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The Monkey Trial of Reverend Kevin Annett

The full account of the Monkey Trial of Kevin Annett follows Bruce Gunn's deposition.

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Monkey trial of Kevin Annett Almost everybody in Canada for almost 20 years has heard about the monkey trial of Kevin Annett. Nobody - least of all the captive Canadian media or the government that underwrote the atrocity that was the root cause of that judicial stage play and later shrugged over the result.

As for the Canadian public, marinated in idiot religion for centuries, to this day can't quite believe that the sanctimonious Churches of Canada with their grape-juice communion and turkey-raffle outreach could possibly be the murderous medieval institutions that Kevin Annett proved them to be.

Read Full Article (Nov-15-2013 12:41)

Kevin Annett: Interview with Alfred Webre

Frank discussion about serious issues in the Catholic Church involving child sex abuse and trafficking, and the establishment of a Pope who says he is trying to change policies, while he actually makes the process for children far more difficult.

(NANAIMO, Vancouver Island) - Kevin Annett The Vatican, China and Global Crimes: Kevin Annett outlines the most recent and upcoming work of The ITCCS and Common Law Court movement - in an Interview with Alfred Webre that was recorded November 14, 2013.

Kevin discusses the tremendous response they have seen with the establishment of a Common Law Court, in this case ITCCS, the International Tribunal against Crimes of Church and State.

Read Full Article (Nov-10-2013 15:40)

Blasphemy Cases Against Christians in Pakistan: Alarming and Pitiful

Advocate Sardar Mushtaq Gill, National Director of LEAD wants the law abolished.

(LAHORE) - Pakistan flag On 9 October, 2013 a blasphemy case FIR No.675/2013 under sections 295 A, 295 B and 295 C PPC was registered at Police Station Township by nominating three Christians. The pre-arrest bail of Pastor Adnan, 26 was filled on 26 October, 2013 in the court of Additional and Sessions Judge Khizar Hayat Khan and was fixed for final arguments for 6 November, 2013 but the petitioned was withdrawn without arguing the case.

Read Full Article (Nov-08-2013 02:21)

Syria - Living Under al Qaeda`s Reign of Fear (VIDEO)

"They are closing hair salons, women can't go out at certain times. They spat on one girl for disobedience. It's like Afghanistan. Now people call Raqqa Tora Bora." - female activist in Syria

(AL-RAQQA, Syria LiveLeak) - Raqqa, Syria Raqqa was, a matter of months ago, one of Syria's most liberal cities. Now locals call it Tora Bora. They say it's as if the Taliban of Afghanistan have taken over.

After months of bombardment by the government and a chaotic lack of control by weak and divided moderate rebels, al Qaeda have found a broken society, made it their home, and imposed on it hardline Islamist law.

Read Full Article (Nov-07-2013 15:38)

24 Muslim Employees in USA Fired by DHL for Praying

As the second pillar of Islam, Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day at certain times.

(HEBRON, KY) - Man praying On 9 October, 24 Muslims employees of DHL lost their jobs in Hebron, Kentucky, after DHL supervisors reversed a policy of flexible break times that allowed Muslim employees time to pray.

11 complaints have since been filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commissionalleging that DHL Global Mail breached their legally protected religious rights.

Read Full Article (Nov-07-2013 14:39)

Pakistani Christian Family in Hiding Pleads for UN Help, Fears for Lives

"We are so helpless, I can't explain (how much.) Can you imagine, two governments are after us" - 29-year old Sadia Khan

(COLOMBO The Christian Post ) - Amala and Sadia Khan in a webcam photo taken at an undisclosed location. A Pakistani Christian family currently in hiding and living in poor condition in Sri Lanka are pleading with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to grant them refugee status, as they fear they might be killed if they are brought back to Pakistan.

"We need help," 29-year old Sadia Khan directly stated to The Christian Post in a phone interview on Tuesday. "We are now seven months in hiding."

Read Full Article (Nov-05-2013 18:33)

Mediating the Media... Hosannas For Jorge (Pronounced Whore-hey)

The people who sit in darkness have seen a great light. -Matthew 4:16

(DAYTONA BEACH) - Pope Mbz A field day is being had by the media these days, singing the praises of Francis The Humble. And I for one think it's just peachy-keen. I mean, if we can't actually have a Second Coming, the next best thing is a humble Pope.

What I mean is. a Pope for the Poor, who doesn't do extravagant stuff like wearing red loafers or cruising around in that Mercedes Popemobile.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 19:43)

News from The OtherSite - Truth? Justice? Peace?

Our problems must be dealt with through partnership; progress must be shared." - Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America in his speech at Cairo University in 2009

(FREIDBURG) - Israel's influence on Obama "...No single speech can eradicate years of mistrust, nor can I answer in the time that I have all the complex questions that brought us to this point.

But I am convinced that in order to move forward, we must say openly the things we hold in our hearts, and that too often are said only behind closed doors...

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 12:43)

As Israel`s Siege on Gaza Tightens, 4000 People Sign Petition to Simon Cowell in Just 5 Days!

A message from the Causes campaign to tell musicians: Don't entertain apartheid Israel!

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Simon Cowell We're amazed at the coming together of all of you, at such a time of extreme humanitarian crisis. We're growing in unprecedented speed and in only 5 days, our petition passed the 4000 signatory milestone! We’ve managed to raise our voices loudly against Simon Cowell’s $250,000 donation to Haim Saban’s “Friends of the IDF”.

Right now, more than ever, as Israel's siege on Gaza tightens, and 1.7 million people are left without electricity and fuel, it's important to pressure high-profile contributors to Israel's army.

Read Full Article (Nov-04-2013 01:58)

42% of `In Vitro` Conceived Children Develop Cancer, Reveals Study by University of Lund

Fertilization "in vitro" could be defined as the taking of male and female gametes and the realization of their union outside the human body to transfer the fertilized embryo into the uterus of the mother to implantation and subsequently birth.

(MADRID) - in-vitro pregnancy Infants conceived with techniques used in fertility clinics, are four times more likely to have certain birth defects and malformations than children conceived naturally, according to a study by researchers at the University of Lund (Sweden).

By in vitro babies, the risk of childhood cancer is great. Specifically, they have a 42 % chance of having a childhood cancer. Experts say that the figures are evident but they have not yet determined how the disease develops.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
