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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jul-09-2011 19:52)

The Tahrir Will Sail Again - Le Tahrir finira par naviguer

We will keep coming by sea, by air, by land and in the media until the blockade collapses and Palestine is free

(ATHENS) - The Tahrir As the Israeli blockade of Gaza and the whole of Palestine has been outsourced to Greek ports and European airports, our resolve to help free Palestine has never been stronger.

Israel may be buying, bribing and bullying its way to the decision-makers in governments and multinationals worldwide, but Palestine is securing its place in the hearts of all freedom-loving people of the world. These people are the majority and they will ultimately decide.

Read Full Article (Jul-08-2011 13:15)

`Welcome to Palestine` Campaign Responds to Israe;`s Denial of Entrance

The "Welcome to Palestine" campaign has been successful in exposing Israeli attempts to isolate and imprison Palestinians and prevent international visitors from coming to find out what is really happening on the ground.

(BETHLEHEM / JERUSALEM) - Israeli police Israel is escalating attacks on anyone they suspect of participating in the peaceful events of the ‘Welcome to Palestine’ campaign.

Israeli authorities sent hundreds of names to airline companies directing them to deny travel to individuals on the list.

Read Full Article (Jul-07-2011 14:58)

`Air Flotilla` successful in exposing Israeli blockade of West Bank

Israeli authorities deployed hundreds of police officers to arrest and deport pro-Palestinian visitors. The Minister of Tourism announced that “good tourists” will be greeted with flowers

(TEL AVIV +972) - Ben Gurion International Airport, Tel Aviv (photo: N i c o ) Panic. There is no other way to describe the Israeli reaction to a plan organized by a few activists—no more than a thousand, according to the most generous estimates—to try and travel to the West Bank via Ben Gurion International Airport.

A handful of those visitors arrived (five of them have already been deported), and it seems that the whole country has gone mad.

Read Full Article (Jul-07-2011 14:14)

Press Conferencee: Freedom Flotilla II, Boat to Gaza in Greece

Hit the play button...

(ATHENS) - Freedom Flotilla II This is a live press conference from Athens regarding the holdup and blockage of the boats bound for Gaza as part of Freedom Flotilla II.

Organizers are discussing the French ship which is in an undisclosed location, and a second French ship now part of the Flotilla. There is a substantial update on the U.S. Boat 'Audacity of Hope' and the Canadian boat.

Read Full Article (Jul-07-2011 04:45)

Plastic isn`t Fantastic When Used as Invisible Shrapnel

You wouldn't believe what is killing and maiming people in Palestine.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Qudih family in Gaza This article is about war-related issues in Palestine that are missing the radar in western newsrooms.

I am referring to the use of plastic in rockets that leave behind undetectable shrapnel in humans, munitions that amputate by heat, and the massive killings of Palestinian farm animals and wildlife through the use of Israeli-manufactured tablets deposited on Palestinian land.

Read Full Article (Jul-06-2011 17:29)

AIRFLOTILLA ----Welcome in Palestine - Willkommen in Palästina

On July 8th we are flying for Palestinian freedom -- and for our own...

(BERLIN, Germany) - Ben Gurion airport Hundreds of internationals on their way to visit Palestinians in Gaza have been prevented from departing from the ports in Greece.

However, we hope that on July 8th, 2011, hundreds of others of us from many countries will succeed in reaching Palestine by flying to Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv.

Read Full Article (Jul-06-2011 15:52)

Flotilla update: Silvia Cattori interviews Dimitri Plionis (Greek Boat)

"I believe that it is because Israel became a military colonialist State. They are like the apartheid regime in South Africa. Israel should try to become a normal nation" - Dimitri Plionis

(ROME / ATHENS) - The Canadian boat, called ’Tahrir’ Under pressure from Israel and the United States, the Greek government has prohibited the Freedom Flotilla from sailing to Gaza from its ports.

Read Full Article (Jul-06-2011 12:51)

A Brilliant and Courageous Statement

Thoughts on Venezuela's president from one of Latin America's longest running political figure.

(HAVANA, Cuba ) - Hugo Chavez Attending to other matters that are now top priority, I momentarily strayed from the frequency with which I had been writing reflections in the year 2010; however, Hugo Chávez Frías’ proclamation last Thursday the 30th, obliges me to write these lines.

The president of Venezuela is one of the men who has done the most for the health and education of his people...

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2011 21:36)

Islamophobia Erupting

Reports of a number of incidents in the past year or so strongly reveal a spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes.

(BAHRAIN) - Islamophobia In an earlier article I noted that evangelic preacher Pat Robertson, David Gaubatz, Paul Sperry and Daniel Pipes are Islamophobic cult leaders who take every opportunity they can to vilify Islam and Muslims.

They were all particularly vindictive following the shooting at Fort Hood by the psychopath Nidal Malik Hassan who also happened to be Muslim.

Read Full Article (Jul-05-2011 21:21)

A Greek Tragedy: Seizing the Gaza Flotilla on Israel`s Orders

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, squandered support his father, Andreas Papandreou offered Palestinian liberation.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - George Papandreou The odyssey and fate of eight Gaza Flotilla ships carrying peaceful human rights activists, journalists, food, medicine, and letters from well wishers, has become more tragic than any Greek tragedy.

The Greek government, not the honorable people of Greece, seized the eight ships bound for Gaza that that were docked in a Greek port preventing them from sailing to answer the cry and call of hungry Gazan children.

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