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Salem-News.com (Dec-24-2013 11:41)

Congressman Lynch Introduces Bipartisan House Resolution Seeking Declassification of 9-11 Documents

“Twelve years after the horrific September 11 attacks, unanswered questions still remain...”

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Congressman Stephen F. Lynch On 02 December 2013, Congressman Stephen F. Lynch and Republican Congressman Walter B. Jones of North Carolina jointly introduced a bipartisan House Resolution, H. Res. 428, designed to shed additional light on continuing questions about the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

This House Resolution urges the President to declassify 28 pages of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 2001.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-24-2013 09:55)

I`m Still Standing
Fire Sweeps Chinese Skyscraper but...

Around 380 firemen battled the flames, which quickly overwhelmed the entire building.

(SALEM) - Skyscraper fire in China Chinese residents in the city of Guangzhou were shocked last week when a massive skyscraper lit ablaze, tumbling to the ground at free fall speed, almost exactly like the three buildings in New York City that burned and fell on 11 September 2001.

OK, it isn't April Fool's Day, so I will cut the charade. The building in China did burn, for 11 hours in fact, but it didn't fall because fires do not make skyscrapers fall, implosions make them fall.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-24-2013 01:32)

Tell the NY Times: The Evidence Isn`t Hard to Find... If You Just Look

All they need to do is look and they’ll easily find it. Contact the NY Times Today!

(LONDON) - 9/11 attacks Yesterday New York Times Chief Washington Correspondent David Sanger was the guest on CSPAN’s Washington Journal, where he had this to say about Building 7’s collapse:

“We have not found any evidence so far – that doesn’t mean there’s none there – but we’ve not found any evidence so far to suggest that the building collapses were caused by anything other than the two airplanes that flew into them.”

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Salem-News.com (Dec-22-2013 17:16)

Top Mafia Figure Tony Gambino Implicates Vatican and Bush for Prior Knowledge of 9/11

The grandson of Lucky Luciano, Gambino, 63, just released from prison also sets the record straight about the JFK and Hoffa assassinations.

(NEW YORK) - 9/11 attacks Tony Gambino of the infamous Gambino New York crime family said besides Mob Bosses, the outfits that benefit most from organized crime are the corrupt Vatican and U.S. government.

The high-level former mobster talked openly for an hour, indicting top Vatican and U.S. government officials with complicity in high crimes, treason and assassinations as they worked together “like a tight-knit happy family” with the Gambino and other Mafia families.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-22-2013 12:53)

SLMP Wins Blasphemy Case in Pakistan

Group sees difficult case through to the end and a woman accused of a serious crime is allowed to return to her family.

(LAHORE) - Agnes was charged with blasphemy in Pakistan. Eventually reality prevailed and 56 year old Agnes won her case after a difficult three years.

According to the report publicized by "Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan" (SLMP), Agnes, a mother of 5, was arrested on blasphemy charges on January, 2011, when a regional property dealer filed a report with police station in the city Faisalabad.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-17-2013 17:09)

ReThink911 Keeps Building 7 in the Headlines

Let the BBC Editor Know the Public Doesn’t Buy Their One-Sided Coverage
Plus: NY Times Billboard Continues through December!

(LONDON) - NY Times 911 billboard Yesterday the BBC published an article about the ongoing ReThink911 ad campaign in Ottawa.

This piece marks the fifth mainstream news article about ReThink911’s Ottawa campaign since the announcement of the campaign on November 20.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-14-2013 08:43)

The Islamists` Hijacking of Arab Hope

It was this tunnel vision which was responsible for turning the Libyan revolution into an anarchic forest of guns threatening the nation’s stability and the future of the Arab Maghreb.

(LONDON Redress News & Analysis) - Arab Spring Long before the self-righteous Islamists turned genuine street grievances into violent movements, Egypt was the crown of the Arab Spring and Syria was the second best hope to reap the flowers of the spring.

Today, however, hope and optimism have been hijacked by pretentious religious demagogues and tunnel-visioned ideologues with a pedantic monopoly on God.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-12-2013 12:35)

Hamid Karzaï: `The United States behaves in Afghanistan like a colonial power`

There is corruption in Afghanistan, no doubt. There is corruption within the Afghan system, no doubt. There is corruption also within the international community, especially regarding American contracts and the way those contracts are implemented. - Hamid Karzai

(KABUL Le Monde.fr) - Hamid Karzai In a interview with Le Monde, afghan president, Hamid Karzaï, blames the United States for acting like a "colonial power" in the way it "pressures" Kaboul to sign a security agreement.

This accord is meant to provide military assistance to Afghanistan after 2014. M. Karzaï says he is not ready to sign it unless certains conditions are met.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-08-2013 00:33)

Who Are the Terrorists?

Half of Palestine’s population was uprooted and half of its villages destroyed. The State of Israel was established in over 80 percent of Palestine, turning Palestinian villages into Jewish settlements and recreation parks, but allowing a small number of Palestinians to remain citizens in it. Who are the terrorists?

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Child searching soldier up against wall When Helen Thomas told a Rabbi that the Jews should go back to where they came from, he asked where that would be.

Her response was as honest and appropriate as it was direct: "Poland, Germany, America..." For that she lost her job as the best White House reporter America has had.

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Salem-News.com (Dec-06-2013 17:43)

Bibi and Bandar Badger Obama: Better Six Billion than Six Trillion!

What the GCC/Arab League/Israeli team is asking of its western allies (meaning of course mainly the US) is to immediately fund the Islamic Front to the tune of $ 5.5 billion.

(DAMASCUS) - US funding terrorists The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states—Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates—along with certain Arab League countries, plus Turkey and Israel, have this past week reportedly committed themselves to raising nearly $6 billion to “beef up” the just-hatched Islamic Front (IF) in Syria.

These “best friends of America” want the Obama administration to sign onto a scheme to oust the Syrian government...

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin