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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Oct-28-2011 00:39)

Agent Orange Action Group Calls for protest at Monsanto`s annual general meeting

Monsanto stockowners can express anger and concerns by asking questions to the board members for the criminal damage of Agent Orange.

(DA NANG Vietnam) - AAOG Monsanto, the company that manufactured Agent Orange used on Vietnam resulting in the deaths of many thousands of Vietnamese and the abnormal births of many thousands more, set its next annual meeting of shareowners on 24 Jan. 2012.

Monsanto’s annual meeting will be held at the company’s headquarters facility in suburban St. Louis.

Read Full Article (Oct-20-2011 16:37)

Agent Orange Studies Overlook Vietnamese Americans

The numerous studies on American veterans of the war stand in stark contrast to what little is known about the health effects of dioxin in Vietnamese living in the United States.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Agent Orange A few years ago, my father, a former naval officer in the South Vietnamese Army, developed liver cancer. The diagnosis followed decades of struggle with Hepatitis C, a viral infection he contracted through a blood transfusion during the war. A liver transplant saved his life.

More than two years since the operation, and my father’s life has been transformed from a state of “wait and see” to near normalcy, except for a daily regimen of dozens of pills.

Read Full Article (Oct-17-2011 04:14)

Da Nang International Airport - Agent Orange and the Removal of Dioxin: Status

Between 1962 and 1971, the United States military sprayed 20,000,000 US gallons (80,000,000 L) of chemical herbicides and defoliants on SE Asia.

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - Da Nang International Airport is the 3rd largest airport in Vietnam. Over 1 million passengers travel through the airport annually.

Read Full Article (Oct-15-2011 23:29)

Pharma`s Don`t-Take-Vitamins Study Diametrically Opposed by Valid Study

A top expert criticizes not only the study’s methodology, but the familiar commercial intent behind the study.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Food freedom Have you not asked yourself why vitamins (!) are suddenly an issue and who is behind it?

As food is increasingly degraded, are you not aware how crucial supplementation for vital nutrients is?

Read Full Article (Oct-14-2011 11:47)

End US Denial of Role in Vietnam`s Agent Orange Crisis

Despite the declassification of Operation Ranch Hand documents, exposing America’s use of Agent Orange, the United States has yet to accept blame or apologize for its conduct during the Vietnam War.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - America's legacy in Vietnam The goal of a current petition effort regarding Agent Orange contamination, involves obtaining a formal apology from the U.S. to Vietnam for the use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War.

After nearly 40 years and 2 failed Supreme Court cases, the United States still refuses to accept blame for the 3-4 million Agent Orange victims in Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Oct-11-2011 23:23)

Agent Orange: U.S. Navy and Coast Guard Ships in Vietnam

VA will help determine qualifying service in Vietnam when you file a claim for compensation benefits.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Seal of the Veterans Administration VA has released a list of U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships associated with military service in Vietnam and possible exposure to Agent Orange based on military records. This evolving list will help Veterans who served aboard ships, including “Blue Water Veterans,” find out if they may qualify for presumption of herbicide exposure.

Read Full Article (Oct-11-2011 19:45)

A Much Needed Outreaching Hand Of Support

Today, unlike any generation in history, citizens across the country are increasingly supportive in their actions and commitments to all members of the armed forces.

(LOS ANGELES) - Americans in Kabul, Afghanistan preparing to head 'outside the wire' ready their weapons A Much Needed Outreaching Hand Of Support By Lesli Moore Dahlke This article is about support. This is about our giving the life-blood of help to those who have been willing to shed their own life’s blood for all of us.

This is an article to shine a bright light on those service members, veterans, their families, and the families of the fallen who are often left in the shadows as they return from service and try to reenter “normal” life.

Read Full Article (Oct-09-2011 12:08)

Rebuttal to Salem-News Over Agent Orange Story

Regarding The Veterans Association of Sailors of the Vietnam War stance on the petition mentioned in the article.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Image by Horst Faas In an October 05 article and the description on the “We the People” petition site, the phrase "This petition can coincide with Senator Gillibrand's investigation into Agent Orange herbicide use and HR2634 VICTIMS OF AGENT ORANGE", is misleading at best.

Read Full Article (Oct-05-2011 01:40)

Petition for Full Disclosure of Where and When Agent Orange was used Outside of Vietnam - to Include Guam

This petition can coincide with Senator Gillibrand's investigation into Agent Orange herbicide use and HR2634 VICTIMS OF AGENT ORANGE.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Agent Orange victim A petition that you can sign here, will help ensure that the U.S. government is taking important steps to be accountable and reveal all of the locations where Agent Orange was used in places outside of the conflict zone of the Vietnam War.

For those who are not familiar, this chemical was developed and marketed to the government by Monsanto and Dow and it was sprayed over the jungles of Vietnam to reduce the foliage so that American planes could more easily attack enemies that otherwise were obscured by the natural landscape.

Read Full Article (Sep-30-2011 20:49)

International Activists Form New Organization to Provide Assistance to Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange

50 Years After the United States Commenced Spraying Agent Orange on the People and Land of Vietnam, Millions of Victims Continue To Suffer.

(DA NANG, Vietnam) - The Agent Orange Action Group (AOAG) On August 10th, 1961, the United States began spraying the deadly herbicide, Agent Orange, on the people and country of Vietnam.

During the course of a 10 year period, Agent Orange and the other so-called “rainbow herbicides” were sprayed on more than 20% of southern Vietnam. 4.5 million Vietnamese perished during the war.

Read Full Article
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