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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Oct-30-2011 11:05)

Modest Proposal For Occupy Wall Street

What if at every campaign stop, a political candidate was confronted by Occupy Wall Street members demanding what the candidate was going to do about reigning in Wall Street and about America's income inequities?

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Wall Street has come to symbolize corporate greed. But the fat cats of Wall Street are not going to change their greedy ways. Why should they?

They have had their way for far too long. And corporate executives don't embarrass easily. Clearly, government action is needed.

Read Full Article (Oct-29-2011 20:49)

WATCH LIVE RESPONSE - Occupy Denver Holds Their Ground

There are unconfirmed reports that 2 DPD officers have handed in their badges in objection to the raid of the Occupation.

(DENVER, Co.) - An officer pointing a weapon at a photographer earlier in the day Occupy Denver reports that at 7:30 p.m. toniht, Denver Riot Police begin to move in and request the remaining protesters clear Civic Center Park. The protesters say they reminded officers that they have until 11:00 p.m. to be there and hold their ground.

Protesters chanted a reminder that they are non-violent and request that the DPD remain non-violent as well. They continued to hold their ground as garbage trucks rolled off with the remnants of the camp.

Read Full Article (Oct-28-2011 13:47)

Goldman Bullies Teeny Credit Union that #OccupyWallStreet Uses

Low grade thuggish behavior over a mere $5,000 illustrates how deeply narcissistic Wall Street has become.

(NEW YORK CITY) - Goldman Sachs I suppose there is no point in being part of the 1% unless you can throw your weight around.

Greg Palast writes in the Guardian of how Goldman took a wee bit of revenge on Occupy Wall Street via the itty bitty credit union ($30 million in assets) that OWS chose for its bank account, Peoples Bank. Peoples has “a unique Federal charter”.

Read Full Article (Oct-28-2011 03:52)

Oakland Mayor Takes Responsibility for Police Violence

Two in one deal from Quan: she apologizes to Marine's family, then says Oakland won't support demonstration's right to 24-hour access.

(OAKLAND, Calif.) - A shrine for Scott Olsen's recovery after being shot in the head by OPD. Two tours in Iraq as a Marine and he gets shot down in his own land The news yesterday was tough; a two-tour Iraq Marine Corps Veteran named Scott Olsen was shot in the head by police at Occupy Oakland, it still isn't clear what they got him with, but it fractured the veteran's skull and left him crumpled in the street.

Others moved forward screaming "medic medic" just like something straight out of Iraq...

Read Full Article (Oct-26-2011 23:49)

Did US Drone Attack Gaddafi Convoy After Negotiated `White Flag` Truce?

Sources say Gaddafi was under a “White Flag” truce and that he was sodomized by rebels before he was shot.

(BANGKOK Asian Tribune) - Hillary Clinton Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi was traveling under a negotiated “White Flag” truce last Thursday in an agreement to leave Libya.

More claims from sources inside Misrata, Libya that the Libyan National Transitional Council did in fact agree to allow Gaddafi and his convoy safe passage out of Libya.

Read Full Article (Oct-26-2011 23:48)

Oakland Cops Shoot Two-Tour Marine Iraq Vet in the Head

Hey Americans... the cops in Oakland are calling your bluff.

(OAKLAND, Calif.) - Marine Scott Olsen shot by police Third Battalion Fourth Marines took another casualty this week, but it wasn't in Helmand province, or Anbar; it was in the streets of Oakland. The city's police, itching for a fight, shot Corporal Scott Olsen, a two-tour Iraq Marine Veteran, in the head.

Read Full Article (Oct-26-2011 04:41)

Has President Obama become a joke?

I am also wondering if Obama has any real grasp of the fact that largely because of his support for Israel right or wrong, America is becoming as isolated in the world as it is.

(LONDON) - Obama Last Saturday in his radio address to his own people and over the internet to those around the world who still think he is worth listening to, President Obama said, “This week we had two powerful reminders of how we've renewed American leadership in the world.”

That made me wonder which of the two d’s should be applied to him - duplicitous or deluded...

Read Full Article (Oct-26-2011 04:15)

As OWS Grows, Renewed Effort to Expose Corporate Takeover of Elections Launched

We The People Releases Groundbreaking Investigative Stories with Katrina vanden Heuvel, Jim Hightower and Jay Harris.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Occupy Wall Street As the Occupy Wall Street movement grows into an international pushback against a runaway corporate takeover, the We the People Campaign has partnered with high-profile advocacy organizations and media outlets across the country to call attention to the dramatically increased role of corporate money in elections.

The effort is led by Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation; Jim Hightower, the Texas populist and former Texas Agriculture Commissioner; and former Mother Jones publisher Jay Harris.

Read Full Article (Oct-25-2011 12:50)

Libya Dispatch: Revulsion, resistance & angry words from Tripoli University

"We are very angry but not really surprised by what Sanad did. He’s a stupid guy"

(TRIPOLI UNIVERSITY) - The fight in Libya. The people I had hoped most to be able to find upon returning to Libya were eight students from Fatah University (now renamed Tripoli University) who became my friends during three months in Libya this summer.

Read Full Article (Oct-24-2011 22:27)

Gaddafi, Settler Occupation and Sitting Bull

Gaddafi died much like Sitting Bull died in the era after the Seventh Cavalry got their revenge at Wounded Knee for its defeat at Little Big Horn.

(LETHBRIDGE, Alberta) - Israeli Jewish settler and Libyan Col. Muammar Gaddafi As I see it the failure of most US citizens to come to terms with their own country's origins holds the key to their ongoing collective inability to appreciate the full horror of the oppressive dynamics governing their formal and informal empires.

It holds an important key to their conceptual limitations in understanding their own extended worldwide system of "reservations" where the wretched of the earth are caged in captive penury through brutal proxy regimes of indirect rule.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
