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May-23-2011 13:27 ![]() ![]() God's Feminine Half and Her Identity in CircumcisionRichard L. Matteoli for“Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me.” So the Lord let him alone. (At that time she said “bridegroom of blood,” referring to circumcision.)
(SAN ANDREAS, Calif.) - Spirituality is; Theology explains; Religion practices. Considering Jerusalemic theology stating humans are made in the image of God it is proper to include psychiatric territory. Faith tells us: This is so, and the psychic bond between deity and man cannot be lessened with any study regardless of how stated or religion from which the statement originates. The God-man relationship stems from the imago Dei described by Edinger1 as: The Self is the ordering and unifying center of the total psyche (conscious and unconscious) just as the ego is the center of the conscious personality. Or, put in other words, the ego is the seat of the subjective identity while the Self is the seat of the objective identity. The Self is thus the supreme psychic authority and subordinates the ego to it. The Self is most simply described as the inner empirical deity and is identical with the imago Dei… Since there are two autonomous centers of psychic being, the relation between the two centers becomes vitally important… indeed the myth can be seen as a symbolic expression of the ego-Self relationship. There are four basic psychological indicators to evaluate. The four indicators can be found in the Bible. These manifestations regarding an elemental study of the God-man psychological are:
The first four of the Ten Commandments deal with humanity’s deity relationship. These first four Commandments are similarly ordered in structure to this discussion. Commandments five through ten deal with humanity’s relationships with each other. ONE: Freudian singularity. One indicates the singularity and uniqueness of God. Psychologically the number one represents the Self as well as the Self with God in fusion inseparable and indistinguishable. Exodus 3:14 (Moses and the Burning Bush) God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
The number one used in deity discussion represents the Freudian id which is totally unconscious. Theologically one is the unifying agent in a person’s personal relationship with their deity. The ‘I AM’ is the topic regarding the God Gene. TWO: Jungian duality. The number two, in this illustration is not used but is deducible regarding the two sexes. Use of the words us and our are paramount in the interpretation. Due to the patriarchal nature in the language used us and our indicate humanity. Genesis 1: 26-27 (The Beginning) Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and all the creatures that move along the ground. For reference, the duality of the sexes is in the Yin and the Yang without their inclusion eyes. The number two is also used describing relationships either in agreement or opposition. Duality is seen with the Greek Olympian deities’ equal distribution of six male gods and six female gods THREE: Berne’s theory of three – Transactional Analysis. Transactional Analysis is not specifically psychological but the three methods of communication. They are delineated as PAC. P is the Parent. A is the Adult. C is the Child. Interactions involve all variables. Sexual play uses Child-Child communication. In theology, three part formatting is most often used with relation to family and stages of life. With family illustrations they indicate the Jungian Mana family with divine archetypes male, female and child. The family concept includes the Japanese Motomo and the Chinese Yuan. Christianity uses the Father, Holy Spirit and Jesus respectively. Feminine religions worldwide are a priori to any masculinization of the theological then taken to practicing religion. Their theology revolves around the female’s three life stages. The stages are Maiden, Mother and Crone. The Crone is the ancient Wise Woman that with subsequent patriarchal inroads becoming the Hag and Witch. The Maiden is pre-menstrual. The Mother is menstrual with bleeding in childbirth. The Wise Woman is post-menopausal where her blood power is kept inside. Masculinization’s attempted usurpation in Jerusalemic theology using three male figures is in Genesis 18:1-2. This verse appears directly after Abraham’s circumcision when the feminine movement of circumcision has been accomplished and role playing changes. (The Three Visitors) The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground. ; Three is also seen in Freud’s psychological triad of id, ego and superego. So far, in generalizing Transactional Analysis connections, but not totally in depth, we have the id as the Child and the ego as the Parent regarding communication. Also connected are the sexual dualities in usage. FOUR: the Jungian tetrad takes us a bit deeper. It involves more combinations by splitting the actors, as well as cohering back the recipient’s identities. The following is our reference using blood and water.
