing it to withdraw to Egyptian waters.

(PIRAEUS, Greece Global Research) - The Rachel Corrie Global Research has been in contact with the Spirit of Rachel Corrie, a Malaysian ship carrying a humanitarian aid cargo to Gaza.

There are non reported injuries, but the ship has been attacked in international waters by Israel.

Read Full Article (May-15-2011 15:34)

Demand the Release of Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh and Others

The Professor will be released tomorrow, according to reports.

(SALEM / BETHLEHEM) - Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh Israeli soldiers arrested writer Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh, a professor who has instructed at both Duke and Yale, during a peaceful nonviolent civil disobedient march toward the Green Line in Al Walaja.

His violent arrest was caught on tapes as he was just at the scene peacefully.

Read Full Article (May-10-2011 17:54)

Stop Killing Rwandans or Resign: RNC Tells President Kagame

Calls upon the USA and the UK to support peaceful and democratic reforms in Rwanda.

(KIGALI, Rwanda) - Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa In a not so rare confession of intent to commit murder, the Rwanda Patriotic Front-owned The New Times published an article stating:

“You can run. You can hide. But you won’t escape. Osama bin Laden learnt the lesson of this simple truth”. In short, Kagame is telling Rwandans, “accept my rule and keep quiet, or else I will kill you, as I have killed many others...”

Read Full Article (May-10-2011 15:18)

U.S. Support for Brutal Dictators is a Source of Frustration in the Middle East: Anthony DiMaggio

Interview explores developments in the Middle East, popular uprisings, and the impacts on the political future of the US and Israel.

(TEHRAN) - Salem-News Writer Kourosh Ziabari and Prof. Anthony DiMaggio Anthony DiMaggio is a university professor, writer, political commentator and media expert.

He is the author of numerous books, including Mass Media, Mass Propaganda (2008), When Media Goes to War (2010), and Crashing the Tea Party (2011).

Read Full Article (May-07-2011 16:09)

I Have a Dream

Shouldn't everyone have a chance to reach theirs?

(LONDON) - Child in Gaza No human beings should ever be exposed to military and political violence.

The idea of children bearing witness to man's hardest and cruelest side is unbearable as a thought.

Read Full Article (May-01-2011 17:39)

The Dos and Don`ts of Palestine - A Poem

This poem is by Remi Kanazi; a Palestinian-American poet, writer, and activist.

(NEW YORK) - Gaza: looks just like a Southern California beach... The audacity of Israel's Operation Cast Lead on the civilian population of Gaza is one of the darkest moments in the history of Israel.

The toll from what those on the ground called an obscene attack on families, included the deaths of over 400 children and Israel without any question, used weapons that are highly illegal under international treaty. These included white phosphorus and depleted uranium (DU).

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
