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About Monsanto articles Page 19

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Organic v. Monsanto

Even as the megacorporation enjoys soaring stock, the U.S. justice department continues to look into allegations of Monsanto's fraudulent antitrust practices.

(LONDON) - More than 270,000 organic farmers are taking on corporate agriculture giant Monsanto in a lawsuit filed last March.

Led by the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, the family farmers are fighting for the right to keep a portion of the world food supply organic—and preemptively protecting themselves from accusations of stealing genetically modified seeds that drift on to their pristine crop fields.

Read Full Article (Aug-16-2011 17:29)

Benefits Denied LA USO Volunteer Now Riddled with Cancer from Agent Orange

The VA estimates that there may be as many as 250,000 US veterans who are suffering from Agent Orange-related illnesses.

(LOS ANGELES) - Lesli Moore Dahlke is a writer THE RUSS REPORT - Over the last twenty years, cancer has become a way of life for Angeleno Lesli Moore Dahlke who, in 1970, was given the opportunity to travel to Vietnam with the legendary Johnny Grant on a handshaking tour along with three other women.

Her latest diagnosis, just days ago, of lymphoma, is a third cancer which she attributes to her exposure to Agent Orange (AO) in Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Aug-14-2011 12:16) Writer Lesli Dahlke Appears On POW/MIA Radio

Catch the program at:

(LOS ANGELES) - Lesli Moore Dahlke writer Lesli Dahlke is a scheduled guest for the POW/MIA Radio show Sunday, August 14, 2011. The program, News and Views: An hour of the latest POW/MIA and veterans issues., begins at 2:00 p.m. MT.

in 1970, at 18 years old, Ms. Lesli Moore Dahlke was touched by the television images of our young soldiers in Vietnam and volunteered for a USO Handshaking Christmas tour in Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Aug-09-2011 13:22)

Thousands of People Walk for Agent Orange Victims

(HANOI VietNamNet Bridge) - Thousands of people walked around Hanoi’s Thien Quang Lake in the morning of August 7 to raise fund for Agent Orange victims.

Held by the Vietnam Red Cross Society to commemorate 50 years of the ‘Agent Orange’ tragedy in Vietnam; the theme of the peace walk is “Take care of health and improve lives of Agent Orange victims”.

Read Full Article (Aug-09-2011 12:30)

Agent Orange: U.S. Veterans Asked To Help Korean Government Investigation

Uncovering the reality of Monsanto and Agent Orange in South Korea.

(SEOUL, Korea) - Agent Orange is not just a plague in Vietnam. Former U.S. Army Captain Phil Steward provided testimony to the Korean National Assembly on Monday, August 1st, on the U.S. Army’s use of herbicdes in Korea during 1968-1969, according to a news story in The Chosunilbo and confirmed in an email from Steward to me today.

The Chairman of the Korean National Sub-Committee asked Steward to help in obtaining statements from Korean veterans about their probably exposure to Agent Orange and other herbicides.

Read Full Article (Aug-08-2011 06:06)

The Monsanto Anschluss

Long laid plans to undo the rule of law.

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) - The control of human beings through food supplies To begin to appreciate the scope of Monsanto’s attack on the American people, one can look in three places, beginning with the USDA’s ruling on genetically modified Kentucky Bluegrass, and the agricultural – that is to say, food – element involved.

Monsanto, beside controlling the White House and creating interagency power to introduce GMOs everywhere, appears aware that what it is doing threatens others and has prepared for that as well.

Read Full Article (Aug-03-2011 22:00)

2011 - the Year of Agent Orange Victims

The Dialogue Group is calling on the US government to finance the largest part of the fund.

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - Monsanto's Agent Orange On August 10th 1961, the US Air force began spraying chemicals over Vietnam. Several events will take place this year to mark the fiftieth anniversary of that dreadful act.

The Vietnam War (1961-1975) is known for the massive bombing of North Vietnam. Less obvious and unknown for too long by the public at large has been the chemical warfare waged in the Southern part of that country from 1961 to 1971, whose consequences have been dramatic and long-lasting.

Read Full Article (Aug-03-2011 15:39)

High Levels of PCDDs in Vietnamese Breast Milk from Historical Agent Orange Spraying

The Hidden Horror in Agent Orange.

(LONDON Base Peak) - Agent Orange being dropped over Vietnam. One of the unfortunate legacies of the futile Vietnam War in the 1960-70s is linked directly to the decision to undertake large-scale defoliation in order to remove ground cover for the opposing troops and destroy crops.

The principal herbicide used was Agent Orange which was contaminated with toxic impurities that continue to exert their influence even today.

Read Full Article (Aug-02-2011 17:00)

Personal Responsibility - Fault or Fiction?

Since the inception of GMO products doctors have reported skyrocketing rates of allergies, auto-immune disorders, ADHD, asthma and autism.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Genetically Modified Corn We Americans have been living a lullaby of consumer comfort and easy bake answers. We have forgotten our survival skills and have taken for granted the perpetual feeding trough.

Our intuitive nature has dulled into the mild hum of complacency and blind trust in our providers. We have put faith in a system of faulty mechanisms led by corporate profit and democratic lust.

Read Full Article (Aug-01-2011 17:34)

The Monsanto Way

How the US multinational won state governments and influenced policy.

(BHUBANESWAR, India) - Maize farming in India When representatives of the world’s largest seed company, Monsanto, began to make discreet visits to the offices of the of the Gujarat government in 2007, it set in motion a process that would transform Indian agriculture in unexpected and significant ways.

Maize farming changed forever, with tribal populations giving up their traditional seeds for the world’s best-known Dekalb brand of hybrid maize (corn) and age-old methods of pesticide-free cultivation.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
