(May-03-2010 19:33)
A Poem: Colonel James Sabow, USMC (In Memorial)
Luke Easter & Tim King is honored to bring you this tribute by Luke Easter to a man who hasn't been forgotten for a single hour of the nineteen long years since the Marine Corps turned on him.
The tragic story of Marine Colonel James Sabow involves infuriating tragedy, silent yet overwhelming evidence, and immense, growing dedication. His death 19 years ago ridiculously deemed a suicide, was a Murder.
His brother is a physician; Dr. David Sabow knew almost from the beginning that something was terribly wrong with the investigation.
Read Full Article (May-02-2010 19:04)
Invisible Disability
David Bedworth
“. . . a bad day is when I lie in the bed and I think of things that might have been” -from a Paul Simon song
(ST. PETERSBURG, Florida ) -
I write this article as an attempt to raise the awareness of a medical fact.
There are those among us who suffer invisible disability and, as such, seem to ghost through life without being useful members of our busy society.
Read Full Article (May-01-2010 18:08)
Murder of Marine Colonel Demands Justice
Robert O'Dowd
A Marine Corps Colonel was murdered at MCAS El Toro, California. His brother has relentlessly pursued the investigation of his death for over 19 years. Guns, drugs, and a government cover-up make this a perfect crime.
(IRVINE, Calif.) -
Marine Colonel James E. Sabow, age 51, was found dead by his wife in the backyard of his quarters at MCAS El Toro, California. The Orange County Coroner ruled the death a suicide.
This was a direct violation of Navy regulations, which required that a post-mortem examination be conducted at the nearest Armed Forces Medical Examination Facility.
Read Full Article (Apr-29-2010 05:30)
`Hell No` to a Park and Homes at El Toro Marine Journalists Demand the Truth
Tim King
Wecome to Irvine's EPA Superfund site.
(IRVINE, Calif.) -
There is a great movie where the townspeople are possessed, living in a Stepford Wives twilight zone, often chanting, "For the greater good".
I wonder if they'll start doing that in Irvine, a city trying to peddle the El Toro Marine Corps base in all of its toxic glory as a park and real estate.
Read Full Article (Apr-27-2010 21:51)
Camp Lejeune Marine Veteran Expresses Anger at Marine Corps and Congress
Robert O'Dowd
Stephen Connard points to a lack of support for those injured on base from the contaminated water wells now closed.
The story of the contaminated water wells at Camp Lejeune just won’t go away.
The wells are now closed but many Lejeune veterans and dependents are visibly upset with what they perceive as a total lack of support from their Marine Corps and Congress.
Read Full Article (Apr-26-2010 22:11)
The Grand Illusion of Irvine`s Great Park
Tim King
The gondola on the bright orange balloon is as empty as dreams that the Great Park offers.
(IRVINE, Calif.) -
It was a moderately dreary Sunday at the old El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in Irvine. We've written about the place many times. I was stationed there as a Marine in the 1980's and I've always remained fairly nostalgic about this piece of Marine Corps history that closed in 1999.
There was a slight chill in the air on this day, and a big obnoxious orange bag of hot air floating over El Toro, which means "The Bull" in Spanish.
Read Full Article (Apr-23-2010 05:02)
El Toxic Hell Toro Part Two: A Death Sentence for Marines and School Kids?
Tim King
MCAS El Toro's history includes a severe impact on the children and educators of the former El Toro School.
(IRVINE, Calif.) -
Marines are sick and dying from their contact with toxins at MCAS El Toro, such as TCE, a chemical used to clean jet fighters; but Marines aren't the only victims.
El Toro School kids, whose small bodies are less resistant to contamination with deadly pollutants, may have even less of a chance of weathering this storm.
Read Full Article (Apr-22-2010 02:00)
Larry Agran and Bill Turner: A Tale of Two Traitors?
Roger Butow's 'Odd Man Out'
“The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed but that he cannot believe anyone else.” George Bernard Shaw
(LAGUNA BEACH, Calif.) -
A recent article in the OC Register about the City of Irvine and EPA “greenwash” of water quality impairments at the former USMCAS El Toro is disturbing; it strikes a sore nerve, an open wound that won't heal.
It’s an insult to those who have already experienced injury and death, Marines and civilian vendors alike, plus other emerging casualties.
Read Full Article (Apr-22-2010 02:00)
Born at Camp Lejeune, Can`t Afford Cancer Surgery
Robert O'Dowd
Camp Lejeune’s adverse health effects have affected an estimated 500,000 veterans and dependents, leaving many unable to work and lacking health care, in desperate situations.
(REDDING, Calif.) -
A number of veterans and dependents of Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune continue to suffer from cancer linked to their exposure to organic solvents like trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, and benzene in the base wells.
Teresa Trantham of Redding, CA, a breast cancer survivor, is a former dependent of a Camp Lejeune Marine.
Read Full Article (Apr-21-2010 04:05)
El Toro, Hell Toro, or El Toxic ?? Irvine`s Beast of Burden Can`t Hide
Tim King
The El Toro Marine Base is unfit for habitation; dead Marines do tell tales.
(IRVINE, Calif.) -
The ruins of a Marine base in Southern California are a silent reminder of the dishonest tactics of Irvine, Lennar Corp., and the Great Parks Corp.
Their unrealistic plans to build a subdivision on the extremely contaminated MCAS El Toro, will never come to pass.
Read Full Article