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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Feb-12-2014 14:45)

A Christian Man Tortured and Murdered by the Police

Sabir Masih dies of torture in the Islamabad police custody.

(ISLAMABAD) - Kohsar police station Sabir Masih 30, a father of 2, was arrested by the police on the suspicion of theft Tuesday.

Police used the conventional method of torture to make Masih confess the crime. Lamentably he was tortured to the extend that he passed away.

Read Full Article (Feb-03-2014 03:03)

Marine Corps Recruit Drownings
Dying to Serve Your Country

From Ribbon Creek to MCRD San Diego and beyond, joining the Marines can be a death sentence well before combat.

(SALEM) - Tim King in Marine Corps basic training. The United States Marine Corps has a peculiar history when it comes to boot camp drownings. Simply said, there are far too many recruit drownings and history tells us that there is no permanent system in place to prevent this from happening.

It happened to me, only I was revived on the side of the pool. Many have not been so lucky.

Read Full Article (Jan-19-2014 19:16)

WA County Oregon`s Abuse to An Innocent Woman

Another victim of Oregon's "justice system" being targeted by state officials and police, needs your help.

(SALEM) - Stop Police Brutality In January 2010 carried an article about Kimberly Petitt, an African-American woman in Oregon who was suffering extremely objectionable treatment by Oregon officials and a care home that caused the woman to lose almost all of her worldly belongings.

I produced video reports about this but our account with YouTube was politically targeted and closed down with more than 500 important videos and news reports. Sadly, to this day, I have been unable to recover the original files. Now there is a new chance to learn the story of one of Oregon's most unfortunate women...

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2014 11:58)

Stolen Innocence

Child trafficking is happening here.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Child trafficking is happening here. Right now, more than 5 million children around the world are trapped in misery by traffickers – forced to work without pay in factories or on farms, in prostitution or pornography, or as beggars on the streets.

Even right here in the United States. In all 50 states. Childhood innocence is being stolen on our watch.

Read Full Article (Jan-08-2014 02:47)

How Jesus Returned To Toronto... The Second Conning
(A Passion Play in Three Acts) Act I

Jesus: Let he who is without sin cast the first – (He is interrupted by the arrival of a pair of security guards who hustle him toward the door. The Moderator calls after them:)

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Spanish inquisition Feodor Dostoievski, in his novel “The Brothers Karamazov,” recounted how Jesus might have returned to earth during the Spanish Inquisition, and how he would have been greeted by the Church.

Thinking about that, I immediately had those squiggly lines around my head, my head bent out of shape as some heavenly music swelled, indicating that I was day-dreaming about...

Read Full Article (Dec-20-2013 09:56)

Abject Poverty or Domestic Servitude

Millions of women and children meeting the domestic needs of the economically better off, are victims of a global socio-economic system that has trapped hundreds of millions into poverty...

(LONDON) - Domestic servitude They work as maids, housekeepers, cleaners; they take care of children, the elderly and infirmed for wealthy and middle class families in rich and upwardly mobile nations.

They are found throughout the world: in the G20 countries and the Gulf States, Latin America (where they account for 60% of internal and international migrants), and developing countries in Africa and Asia where vast numbers of poor and vulnerable live alongside the privileged few.

Read Full Article (Dec-05-2013 09:10)

Lebanon: Criminalize Torture

Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes Said Torture is widespread in the Lebanon.

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Lebanon LBGT protest The police torture and ill-treatment are grounded in inadequate or badly implemented legal protection, a judicial emphasis on confessions over other types of evidence, a culture of impunity, and lack of proper oversight mechanisms.

Lebanese authorities should establish an independent complaints mechanism to investigate torture allegations, and donor countries should ensure that aid to the Internal Security Forces supports the establishment of real accountability mechanisms.

Read Full Article (Nov-23-2013 23:37)

Girl Arrested at Checkpoint Says She Was Severely Beaten

“The treatment of the officers was very cruel. I was not even allowed to see to my family, which added to my psychological distress.” - Muntaha Heeh, 21, a kindergarten teacher in Beit Ummar

(HEBRON WAFA) - Amin Shoman Head, Palestinian Prisoner's Committee Muntaha Heeh, 21, arrested last month at an Israeli army checkpoint outside Hebron, told a prisoners’ advocacy group that she was severely beaten and tortured during her month long detention, according to a report published Saturday.

Ahrar Center for Prisoners’ Studies said that Heeh told the center in an affidavit that she was tortured and severely beaten all the time she was in detention and may have suffered an internal kidney bleeding as a result.

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2013 20:30)

Psychoanalysing Psychiatrists and Psychologists who Torture

It takes someone with a particular psychological profile to torture another human being: Most of us cannot do it. Clearly, any torturer falls readily into the category of someone with a 'violent personality'.

(TASMANIA, Aust.) - Waterboard torture The history of the involvement of psychiatrists and psychologists in torture programs for political purposes is, tragically, extensive.

The tragedy, with more variations, continues worldwide as you read this article...

Read Full Article (Aug-07-2013 13:45)

Harney County Horse Tripping Exposed on YouTube

Viewers Worldwide Express Anger, Disgust...

(GENEVA, Ill) - Horse tripping The disturbing video which can be viewed below, was shot at a July 13, 2013 horse tripping event held at the Harney County Fairgrounds in Burns, Oregon.

A team of documenters from Showing Animals Respect and Kindness (SHARK) showed up, and was told that no video or cameras with detachable lenses would be allowed.

Read Full Article
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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin


The NAACP of the Willamette Valley