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Salem-News.com (Jan-25-2011 22:37)

Valley of the Wolves

If Germans are genuinely interested in the Nazi past, they better look closely at Israeli current brutality.

(LONDON) - Mavi Marmara Valley of the Wolves: Palestine is a new Turkish movie portraying the Mavi Marmara massacre as a premeditated Israeli attack that was set to kill innocent peace activists.

An uproar has erupted in Germany in the last few days over the upcoming launching of the film. The film's intended release date in Germany is January 27, the same day as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-25-2011 22:05)

Is America Rubber Stamping Apartheid in Palestine?

Includes related videos by Anthony Lawson.

(MELBOURNE) - Apartheid in Israel “More and more, Americans from all walks of life are talking about Israel's influence in Washington, looking for someone to blame. Americans are angry, feeling powerless, victimized by their own government.

Some of that blame takes the form of Antisemitism, again rearing its ugly head, but most of it is expressed in healthy skepticism, skepticism of a government showing signs of having been bought.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-25-2011 18:59)

The Palestine Papers: Israel`s Peacemakers Unmasked

Key revelations emerge from the leaked confidential documents recording major, unreciprocated concessions made by Mahmoud Abbas’s team in talks with Israel, including relinquishing Palestinian sovereignty over Muslim holy places...

(NAZARETH) - Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas For more than a decade, since the collapse of the Camp David talks in 2000, the mantra of Israeli politics has been the same:

“There is no Palestinian partner for peace.”

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Salem-News.com (Jan-25-2011 16:16)

Israel Strikes Back

Though the U.S. reliably vetoes Security Council resolutions at Israel’s request, sentiments are shifting as a global public awakens to the costs of the U.S.-Israeli relationship.

(TEMPE, Ariz.) - Israeli F-16 Timing is everything when waging war “by way of deception,” the motto that has long guided Israeli war-planners. Whenever Israel’s geopolitical goals are threatened, chaos is assured.

In national security terminology, the January 24th bombing at Moscow’s busiest airport was “out of theater repositioning.”

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Salem-News.com (Jan-24-2011 23:15)

The Crusade of Western Media Against Islam

Unfortunately, the public opinion in the West is unaware of the realities of Islam and Muslims.

(TEHRAN) - Time Magazine cover asks the question. As the Western governments add fuel to the fire of Islamophobic sentiments in their societies with inflammatory and rabble-rousing actions and statements, the Western media mischievously try their best to portray a lopsided, biased and prejudiced image of Muslims.

It as an attempt which should be interpreted as an incontestable crusade against more than 25% of the world population.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-24-2011 15:48)

The Palestine Papers

The Palestinian Authority offered to concede almost all of East Jerusalem, an historic concession for which Israel offered nothing in return.

(SAN FRANCISCO) - The biggest Yerushalaim: This is a developing story. Al Jazeera starting publishing stories related to its trove of more than 1,600 memos, diplomatic cables, and notes from the past decade of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

The so called "Palestine papers" show Palestinians humiliating themselves by offering enormous concessions in private with the Israelis willing to concede little or nothing.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-24-2011 01:43)

Palestine Dying to Live!

“PA offered to concede almost all of East Jerusalem, an historic concession for which Israel offered nothing in return.”

(MELBOURNE) - Free Palestine A couple of years ago Palestine conducted the first free and open election in the Middle East.

HAMAS emerged the victor, the openly elected Governing body for Palestine, yet Fatah and Israel have done everything in their power, forcefully, openly and illegally, to prevent the first truely “democratically elected” government in the Middle East from taking up office and the seats of Government.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-24-2011 01:13)

Learning from Israel

Possible conclusion: Military killing of civilians is permissible as long as it is accompanied by an investigation.

(ISTANBUL) - Israeli sunbathers felt so threatened by the impending arrival of aid to Gaza The first part of the report from its investigation into Israel's attack on the Mavi Marmara which involved the IDF's Murder of 9 Turkish activists—the Israeli Turkel Commission has underscored Israel’s capacity for democratic introspection.

The commission’s findings include that the commandos acted in self-defense and that the Israeli blockade of Gaza is not in contravention of international law.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-23-2011 15:11)

London`s Foreign Office Might as Well Relocate to Tel Aviv

Shedding light on the subterfuge, obfuscations and double talk of British Foreign Office minister Alistair Burt; a card-carrying Israeli stooge pledging to defend its war criminals.

(LONDON) - UK support for Israel What our FM said on his recent visit to occupied Palestine shows more clearly than ever why the struggle in the Holy Land extends all the way to our own front door here in the UK.

Alistair Burt rewarded the sterling work of the PA's PM, Salam Fayyad, and Abbas, with a gift of GBP 17 million, making the British government feel better about doing naff-all to right the catalogue of wrongs going back to 1917.

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Salem-News.com (Jan-23-2011 13:47)

Would the Isolation of America Persuade Obama not to Veto?

But an American vote for the resolution or even an abstention would, of course, put Obama into head-on confrontation with the Zionist lobby. Could he come out of it a winner (and, some will add, remain alive)?

(LONDON) - Obama and Israel Despite strong U.S. opposition, a proposed resolution condemning Israeli settlements on the occupied West Bank did make it to the UN Security Council.

It was not put to a vote and no vote is expected for some time, if ever, because of the probability as things stand of an American veto.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin