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Salem-News.com Circumcision articles Page 10

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Salem-News.com (Jul-15-2011 22:55)

FORESKINMAN: Unconsciously Anti-Jew

The cutting-edge comic book has released a new volume.

(PARIS, France) - Foreskinman comic book The FORESKINMAN cartoon depicts the story of the rescue of baby Glick's foreskin by Superman's own brother.

Indeed the child's sexual parts are in danger of being mutilated by religious Jews.

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Salem-News.com (Jul-03-2011 15:24)

Intact America tells Doctors to Put Down the Knife

Group calls upon members of three professional societies to stop performing infant circumcisions.

(NEW YORK) - Anti-circumcision Intact America, an organization founded in 2009 to abolish the practice of infant and child circumcision, has launched a campaign calling upon American doctors to stop performing medically unnecessary circumcisions on babies and children.

“The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) all acknowledge that infant circumcision is not medically necessary...

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Salem-News.com (Jul-02-2011 19:46)

CIRCUMCISION: Motivational Changes in the Meaning of the Word of God

Culture uses ritual to control by means of sets of assumptions about the way things are and should be' - Catherine Bell

(MONTEREY, Calif.) - Circumcision Changing a ritual, while keeping the ritual’s same name, obfuscates. Historic changes in ritual circumcision have changed the meaning of the Word of God. Verses in both the Jewish and Christian Testaments directly regard the duty of Shepherds and their being held more responsible.

Leaders drive theological discourse in religious organizations. Structuring involves Power Relationships.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-29-2011 19:34)

Michelle Teheux: Proposed circumcision ban brings discussion

We don’t let parents decide to give their infants tattoos or similar body modifications. We quite rightly say these sorts of decisions should only be made by the individual upon adulthood...

(HAWLEY, Pa.) - Michelle Teheux The proposed circumcision ban in San Francisco has at least accomplished one thing: It has brought attention to an issue that is seldom talked about outside childbirth and parenting circles.

We got a letter to the editor from a reader upset about the proposed ban. People are talking about it, and that’s a good thing.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-29-2011 13:22)

In defense of foreskins

Cord Contributor Amelia Calbry-Muzyka argues that circumcision is simply mutilation and should be banned

(SAN FRANCISCO Cord) - Anti circumcision rally San Francisco will vote on an issue that has raised a number of strong voices and opinions.

The circumcision ban would make it “unlawful to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the whole or any part of the foreskin, testicles, or penis of another person who has not attained the age of 18 years.”

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Salem-News.com (Jun-28-2011 13:46)

BBC News: `Debate circumcision ethics call`

"irreversible, clinically unnecessary surgery on the genitalia of non-consenting minors" - Dr Antony Lempert, a GP and chairman of the British Secular Medical Forum

(LONDON BBC) - anti-circumcision The British Medical Association conference this week will include testimony from circumcised men who are calling on doctors in Great Britain to debate the ethics of this controversial procedure.

NORM-UK is an active support group for men who believe being circumcised was a negative event in their lives. They have been lobbying delegates in Cardiff.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-26-2011 14:25)

Jewish Circumcision Opponents Grow More Vocal

“Our essential message is that all Jews do have a choice; we can be fully identified and affiliated as Jews, and fully engaged spiritually in a Jewish context, without circumcising our infants,”

(MIAMI) - Jewish anti-circumcision movement As the legal maneuvering begins in San Francisco over a ballot initiative that seeks to prohibit the non-medically necessary circumcision of minors there, a number of Jewish people opposed to the practice are stepping forward to weigh in on the circumcision question.

Earlier this week, JCRC, released a Message to Jewish Americans that addressed questioning circumcision from a Jewish point of view.

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Salem-News.com (Jun-20-2011 19:34)

A Message to Jewish Americans on Circumcision

There are psychological effects of circumcision, too. Some Jewish men are very dissatisfied, angry, or distressed about being circumcised," - Dr. Ronald Goldman

(BOSTON) - Circumcision The Jewish Circumcision Resource Center released a statement on circumcision intended for Jewish Americans.

The statement, which is signed by a Statement Task Force of Jews who are actively involved in the issue, raises questions about Jewish circumcision and encourages Jews to engage in critical thinking about the practice.

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Salem-News.com (May-23-2011 13:27)

God`s Feminine Half and Her Identity in Circumcision

“Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me.” So the Lord let him alone. (At that time she said “bridegroom of blood,” referring to circumcision.)

(SAN ANDREAS, Calif.) - Salem-News.com Spirituality is; Theology explains; Religion practices. Considering Jerusalemic theology stating humans are made in the image of God it is proper to include psychiatric territory.

Faith tells us: This is so, and the psychic bond between deity and man cannot be lessened with any study regardless of how stated or religion from which the statement originates.

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Salem-News.com (May-05-2011 17:28)

Global Alliance Against Female Genital Mutilation Greatly Needed

Female genital mutilation isn't going away; people are realizing that it is not confined to African Countries.

(GENEVA) - Starting left,Rabi Ferk, CFO, GA-FGM Holger Postulart & Elisabeth Wilson, Co-creators, GA-FGM  Jasper van't Hof, musician & Ambassador for GA-FGM Female genital mutilation can no longer be dismissed by Western governments as ‘an issue in Africa’ or only as ‘an African problem’.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin