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Salem-Keizer High School Graduations Coming Soon

(SALEM) - Here is the list of Salem-Keizer high school graduation dates and times. congratulates and wishes the class of 2006 all the best!

McKay Royal Scots – June 9th, at 8:00 PM, at the Oregon State Fair Pavilion

McNary Celtics – June 9th at 5:30 PM at the Oregon State Fair Pavilion

North Salem Vikings – June 9th at 8:00 PM at the Salem Armory

Read Full Article (May-31-2006 17:02)

S-K School District Contract Offer Covers Increase in Teacher Insurance Costs

The district says licensed insurance rates for the 2006-07 school year show an overall increase in costs of 5.9%

(SALEM) - Salem Keizer Public School logo Insurance rates for 2006-07 for Salem-Keizer School District licensed staff are set to increase by an overall 5.9% an increase that will be almost totally covered by the district`s offer to raise its insurance contribution from the current $795 to $845 per month.

Read Full Article (May-26-2006 15:35)

Volcanoes Baseball And Public Safety Coordinating Council to Recognize Community Meth Successes

The event is geared towards families, with free T-shirts for children and interactive displays to educate and entertain attendees.

(SALEM) - Closed Meth house Partnering with Volcanoes Baseball, the Marion County Public Safety Coordinating Council is organizing the first annual "Striking Out Meth In Marion County" event to be held on July 14th at 6:00 PM at the Volcanoes Stadium in Keizer.

Read Full Article (May-16-2006 17:24)

Local Students to be Honored For Turning Their Lives Around

(SALEM) - A scene from the 2005 awards event A student from each middle and high school in Salem and Keizer will be honored with a Turnaround Achievement Award at 11:30 AM on Wednesday, May 24th at Willamette Lutheran Homes, 7693 Wheatland Road, in Keizer.

The award is given to students who have made a significant effort to turn their lives around and get back on track to success.

The award was created more than twelve years ago by Don and Ann Lebold, owners of Town and Country Lanes in Keizer and business partners with Salem-Keizer, as a way to recognize and encourage students to continue to seek life's positive rewards.

Read Full Article (May-14-2006 12:44)

Keizer Fire District Hosting EMS Open House

(KEIZER) - The Keizer Fire District is hosting their annual EMS open house on Monday from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.

The event will include the landing of a LifeFlight helicopter, free blood pressure check, see the Capitol Auto Group`s racing dragster, and a bicycle obstacle course.

Visitors can also checkout district fire engines and ambulances.

Demonstrations will include the safe installation of child car seats, and exhibitors will include the Marion County Sheriff`s Marine Patrol...

Read Full Article (May-08-2006 21:56)

Keizer Police Announce Closures for Upcoming Iris Parade

(KEIZER) - Keizer Iris Parade The Keizer Police Department will close River Road on Saturday, May 20th for the 56th annual Iris Parade.

Beginning at 9:00 AM, River Road will be closed from Lockhaven Drive to Plymouth Drive. Traffic north of the street closure will be diverted to eastbound Lockhaven Drive. Traffic south of the street closure will be diverted to Cherry Avenue via Plymouth Drive.

Read Full Article (May-02-2006 21:35)

Make Plans Now to Attend Keizer Firefighters Association Annual Mothers Day Breakfast

Give Mom the morning off and join the Firefighters of the Keizer Fire District for breakfast on this very special day.

(KEIZER) - Keizer fire district logo The Keizer Volunteer Firefighters Association will hold its annual Mothers Day Breakfast on Sunday May 14th, at the Keizer Fire Station, 661 Chemawa Rd. NE in Keizer.

Hours of the breakfast are 7:30 AM to 11:30 AM.

The menu includes all of the pancakes, eggs, and ham you can eat. Milk and coffee also will be served.

Read Full Article (May-01-2006 23:49)

SPECIAL SERIES: Record High Gas Prices Taking It`s Toll on Salem-Keizer Residents, Businesses

With the average price in the Salem-area now at a record high $2.86.1, more and more state and federal legislative leaders say they are troubled by the rising gas prices and the affect it is having on local families and businesses. is the ONLY Salem-area news Web site tracking daily prices locally in Salem-Keizer, Silverton, Stayton, Lincoln City, and Dallas, as well as statewide.

(SALEM) - person fueling car With gas prices in the mid-valley nearing three dollars a gallon, or in some cases surpassing three dollars a gallon, federal, local and state leaders say they are trying to put an end to the rising fuel prices, and they say the effect it will have, not only now, but in the long-term, will be huge on both the state and local economies.

Oregon Democratic U.S. Representative Darlene Hooley said she is working with her colleagues in Congress to protect consumers from price gouging and to make certain that big oil companies are not given a free ride on the back of American taxpayers.

Read Full Article (Apr-27-2006 18:08)

Safety Town and Cautious Kids Program Registration Begin Monday

(SALEM) - A kids safety town set up in the state of Kentucky Registration for the Salem-Keizer School Districts popular summer safety programs begins Monday.

Two different programs are offered: Safety Town and Cautious Kids.

Safety Town, for ages 4 and 5, is an eight-day program covering the major areas of early safety education.

It features a miniature town, complete with streets, intersections, crosswalks and buildings.

Read Full Article (Apr-26-2006 22:54)

Analysis Finds Salem-Keizer is Lowest Spending District on Central Administration

The analysis also found that Salem-Keizer is at or above average in spending on instructional and support services to students.

(SALEM) - Salem-Keizer students at Leslie Middle School A recent analysis of school districts around the State found that Salem-Keizer was the lowest spending school district on central administration in 2004-05 when compared to Oregon districts with 6,500 or more students.

This independent analysis conducted by Clem Lausberg, Ph'D, looked at expenditures of school districts in Oregon by using information from the Oregon Department of Education Data Base Initiative.

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