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Adam, Get Their Guns

How al-Qaeda’s spokesman advances the Israel lobby’s gun control agenda.

(OSAKA, Japan) - al-Qaeda spokesman, Adam Gadahn On June 3, in an al-Qaeda video rather loftily titled “You Are Held Responsible Only for Thyself,” al-Qaeda’s California-born spokesman, Adam Gadahn, urged followers to commit violent acts of jihad by exploiting alleged weaknesses in U.S. gun laws and the gun background check system.

“America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms,” he said.

Read Full Article (Jun-29-2011 01:18)

U.S. Boat Rejects Israeli Army Allegation of Violence

Passengers Reiterate Nonviolence Pledge, Openness to Neutral Inspection

(ATHENS) - Passengers on the U.S. boat to Gaza rejected as ludicrous and provocative an unsubstantiated accusation by the Israeli Army that passengers in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla plan to kill IDF soldiers with chemical weapons.

The Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday an Israeli Defense Forces allegation that some passengers on the flotilla had prepared sacks of sulfur which they planned to pour on Israeli soldiers.

Read Full Article (Jun-28-2011 22:32)

`After you Brother!` Qadaffi stays and Obama leaves?

The White House is reportedly becoming reconciled to the fact that Qaddafi may remain in the Libyan leadership.

(TRIPOLI, Libya) - Gaddafi The 6/27/11 International Criminal Courts (ICC) arrest warrants issued for Muammar Gadhafi, his son Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, and Libya intelligence chief Abdullah al-Sanoussi, however pleasing to the “rebels” and NATO, probably won’t have much effect on negotiating a settlement between the two camps and certainly the warrants will not facilitate a voluntary regime change.

Quite likely, the warrants effects will tend toward the obverse, with the Libyan government ignoring, but ridiculing the much criticized ICC and pointing out its historical pattern of targeting African leaders.

Read Full Article (Jun-28-2011 19:25)

Presentation about the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

"We need a political horizon, it's time to put an end to the Wall, the Checkpoints, it's time for a Palestinian State..." - Fouad Twal

(AMMAN, Jordan) - Fouad Twal Pope Benedict appointed Patriarch Twal as a member of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches in 2009.

This 14-minutes movie explores the mission of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, in Jordan, Palestine and Israel. His Beatitude Msgr. Fouad Twal speaks about the culture of dialogue and peace, and other prominent speakers.

Read Full Article (Jun-28-2011 16:24)

The Anniversary of an Ayn Rand Classic

We the Living has sold over 3 million copies since its first printing in 1936.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Ayn Rand Institute This month marks the 75th anniversary of the publication of Ayn Rand’s classic novel We the Living. In celebration of this milestone, New American Library is publishing two 75th-anniversary editions in recognition of We the Living’s universal theme of the evil of totalitarianism.

We the Living is Ayn Rand’s first and most autobiographical novel. Set in Soviet Russia, it depicts the struggle of the individual against the state, the impact of the Russian Revolution on three human beings who demand the right to live their own lives and pursue their own happiness.

Read Full Article (Jun-28-2011 06:47)

Israel Terminates Democratic Right of Free Speech

Israel violates basic understandings of what it means to be part of an open, free society

(TEL AVIV ACRI) - Israeli Knesset It is not a good day for freedom of speech in Israel.

As you may have heard, yesterday the director of the Israeli Government Press Office (IGPO) announced that foreign journalists on the Gaza-bound flotilla will be viewed as violating Israeli law. Correspondents aboard the flotilla risk prohibition of entry to Israel for up to ten years and confiscation of their equipment.

Read Full Article (Jun-27-2011 09:51)

U.S. Boat to Gaza Responds to Reports of Israeli `Lawfare` Group Filed Complaint

Passengers on Audacity of Hope now confident Greek authorities will allow U.S. Boat to sail.

(ATHENS) - Freedom Flotilla II Passengers on the U.S. Boat to Gaza, The Audacity of Hope, say a complaint that delayed their departure is frivolous.

They expressed confidence that Greek authorities will now quickly dispense with the complaint and allow the ship to sail.

Read Full Article (Jun-27-2011 03:50)

Freedom Flotilla II Crew Members Discuss Reasons for Supporting Gaza honors the heroes who put human freedom at the front of their agendas; we salute the activists of Freedom Flotilla II.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Free Gaza Why would people give up comfortable, safe lives, and pay money to board a ship that will very likely be attacked in a savage illegal way by Israel's military?

Certain people don't need that question answered, because they too follow the call of humanity; trying to turn around the wrong side of what is taking place today.

Read Full Article (Jun-27-2011 02:40)

Flotilla II: Kevin Neish Well-Wishes Rally Hopes to reach Gaza

Kevin's courage to return is a great inspiration to many.

(VICTORIA, B.C.) - Kevin Neish On Saturday June 25th several people gathered at the Downtown Victoria Inner Harbour to send their well-wishes to activist Kevin Neish, of Victoria.

He is set to travel with other activists/humanitarians from all over the world carrying aid to Gaza a-board Tahrir Canada Canada-Boat-to-Gaza - part of the group of Flotilla II - adventure with specific aim to break the illegal blockade of Gaza.

Read Full Article (Jun-27-2011 02:23)

Berlin Boat manifestation in solidarity with Gaza and the Freedom Flotilla

People on the riverside and bridges were cheering and waving, calling out chants of support.

(BERLIN, Germany) - Free Gaza boats in Germany Today Berlin's many waterways were used by a few dozen activists to launch a little flotilla to demonstrate solidarity with Gaza and the upcoming Freedom Flotilla 2.

Initially just one boat had been organised for the action but while decorating the vessel, however one captain spontaneously decided to side with the people of Gaza and the Freedom Flotilla and offered his much bigger boat to go along.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
