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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Oct-02-2013 16:39)

Government Shut Down over Moral Debate

Conservative lawmakers say the money indirectly subsidizes abortions, despite the fact that the federal Hyde Amendment expressly prohibits such use of taxpayer funds.

(WILMINGTON, De) - Government shutdown You know, it would be unbelievable if we were not seeing this government shutdown foolishness with our own eyes.

People may not remember, but there was a similar shutdown in the nineties when President Bill Clinton was in office. It lasted about three weeks, where people were furloughed from their jobs without pay, while the Administration and Congress kept their paychecks. It’s happening again.

Read Full Article (Sep-29-2013 22:36)

Urgent Action is Needed - Key ITCCS Activist Arrested and Held Incommunicado in Kitchener, Canada

Help insure Steve's safety by immediately flooding the Kitchener Police with inquiries about Steve Finney and the cause of his arrest.

(KITCHENER, Ontario) - Handcuffs Steve Finney, a leader of the Common Law campaign in Canada who has confronted local police and government agencies for their child trafficking, was arrested this morning and is being held incommunicado at the Central Division of the Kitchener-Waterloo police department.

The Kitchener police refuse to confirm that Steve is in their custody and will not disclose any information about him.

Read Full Article (Sep-22-2013 20:02)

Spiritual Reclamations Across the World Inaugurate New `Jubilee Revolution` - Debts, Laws Nullified

In Ireland, Canada and America, catholic clergy have already announced their plan to disaffiliate from Rome and establish their own national, congregationally-based churches, according to Not in Our Name (NON), a Dublin based group.

(ROME) - ITCCS Traditional elders, shamans and clergy gathered near the Vatican today and in at least six other countries to inaugurate a new spiritual regime that nullifies and replaces the Church of Rome, as well as "ungodly laws and economies".

Invoking divine authority, the closed ceremonies culminated twenty one days of global prayer and fasting on behalf of "all of the victims of a false church and its spirit of lies and murder".

Read Full Article (Sep-09-2013 12:53)

Egypt: Human Rights Ambassador William Nicholas Gomes Condemns Abu Deraa Detention

As documented by several human rights groups, military trials in Egypt routinely fall short of fair trial standards and violate fundamental rights of due process.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Adly Mahmoud Mansour Human Rights Ambassador for, William Nicholas Gomes has “strongly condemned” the arrest of Sinai based journalist Ahmed Abu Deraa.

On 5 September 2013, journalist and human rights defender Mr Ahmed Abu Deraa' was arrested by the Egyptian Armed Forces in the North Sinai city of Areesh, where he is based and acts as a correspondent for independent Egyptian newspapers...

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2013 17:54)

Sri Lanka Cornered Over Human Rights

Pillay later said she honoured those who died in conflict in every country she visited, and it was not meant as a unique gesture for Sri Lanka.

(COLOMBO IPS) - A woman shouts slogans against United Nations human rights chief Navi Pillay outside the U.N. office in Colombo. Credit: Amantha Perera/IPS. HE Navaneetham Pillay was in the habit of paying floral tributes to those who had perished in in any conflict in all the countries she visited in her official capacity.

She wanted to do the same for those who died in the final battle at Nanthikadal Lagoon in Mullaittivu. Unfortunately, a big issue was made of her decision and news emerged that she was paying homage to Prabhakaran.

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2013 16:04)

The Pledge Of Allegiance`s, `One Nation Under God`

I remember reciting the Pledge while Rosa Parks was sent to jail, DNA exonerates unjustly convicted where the system would fail...

(CLEVELAND) - flags Okay! Americans are in an uproar, “One Nation Under God,”
And yet just like, “In God We Trust” on money I find this odd,
Since so many had much to say about the Trayvon Martin case,
3 Blacks give 1 White kid 2 black eyes then shoe print his face.

Nada! Those who were vocal in retaliation, “boycott the state,”
Australian Baseball Player Christopher Lane killed due to hate,
Likewise, Delbert Belton 88, beaten to death by 2 Black teens,
Chris was only 22 as racism by gunshot snuffed out his dreams.

Read Full Article (Sep-05-2013 12:49)

Egypt: Arbitrary Arrest of Human Rights Defender Mr Haitham Mohamadein

Haitham Mohamadein is specifically targeted as a result of his human rights activities, and fear for his safety and physical and psychological integrity while in detention.

(LONDON) - Haitham Mohamadein On 5 September 2013, human rights lawyer Mr Haitham Mohamadein was arrested by the Egyptian military at a check point in Suez while he was travelling on a bus from Cairo. He has been transferred to Faisal police station in Giza.

Haitham Mohamadein is a labour rights defender and lawyer affiliated with the El Nadim Centre for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence, an Egyptian NGO that provides pro bono medical and legal care to victims of human rights violations.

Read Full Article (Aug-31-2013 11:04)

The 20-year Odyssey of Kevin Annett... International Justice and A `National Malaise`

This is the Happy Warrior, this is he
That every man in arms should seek to be. - William Wordsworth

(DAYTONA BEACH, FL) - Kevin Annett Last year, when a UN committee gave Canada a slap on the wrist for its treatment of indigenous people, a stalwart response followed from Justice Murray Sinclair...

The Chairman of Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in the form of a photo-op and an "interim report" at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver.

Read Full Article (Aug-31-2013 09:49)

Man of Letter and Spirit

As every Pakistani knows damned well, Christians are among the most downtrodden and vulnerable people in Pakistan, especially since the passage of the despicable blasphemy law during the Zia ul Haq dictatorship.

(ISLAMABAD) - Tahir Naveed Chaudhry and writer Shamim Masih The life of the slum settlers is perhaps the most heart-wrenching thing that I have ever encountered...

I have had the privilege of traveling to many places, but in all of my visits, I have never encountered poverty like this – streets flowing with open sewage, garbage rotting everywhere.

Read Full Article (Aug-26-2013 00:22)

Constitution Avenue Will Remain Quiet Until you Sleep

Let us face the realities that haunt Pakistan in real time.

(ISLAMABAD) - Pakistani Christian women The distribution is not absolutely equal among the whole population, thus, demarcate among various socioeconomic groups of a country.

One of the worst outcomes of income inequality is poverty, considered to be fatal for any nation’s development because poverty breeds more poverty which engulfs the whole nation.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