(Faith in the Son of God) This is the one who came by water and blood – Jesus Christ. He did not come by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. For there are three that testify: the Spirit, the water and the blood; and the three are in agreement. The sentence structure, especially the punctuation, is important. The two masculine aspects are separated. The Spirit is one masculine and Jesus the second masculine identity. The two feminine identities are contained in structure as a single entity when properly observing the punctuation. Water and blood are commonly used for the feminine in mythic representation. Thus there exists a Jungian tetrad. To complicate further each are then split again. The masculine elements can be builders and destroyers. The feminine elements can support life and without blood and/or water life will cease. These are used within the Freudian superego as well as the Jungian Persona. And it is here the eyes are included within the Yin and the Yang, It is from the blood and the water through the Terrible Mother where social movements as Noah’s Flood can destroy and where feminine blood is the identity in the ritual of circumcision as is all socialized forms of genital ritual. The blood symbolism equates to fertility, menstruation and the bleeding of childbirth. It is exampled in the Jerusalemic Testaments in: Exodus 4:25-26 (Moses Returns to Egypt) But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son’s foreskin and touched Moses’ feet with it. “Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me.” So the Lord let him alone. (At that time she said “bridegroom of blood,” referring to circumcision.) _________________________________
May-26-2008: Vainglorious: The Munchausen Complex - By Richard L. Matteoli for
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Richard L. Matteoli May 27, 2011 12:21 am (Pacific time)
Sigismond. Thanks, Looked back. They changed it. The referenced Bible verses for Two and Three have been omitted. Edinger was changed from original Word where it was indented and smaller font. Also Endinger was not quote marked in relation the the structural change,and made into separate paragraphing. Would have been a much Having not studied psychology as you, I used the quote instead of giving my own interpretation which you quality yourself to do. Easier read without the pictures which I did not send in. The Female Genital Mutilation picture is good. OK, you are a staff writer onn circumcision, studied psychology, into the Freudian workings, and have the ability to judge the academic content - evaluate the message on how it is broken down to the conclusions of the 4 bible quotes which you know.
Sigismond May 26, 2011 9:48 am (Pacific time)
By the by, dear Doctor Matteoli, couldn't you speak sometimes from the kitchan table instead of all that terribly complicated symbolical discourse.
Sigismond May 26, 2011 9:43 am (Pacific time)
As a matter of fact, in that case, I would say PAEDOPHOBIA, wouldn't I?
Sanguineri May 26, 2011 5:12 am (Pacific time)
Sanguineri, the 'Greeter' from Sacrifice Returned. As a lowly VFW (Arabia), I can, in no way match your skilful ‘penmanship’, Sir, but I would like to add my two-penneth- However society dresses up this depraved and endemic act of barbarism, it is still PAEDOPHIELIA. Yes, you heard that right, PAEDOPHIELIA. Interfering with the genitals of an infant, by an adult, is PAEDOPHIELIA. Mutilating the genitals of an infant, must be the sickest, most depraved form of PAEDOPHIELIA. Now I am no legal-eagle, so someone please correct me, if I am wrong, but my understanding of western ‘civilized’ law, is that PAEDOPHIELIA. not only applies to the person actually committing the act, but also to anyone who colludes with that act, in any way. So, in the case of SOCIALISED INFANT GENITAL MUTILATION, (I refuse to use that ridiculously ‘civilized’ ‘c-word) Not only the individual or individuals who commit this obscene act are guilty, but also anyone who colludes with it, in any way, that is- Manufactures the torture equipment and devices. Sanctions the act. Assists with it, in ANY way. Watches it! Reads about it! Sells anything that lauds it! Deals in ANYTHING to do with it. The list probably is endless. So, However you care to dress these sick souls, whether it be in white coats and garbs, or in silly ‘king’s, (or is that queen’s?) clothes, they are all, non the less, Guilty of PAEDOPHIELIA, in it’s most vile form. Where are all the law-makers? Where are all the lawyers? Where are all the police? Where is the mass protest? Where is the collective revulsion? Thank you, Doctor Matteoli, for this wonderfully presented article. May the light shine forth. Semper Fi…
Anonymous May 23, 2011 3:27 pm (Pacific time)
Thank you so much for indulging this cruel and extremely important subject!
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