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Radiated Heat Versus Radiated Energy

Now that the scientists can very clearly see the magnetic loops on the Sun and recognize their importance, many mysteries of Earth and the universe will be resolved.

(SAN DIEGO) - The sun My concept is that the heat and energy of the Sun is the result of the tremendous external magnetic field of the Sun.

It is absolutely impossible for an internal 20 million degree internal heat source of any kind to radiate a 3 million degree temperature to the corona and leave a relatively cool 10,000 degree surface of the Sun between these two awesome temperature extremes.

Read Full Article (Dec-18-2011 18:41)

`They want us to be whores and prostitute our beliefs`

We'd rather not, in fact we refuse to, but whether we make it depends on support.

(SALEM) - Bonnie and Tim King of What ultimately happens to depends on many things. One scenario that many people would like to see pass is our extinction.

We break so many stories that other news agencies miss- until we provide coverage, that it is ridiculous, but we constantly gain new groups that want to silence us. Truth is a disease to many. Please read this and help if you can.

Read Full Article (Dec-17-2011 02:34)

Anatomy of a NATO War Crime

Graphics, links, videos added by Alex

(SORMAN, Libya) - Graphics, links, videos added by Alex It was a warm early Monday morning along the Libyan coast on June 20, 2011. At approximately 0200 GMT the next day in NATO Headquarters in Brussels and 30 minutes later in its media center in Naples, staffers finished tabulating NATO’s 92nd day of aerial attacks on Libya and began to post the data on its website.

Twenty four hours earlier an Atlantic Alliance command unit, located approximately 30 miles off the Libyan coast, in a direct line with Malta, and NATO’s targeting unit had signed off on 49 bombing missions for June 20th, the last day of spring and the last day of NATO’s original UN bombing mandate.

Read Full Article (Dec-16-2011 21:21)

IGNORING THE LURE: Materialism`s Backlash

Wealthy glitter does not impress me or define my inner value. There is no price tag to my principles. These remain the cornerstone of my reason for being.

(SALEM) - Fishing lure With Christmas Season in full swing and the jingle of cash registers growing ever louder, my sweet spouse asked me how I formed my attitudes about not being swallowed up by Mr. Materialism. If was a question I had never pondered before.

Most education really begins in the home rather than the school. Your parents become your de facto teachers in values education.

Read Full Article (Dec-16-2011 18:24)

Reactor Reax Top Stories - Scuffle at NRC Has Stench of Industry Influence Behind It

The latest roundup of stories about nuclear-related issues worldwide.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - NRC The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is at the center of the first three entries featured in this collection of the latest stories making headlines from the world of nuclear energy and power.

There is also a fight among nation's top nuclear regulators gets airing before Congress, as Christian Science Monitor reports. With an emphasis on the recent, ongoing tragedy in Fukushima, Japan, Daily Science covers 3 Reasons to Avoid Nuclear Power.

Read Full Article (Dec-14-2011 22:29)

Arizona Western College Goes Solar

Arizona Western College and Main Street Power Announce Completion of 5-Megawatt Solar Technology Installation to drive sustainability, solar education and workforce training.

(YUMA, Ariz.) - Solar power at AWC Arizona Governor Jan Brewer visited AWC to "Flip the Switch" on a 5-megawatt (MW) solar installation that will provide approximately 100 percent of the college's daytime electricity needs.

"As a college that has worked to develop a strong science program, with facilities and scholarships that are the envy of the state, we are thrilled to integrate solar technology into our curriculum and our sustainability plan," stated AWC president Dr. Glenn Mayle.

Read Full Article (Dec-14-2011 22:14)

Sri Lanka Arbitrarily Detains Woman More Than 40 Months Without Access to Fair Trial

Asian Human Rights Commission issues Urgent appeal.

(COLOMBO, Sri Lanka) - Prison bars The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding a woman named Ms. Anthony Chandra, who is mother of three minor aged girls of below 11 years of age, has been detained for more than forty months in twelve fabricated charges under the Prevention of Terrorism Act of Sri Lanka.

The Terrorism Investigation Division (TID) of Kandy illegally arrested Chandra and detained arbitrarily in those fabricated charges for not telling the whereabouts of her husband whom the police suspect as a member of erstwhile ethnic group Liberation of Tamil Tigers Elam (LTTE).

Read Full Article (Dec-14-2011 18:48)

The Most Important Photo Series in History

The story of a blue Locknar?

(SALEM) - Suicide prevention photo series My good friend William Coleman, an avid Civil Rights activist and law enforcement community whistleblower, told me I would find value in the following set of images, but I never could have anticipated the impact or predicted just how powerful these otherwise innocent photographs could be.

That is life in a way; you never really can guess from the wrapping on a package what is inside, nor can we determine how interesting a book may be simply by looking at the cover.

Read Full Article (Dec-14-2011 13:10)

Body of a custodial death victim was dumped in a river by Chunnakan police

Illegal arrest; arbitrary detention; torture; extrajudicial killing; custodial death; right to life; impunity; rule of law.

(CHUNNAKAN, Sri Lanka) - The Asian Human Rights Commission The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding a twenty-eight-years old man's body was dumped in a river by the Chunnakan police on 26 November 2011.

Previously, the Jaffna police arrested the victim, who was identified as Sri Skandaraja Sumanan, and handed over to the Chunnakan police.

Read Full Article (Dec-13-2011 22:55)

US: Congressional Candidate Turns Himself In for Indefinite Military Detention

The right of people to defend themselves and their land, by any means necessary, against a foreign aggressor, is THE most fundamental human right.

(SUNDANCE, Wyoming) - Marines As someone who could be said to “substantially support al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces,” I am writing to turn myself in under the new NDAA law.

Please send a US military brigade, preferably the Marines (semper fi, guys!) to indefinitely detain me.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
