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Israel and the Upcoming Nuclear War [VIDEO]

Paid stooges in Washington talk about Israel’s strategic importance to the US. That’s a dream, much as the strength of Israel’s army is a dream.

(CINCINNATI) - Nuclear explosion The total destruction of Israel, something used by the Zionist lobby to bilk the US out of billions for years, is no longer a dream, it is inevitable.  The only question is “when?”

With it a limited world war may emerge with some surprises in store. It all started long ago but we can focus back one year when Israel murdered 9 Turkish citizens in an act of piracy.

Read Full Article (Sep-14-2011 23:45)

Airport Activism

This should be seen as a civic duty of all Americans.

(SACRAMENTO) - 911 Architects for Truth With the recent observation of the tenth anniversary of 9/11, we all want to make as many people aware of the demolition of the three World Trade Center buildings as possible.

In particular, though, Transportation Security Agency employees are people who especially ought to know the truth.

Read Full Article (Sep-14-2011 13:34)

Being in Time

(A talk given at the 'Palestine, Israel, Germany- The Boundaries of Open Discussion Conference’,  Freiburg 11th September 2011)

(LONDON) - I will begin my talk with an unusual confession. Though I was born in Israel, in the first thirty years of my life I did not know much about the Nakba, the brutal and racially driven ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population in 1948 by the newly born Israeli State.

Read Full Article (Sep-13-2011 13:06)

9/11 Is History Now

“Believe it or not 9/11 belongs to history now and this fact is in itself even scarier than what we know happened on that awful day, or what we did not know for that matter.”

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - 911 history With the world commemorating the tenth anniversary of the mysterious and horrific collapse of the New York twin towers on September 11, 2001 and as I looked back to be swept up by the endless reflections of the tragic day, I suddenly realized that my perspective of 9/11, as well as everybody else’s I guess, has changed.

Ten long years now separate us from this day.

Read Full Article (Sep-12-2011 20:50)

Israel`s Plan to Displace Thousands is a `War on the Arab Bedouins`

Adalah urges the government of Israel to reject the Prawer Report as it violates the rights of the people.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Al Arakib Adalah Attorney Suhad Bishara revealed previously unpublished evidence of Arab Bedouin ownership of their lands and called on the government to recognize the unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Naqab (Negev).

Read Full Article (Sep-12-2011 14:06)

9/11: Lingering Doubts

“The enemy rallies broad support in the Arab and Muslim world by demanding redress of political grievances, but its hostility toward us and our values is limitless.” -- Excerpt from the preface to the 9/11 Commission Report

(TEHRAN Tehran Times) - 911 Islamophobia The attacks on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 provided a dramatic pretext for American Islamophobes to pour out their venom on Islam and Prophet Muhammad (S). Right-wing evangelist Jerry Falwell declared that our Prophet (S) was “a terrorist.”

Franklin Graham, the son of Reverend Billy Graham, called our religion, Islam, “wicked, violent and not of the same God.”

Read Full Article (Sep-12-2011 10:16)

Tea Party Christians

Iraq and Afghanistan costs lives and billions of dollars which ruined our national economy - acts of Geo. W. Bush who, as a born again Christian.

(PASO ROBLES, Calif.) - Tea Party members who were elected to the House of Representatives in 2010 have made for themselves the name of sticklers for what the Tea Party stands for; less national debt and lower taxes, especially for the super rich, and no compromise. They demean the lower classes as being parasitic and unwilling to help themselves as did the rugged first arrivals on this promised land.

And they believe Jesus is God who favors them above all others who everybody should worship as they do.

Read Full Article (Sep-11-2011 00:11)

Essence of the Suppressed Truth

Defenders of Israel right or wrong assert that Judaism and Zionism are one and the same; sometimes explicitly, sometimes by insinuation and smear, they label criticism of Israel's human rights abuse as anti-Semitism.

(LONDON) - London-based writers attended the event; Ken O'Keefe and Gilad Atzmon joined Alan Hart The following is the text of a speech I delivered on 11 September to a conference in Freiburg, Germany, “Palestine, Israel and Germany - the Boundaries of Open Discussion”. The full title of my address was The mainstream media’s complicity in Zionism’s suppression of the truth of history.

I describe the conflict in and over Palestine that became the Zionist - not Jewish! - state of Israel as the cancer at the heart of international affairs; and I believe that without a cure this cancer will consume us all.

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2011 22:57)

The Day The Bush War on Terror Began

One glaring reason why the Bush-Cheney war machine could shape public opinion with such impunity in 2001 is that the main stream media had abandoned its journalistic responsibility to talk truth to power.

(CHICAGO) - President George Bush’s War on Terror began ten years ago, September 11, 2001.

Murderous crime scenes in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania, became spiritual staging grounds for an international war against what Time’s Tony Karon describes as “a tiny network of transnational extremists, founded on the remnants of the Arab volunteers who’d fought in the U.S.-backed Afghan jihad against the Soviet Union.”

Read Full Article (Sep-10-2011 22:19)

Dare I say its name?

The Anti-Defamation League condemns as "antisemitic" any writings about “Jewish Supremacism” and labels any person who utters the words as “anti-Semite”.

(LONDON) - Jewish lawyers The term White Supremacism defines the likes of KKK, of racists, neo-nazis etc, and projects a notion of wickedness and evil .

Wherever suitable, the term is used freely and without hesitation, generally by the Left, including the anti-Zionist Jewish Left. No one thinks twice before accurately using the term to portray anyone who claims that so called "White" people are superior to "people of colour".

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
