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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Oct-20-2011 12:13)

OWS, The Second American Revolution and Mr. Jones

Too long has The Peace Process been bogged down in a tragic effort to live in monologue rather than dialogue.

(NEW YORK CITY) - Occupy Portland On September 17th the people-powered Occupy Wall Street/OWS movement began in Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District, and has spread to over 100 cities in the United States with actions in over 1,500 cities globally.

Inspired by the people powered uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, the OWS movement has exposed how the richest 1% of people write the rules and control the global economy.

Read Full Article (Oct-20-2011 10:56)

Video - Death of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi

He did not go out silently, and Gaddafi's last words to a fellow Libyan were, "What did I do to you?"

(SALEM, Ore.) - Col. Gaddafi being dragged off to his death in the bands of so-called rebel fighters, who are financed by NATO. Thugs tortured and publicly brutalized the leader of Libya before killing him, in an absolutely show of barbarity committed in the name of the United States, NATO and western interests.

The ruler of Libya for more than 42 years, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is dead. He was tracked down to a drainage ditch and pulled out before being beaten and bloodied, and then executed with guns by 'rebel' fighters who have been working with NATO to bring an end to this Libyan leader's national rule.

Read Full Article (Oct-20-2011 01:16)

In Today`s World: Benedict Arnold Would Get a `Medal of Freedom`

Do we need a new definition of treason?

(CINCINNATI ) - Warning: Obscene Photo Let’s start by telling a story. Britain has a law called the Nuclear Explosions Act. Basically, it says that anyone knows about a nuclear explosion somewhere, about how it was caused or had some part in it, goes to jail for a bit over 30 days, and if they can’t prove they are “innocent,” the 30 days becomes a lifetime.

Few know of this law or why it exists. One British prime minister faced a secret hearing, one in which he was accused of violating this law.

Read Full Article (Oct-19-2011 09:36)

First Freed Palestinians Welcomed Home in Prisoner Swap (VIDEO)

Photos and video of celebration direct from Palestine.

(SALEM / GAZA) - Gaza prisoner release The biggest party in the world took place in Palestine yesterday, and it does not look to be over very soon. Some report up to a million people gathered for the huge welcome home celebration of 477 Palestinians released from Israeli prisons.

It was the first of part of the two-phase event that will bring a total of 1027 Palestinians out from behind bars, a deal that Hamas reached with Israel in exchange for Gilad Shalit.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2011 21:41)

The Revolution of 2011?

What we see today with the protests now happening around the globe is a clash between populist, progressive values, and the regressive, elitist values of the corporate class and their flunkies.

(GOLD RIVER B.C.) - Revolution 2011 The year 1848 is noted for the revolutions that swept across much of Europe. Historians in the future may write of the revolutions of 2011.

What started as a popular revolt in Tunisia in late 2010 and spread throughout the Arab world has now gone world wide as people gather everywhere to protest the current order.

Read Full Article (Oct-18-2011 15:36)

Small Businesses Join Forces with Occupy Wall Street

Main Street business owners: “We are the 99%, too”.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Main Street Alliance As the momentum of the Occupy Wall Street movement continues to grow, with hundreds of demonstrations across the U.S. over the weekend, a new voice is entering the debate in support of the 99% movement: Main Street small business owners.

The Main Street Alliance released the following statements today from small business owners from coast to coast explaining their support for Occupy Wall Street.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2011 21:40)

Marine Takes on 30 New York Cops at Occupy Wall Street and Backs them Down

Thomas is a 24-year-old Marine Veteran who served 2 tours in Iraq. Fiery, loud and determined, he currently plays amateur football and is in college.

(NEW YORK CITY) - United States Marine Corps. Sgt. Shamar Thomas "How tough are you? There's no honor in hurting unarmed civilians," the Marine screamed at New York Police who are accused of injuring protesters in increasing, needless acts of violence.

United States Marine Corps. Sgt. Shamar Thomas from Roosevelt, N.Y. said, "I saw them beating people, people who had nothing to do with anything, just grabbing people out of the crowds, there's no honor in that."

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2011 20:11)

The Rwanda Peoples Party: Statement of Facts

Rwanda People’s Party (RPP) is a political party with a fully flagged political programme, policy and procedures that was born out of the Rwanda National Liberation Movement (1986-2004) in May 2010.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Rwanda People's Party The oppositional climate of Rwandan Politics is an ever changing situation. There are many of these groups in exile and as they continue the struggle for peace and political and press freedoms within Rwanda they also facing mounting challenges and numerous vocal critics.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2011 19:05)

Why Wall Street Hates Obama

Bankster Election Cash Flows to Perry and Cain.

(CINCINNATI) - For millions of Americans and others around the world, President Obama has been an enigma. One person was elected and another took office, or so it seems. How do you know? The news tells you, news we all know is controlled by Wall Street Corporations or worse, the Murdoch empire.

Worse still are the “think tanks” and phony groups funded by the Koch Brothers, the oil billionaires to bought the Tea Party and are now running “Mr. Bunkum,” Herman Cain for president, a man who makes Michelle Bachmann seem stable.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2011 04:29)

No Tears for Warmonger Fox

Dangerous beliefs and connections to the political underworld made him unemployable as a British minister/

(LONDON) - Dr. Liam Fox Britain’s defence secretary Dr Liam Fox decided to jump rather than be thrown from the battlements.

While we wait – not holding our breath of course - for the Cabinet Secretary's final report on the peculiar relationship between Fox and his special friend Adam Werrity, it's worth checking what the Ministerial Code - the 'Bible' Fox failed to lived by - actually expected of him.

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