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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-18-2011 16:08)

Protesters Destroy GM Belgium Field Trial

Video shows a montage of similar events that take place in Europe.

(WETTEREN, Belgium) - Belgian Field Liberation Movement peaceful protest Belgian Field Liberation Movement (FLM) announced a peaceful protest to publicly remove GM potatoes and replant non-GM blight resistant potatoes.

Police were waiting in advance but couldn’t contain the several hundred member diverse group who arrived, climbed the fence, and began uprooting the plants. Around 40 people were arrested.

Read Full Article (Jun-18-2011 03:46)

Corporations Have Redefined Food as `Stuff`

Countries define food as "any item that is to be processed, partially processed, or unprocessed for consumption."

(LONDON) - While the ICESCR recognition of the human right to food remains in place, the definition of food itself has been hollowed out.

Some countries have created a new legal definition of food.

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2011 15:31)

Finding Justice for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange

On 10th August 1961 an event began that was to last for ten-years, and would leave a tragedy that has yet to find an end. Fifty years on, the Vietnamese people and their many friends around the world will be commemorating this special anniversary.

(SAIGON) - The file photo shows Mr. Len Adis (R) asking an employee of Monsanto to send his letter to the director of Monsanto's representative office in Vietnam in 2009. (Photo: SGGP) Let’s recall and reflect on what happened on that day of 10th August 1961, and the consequences, so horrific, it is difficult to grasp, to understand. It raises in the minds of many the questions: WHY?

And what can be done to overcome the criminal legacy of Agent Orange?

Read Full Article (Jun-14-2011 10:29)

Washington Post Proposes a Moratorium on... Normal Food

Monsanto is controlled by the Rockefellers who are also connected to the international bankers who plundered the US economy, caused the food crisis, and invested, not in food security or safe food but in starvation.

(LONDON) - To have some idea why the Washington Post might have done something as bizarre as proposing a moratorium on the only still normal and clean food, organic food, a little history is in order.

Never forget that the Food Modernization and Safety Act of 2010 was forced through Congress in the middle of the night.

Read Full Article (Jun-05-2011 21:27)

Report Reveals Toxic Pollution at Numerous US Bases in Korea

Conducted in 2007, study findings were not disclosed to the public due to the SOFA

(SEOUL, South Korea) - A joint investigation team conducts an investigation through an Electromagnetic Sensing Survey at Camp Mercer. (Photo pool)  Analysis of an environmental contamination report obtained by the Hankyoreh of 22 U.S. military bases returned to South Korea showed the discovery of high concentrations of materials.

These include phenol, a toxic material that can cause organ damage, and benzene, a carcinogen, at some of the bases.

Read Full Article (Jun-01-2011 16:06)

Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society`s Letter to Monsanto RE: Agent Orange

"I would have then taken him to see the living victims of Agent Orange..."

(LONDON) - Thi Hoi bathes her 14-year-old son, Bui Quang Ky. She was exposed to Agent Orange when she was in the North Vietnamese Army during the war Len Aldis of the Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society dispatched this letter to Monsanto, posing many questions about the company's ultimate responsibility to people affected by Agent Orange.

Read Full Article (May-28-2011 21:30)

Children of the Corn: GMOs Don`t Qualify As Food

Antibodies from women with a rare condition known as immune infertility are used in the creation of GMO food.

(LONDON) - GMO corn There has been a concerted national effort by citizens to have the US government label GMOs. Opposing it are government intent not only to keep them unlabeled in the US but efforts at the international level by the US government to remove all labeling of GMOs through Codex.

Read Full Article (May-24-2011 19:17)

Results Are In: Industrial Agriculture and Medicine versus Organic Farming and Medicine

Time to direct those sickened by industrial agriculture away from its twin - big pharma, toward effective organic medicine.

(LONDON) - Farmers' suicides in India Industrial agriculture is toxic. One has only to look at the Punjab in India which was ground zero for the Green Revolution, to see what "gifts" it has delivered.

Read Full Article (May-24-2011 18:10)

Agent Orange in New Zealand?

Reports indicate toxic chemical used to make agent orange are buried under a dam lake near the town of Fairlie.

(SALEM, Ore..) - disabled child victims of the defoliant Agent Orang As if there aren't enough places in the world contaminated by Monsanto's deadly chemical Agent Orange...

Read Full Article (May-20-2011 20:10)

93% of Unborn Babies Have GMO Food Toxins in their Blood

Maternal and fetal exposure to pesticides associated to genetically modified foods in Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada

(SALEM, Ore.) - Baby with teardrop A new medical study on the impacts of genetically modified (GM) foods, shows that toxins from GM crops designed to strike down pests are actually showing up in the bloodstreams of women and unborn babies.

The new study, "Maternal and fetal exposure to pesticides associated to genetically modified foods in Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada"

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
