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Page one |Previous Page (Dec-12-2011 15:43)

Tele5 `Forgets` About Child Airtime

Maribel Martínez Éder, from the Plaza del Castillo Association, submitted an open letter to Silvio Berlusconi. For your interest, I will share it with you below:

(MADRID) - Kids with TV From civil society and due to the indifference and lack of action of our political and judicial authorities, relative to the fulfillment of the current legislation regarding the protection of minors and T.V., we perceive with pleasure the anxiety that Mediaset Italy is showing in relation to the direction taken by its principal network in Spain, Tele5.

The degree of indignity to which protected airtime has reached, each and every single day of the year, is truly unbearable...

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2011 17:23)

GOP Candidates Wear the Jewish Kippah

Ben-Gurion was not religious, he was a convinced atheist.

(CHICAGO) - David Ben Gurion On the 38th anniversary of the death of David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, the usual memorial event was held on December 1, at Ben Gurion’s graveside in Sdeh Boker, the Negev desert village where he lived during his retirement years.

Uri Avnery wrote in his Gush Shalom column, that Israeli newspapers published a picture of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s current Prime Minister, speaking “under a big photo of the late leader gazing thoughtfully into the distance”.

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2011 16:42)

Overview: Israeli Spying

“ ... collection activities are primarily directed at obtaining information on military systems and advanced computing applications that can be used in Israel’s sizable armaments industry.” - 2005 report

(SACRAMENTO) - Perhaps the most famous Israeli spy as of late, Jonathan Pollard, a former US Navy intelligence analyst: convicted of espionage in 1987. One senior American diplomat explains that inside the State Department “everybody knows that Israel spies on us. When someone is caught, they’re ‘punished’ by being promoted.”

In 2006, a Pentagon judge stated categorically: “The Israeli government is actively engaged in military and industrial espionage in the United States.”

Read Full Article (Dec-11-2011 14:33)

The Story of One Palestinian Murdered by Israel

Electronic Intifada writer Linah Alsaafin (left) with Ola Tamimi (center) after Mustafa Tamimi was shot at close range by the Israeli military in Nabi Saleh village (Anne Paq/ActiveStills)

(SALEM) - Mustafa Tamimi Every death of every person in Palestine who perishes from violence is terrible, but the recent death of Mustafa Tamimi, who was shot in the face with a tear gas canister by the Israeli army on Friday, stands out. It begins with the dismissive comments from the Israel soldier who shot Mustafa.

All of it; the incident, the reaction... screams one word, that is apartheid.

Read Full Article (Dec-10-2011 11:55)

Abolish the Death Penalty, Replace With Life Without Parole

Imposing the death penalty is much more expensive than imposing a sentence of life without parole, because the Constitution requires a long and complex judicial process for death penalty cases.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Historical poster by Peg Averill. The death penalty should be abolished in the United States because life without parole is more humane, less discriminatory, and a less costly alternative – and it avoids the risk of executing an innocent person.

Thirty-four states impose the death penalty, including California, Oregon, and Washington, and there are 41 Federal capital crimes for which the death penalty can be applied.

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2011 18:04)

Shepherds` nights, Israeli troops and more

Recounting important history and current abuse from the Israeli regime.

(BETHLEHEM) - Shepherd's Nights I received many notes articles and announcements claiming anniversary of the start of the 1987 uprising on 8 or 9 December.

This uprising (not "the first intifada") did not start on those dates. Below a section from "Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment" to explain why.*

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2011 14:58)

Egypt`s Nude Blogger Brutalized in Tahrir Square

Israeli women rally for the college student 'socially crucified' in Tahrir Square.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Aliaa Elmahdy being drug through the square by supposed moralists; all male, all abusive, to an Egyptian woman. A young woman in Egypt whose free soul might better have been born in Berkley rather than Cairo, was 'crucified' in Tahrir Square this week by men who identified her as the nude activist blogger who has taken a stand against rampant sexism in this mostly Muslim country.

Easily spotted and vulnerable, Aliaa Elmahdy was bound and dragged through the crowd of demonstrators in Egypt. Eventually taken to what appears to be a medical team, it seems clear from the video that those personnel, male and female, began protecting her as soon as she was delivered to them, I hope that is the case.

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2011 02:24)

Resolving Space Puzzles

The scientists have been trying to gather their imaginary particles from the auroras, the comets, and the rings of Saturn and the plumes of Enceladus for decades without success.

(SAN DIEGO) - Space puzzle I received a snail mail letter from Bob Dale, a local meteorologist with KCST-TV dated Jan. 4, 1998.

He wrote: "I was grinning from ear to ear when I read the article about finally solving the riddle of the Sun being hotter on the outside! Ha! You told me about that years ago."

Read Full Article (Dec-09-2011 00:00)

December in Palestinian history

Not a happy month exactly...

(BETHLEHEM) - Bethlehem's present day reality. I could go on but as can be seen December is like any other period in history brings up both sad memories of atrocities as well as memories of resilience and persistence and resistance of ordinary people. As we look to 2012, we hope that what is left of December will see more of the latter actions. There is a genuine popular resistance movement in the Arab world.

But, as happened previously there are those who try to profit from other people's work by posing only for the cameras or in conference rooms or worse yet engage in destroying the resistance while speaking about it in positive terms. There is a counter-revolutionary movement by forces allied with the US, with the apartheid regime

Read Full Article (Dec-08-2011 23:34)

Willamette Valley Resilience Compact kicks off with local officials 12 Dec.

Participants will have access to the latest information and research provided by the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute and other academic resources...

(SALEM) - Putnam University Center Oregon’s populous and resource rich Willamette Valley faces a variety of pressures, from extreme weather to rapid growth, that cross all political boundaries.

On December 12th, local government officials from counties and cities throughout the Valley, including elected commissioners, council representatives and mayors from Metro, Benton County, and the cities of Eugene and Tangent, will meet to confront these shared challenges.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
