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Oakland Museum of Children`s Art Shuts Down Palestinian Children`s Exhibit

Unfortunately, this disturbing incident is just one example of many across the nation in which certain groups have successfully silenced the Palestinian perspective.

(BERKELEY, Calif.) - Gaza Children't art The Museum of Children’s Art in Oakland (MOCHA) has decided to cancel an exhibit of art by Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip.

The Middle East Children’s Alliance, which was partnering with MOCHA to present the exhibit, was informed of the decision by the Museum’s board president on Thursday, September 8, 2011.

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2011 21:12)

Egyptians Break Down Wall Around the Israeli Embassy

“A security wall erected around the Israeli embassy, a strong reminder of the West Bank barrier, was totally unacceptable in Cairo.”

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - The West Bank wall Last week, in the wake of public anger over the killing of five Egyptian police officers and soldiers at the borders with Israel who were reported caught up in the crossfire while the Israeli forces were hunting down a group of infiltrators who carried out the Eilat ambush, Cairo witnessed yet another week of popular rage.

The ensuing Egyptian anger targeted the Israeli embassy as thousands of protesters rallied around the embassy for almost a week calling for the expulsion of the ambassador and the whole diplomatic mission.

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2011 20:57)

Testimony: Witnessing the Transition to fear in Tripoli

As the sounds of tanks and firefights and the smell of death that filled the air grew more and more distant, I remembered the peaceful, welcoming and safe city I had driven into.

(TRIPOLI Voltaire) - Lizzie Phelan Evacuated by the ICRC from the Rixos hotel where she had been blocked for five days, Lizzie Phelan offers her first impressions after the fall of Tripoli. Danger, death and fear reign have engulfed the capital of the "New Libya", while NATO and its collaborators are peacocking around.

With her collegues from Telesur, Russia Today, the Centre for Research on Globalization and Voltaire Network, Lizzie Phelan (PressTV) is one of the few journalists to have taken the risk of providing a factual account of the situation in Libya.

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2011 20:38)

Egyptians Stormed Israeli Embassy, Other Nations Should Do The Same

There is no room for racist ethnic cleanser Israel amongst the nations.

(LONDON) - Egypti Egyptians victorious attack on Israeli embassy in Cairo last night leads to a dramatic decision: Israeli Air Force plane returns ambassador, members of diplomatic staff and their families to Israel.

And I wonder, how long will it take before Americans, Brits, Germans, Indians, French, Chinese, Argentinians and others do the same.

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2011 19:30)

Pro-Israeli Group Calls Pro-American Veterans Group Extremist!

The ADL, a non-government Zionist agent organization embedded in the USA posing as a philanthropic group, calls Veterans Today out as Extremists; Veterans Today responds and calls ADL a “threat to U.S. citizenry everywhere”

(MELBOURNE, Aust.) - Foxman's Chocolate Factory Congratulations, Veterans Today, Gordon Duff, Alan Hart, Alan Sabrosky, and Kevin Barrett … you have arrived! That you have been singled out for approbation and condemnation means that you are doing the right thing, and doing a good job of it. Abe is running scared!

Hats off to you!

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2011 17:35)

We Will Not Be Silenced!

Veterans Today Responds to Attacks by Zionist Fear Mongers.

(CINCINNATI ) - Jewish graves Abe, (Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League) I call you that because you are like an old friend, perhaps one gone a bit potty, a bit over the edge, a bit obsessed. So many of us have that crazy aunt in the attic. You are mine.

Last week, you called me a “vicious anti-Semite.” Last week John Kaminski called me a “Jewish cockroach.” Gaddafi’s secret police called me a “CIA thug” then, later in the week, we learned they themselves had been running CIA rendition programs from Tripoli since 2002.

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2011 17:28)

A Thousand-and-one Reasons why Palestine must get independence...

...and here’s perhaps the most important.

(LONDON) - Bethlehem University The following report from Bethlehem University that academic staff had been attacked yet again, this time by Israeli squatters, reminds me of how the Israelis apparently resent the Palestinians’ fine education tradition.

They have seen to it that Palestinian universities suffer the severest restrictions in delivering knowledge.

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2011 16:57)

Vik Arrigoni: Trial Begins 8 Sept. 2011

This article written by Michele Giorgio was originally published in the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto on 7 September. Permission to publish was obtained by the author. Translation by Daniela Loffreda

(GAZA CITY) - Vik Arrigoni Vittorio Arrigoni was strangled between 14 and 15 April between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m.

He was still alive in the video filmed by his kidnappers, which was later published on the internet. The swollen and bloody face of the activist and journalist shown in the images was the result of severe beating.

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2011 16:10)

The Desperation of the Fool

“The Fool and the Clown play the part of ‘scapegoats’ in the ritual sacrifice of humans.”
(Frazer, The Golden Bough, London, 1911/12)

(LAVERNE, Calif.) - The fool There are those who serve; it’s their duty, their lot in life, to be the water bearer, existing on the fringe of all orders and systems, an attendant lord, subservient, to be of use, meticulous, ultimately, the Fool.

Adorned in multiple colors reflecting the incoherent influences to which she is subject, bearing aloft a stick from which dangles a bag containing her only means of influence, money, at her heal, a white lynx bites at her left calf, her unconscious self, signifying all that remains of her lucidity, all that remains of her remorse.

Read Full Article (Sep-08-2011 15:22)

9/11: Open letter & challenge to ADL`s Abe Foxman

ZIONISM is a sectarian, colonial-like nationalism which created a state for some Jews in the Arab heartland.

(LONDON) - Abe Foxman In your lengthy article Decade of Deceit: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later, you label a number of named writers and commentators including me who say that Israel’s Mossad was or even might have been involved in the 9/11 terror attack as anti-Semitic, and you assert that they are demonizing “the Jews”.

You also say: “Anticipating criticism, a number of these anti-Semitic conspiracists now try to immunize themselves against charges of anti-Semitism by making disclaimers up front about not being anti-Semitic.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
