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Supremes Bolster `Yo-Yo Economy` Via Corporate Sell-Out

"Right" reverses founder insights & centuries of history, part one of three: Seaside Signal Series.

(EUGENE, Ore.) - Supremes There is no possible doubt to whom our Founders deferred in their uniquely creative invention of our governance system. Their every statement rings and resonates with full and still worthy recognition of both the strengths and weaknesses of the ordinary human being.

How could it be otherwise? That still-primitive form of early business --the corporation groping and grasping for new ways to seize profits by every possible means-- was then still universally viewed as a danger to community and commonweal.

Read Full Article (Jan-25-2010 23:48)

White Inmate`s Shoulder Injury Means 70 Months for Black Prison Guard

There is a strong rumor in Salem that up until the early 1960's, signs stood at each end of town reading, "Welcome to Salem, 99% White". I think it is really a fact, but I have never seen the signs; my understanding is that they still exist.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Black man in prison Advocates for a former African-American Oregon corrections officer say a recent court decision in Marion County rings of older times, when racism was practiced openly and at will in Salem.

This story involves a black corrections officer who injured an inmate as he diffused a racially-motivated fight between convicts in the Oregon State Correctional Institute, where he was employed.

Read Full Article (Jan-24-2010 16:36)

Johnson & Johnson in Competition with Purdue Pharma for Worst Corporation of 2010

Johnson & Johnson, responsible for the rebuilding of the City of New Brunswick -- not to mention a renowned medical center in New Brunswick being renamed the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital -- has had its fine name tarnished.

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Johnson & Johnson headquarters In the last couple of weeks, J & J was charged by the US Justice Department with paying millions of dollars in kickbacks to Omnicare, the nation’s largest pharmacy specializing in dispensing drugs to nursing home patients.

Why? So its Risperdal antipsychotic medication would be widely prescribed.

Read Full Article (Jan-21-2010 15:20)

Senate Committee Passes National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2009

Federal and state governments spend more than $50 billion each year on corrections.

(ARLINGTON) - 2.3 million people in prisons and jails The bi-partisan National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2009 (S. 714) was passed out of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary today by voice vote.

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) would create a commission to conduct a thorough evaluation of the nation's justice system and offer recommendations for reform at every stage of the criminal justice system.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2010 22:49)

Missouri Medical Marijuana Bill Filed With Bi-Partisan Sponsorship

14 states stand up for medicinal use of cannabis and the other U.S. states are getting in line. Who's next?

(MISSOURI) - cannabis marijuana lemon pledge A bill to permit Missouri citizens whose doctors believe they benefit from the use of marijuana as medicine to do so without fear of criminal prosecution and imprisonment has been filed by Representative Kate Meiners of Kansas City.

The bill has more sponsors than ever before, with 16 House members signing onto the bill, including Republican Representative Robert Schaaf, a physician from St. Joseph. Fourteen states and the District of Columbia now have laws which permit patients to use marijuana as medicine with the approval of their doctors.

Read Full Article (Jan-20-2010 18:57)

Early Morning Eagle Creek Blaze Under Investigation

The Clackamas County Sheriff's Office urges anyone with information to contact the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office.

(EAGLE CREEK, Ore.) - Eagle Creek house fire Clackamas County Sheriff's Office patrol personnel, Estacada Fire and Sandy Fire rescue personnel were dispatched to a large structure fire at 1:49 a.m. this morning, at 29655 SE Hwy 211, in Eagle Creek.

Det. Jim Strovink with the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office, says the two-alarm blaze erupted in a structure described as an unoccupied barn which had been utilized previously as a woodworking shop.

Read Full Article (Jan-18-2010 14:31)

Black Market, Drugs, Prostitution, Corruption: Run by Senior NCO`s

America's real military tradition.

(CINCINNATI) - Lying about the Vietnam War is a way of life. When some of those who “served” in Vietnam became old enough to gain power, hiding much of the truth of the war was critical to keep questions down. Everything bad in Vietnam was blamed on minorities, “bad eggs” and draftees.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2010 03:30)

Does Media Focus on False Rape and Kidnapping Case Really Help Anyone?

Where should police and courts draw the line on bragging rights?

(AURORA, Ore.) - Scene from Heavy Metal Police are publicizing the conviction of an Oregon woman this week who filed what turned out to be a false report, stating she was kidnapped and sexually assaulted over a three day period by an unknown assailant.

I am not questioning the court's verdict, but I will cut to the chase and say that publicizing this story gives future rape and sexual assault victims the wrong message. If the woman in question made the story up then she needs some kind of help, and media publicity is not likely it.

Read Full Article (Jan-14-2010 16:49)

Reefer Madness Epidemic in Police Departments

Let's hope the epidemic subsides.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - DEA raid The movie Reefer Madness portraying totally false images of people going crazy from smoking marijuana/cannabis has been completely discredited and was used to make the Hearst newspapers lots of money. It is so grotesque that it is laughable. Reefer Madness as a psychological condition still exists but is in the police organizations[1].

The weird reasoning of the DEA and other similar organizations is not clear but a form of megalomaniacal hysteria exists.

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2010 12:37)

Watch Out for Haiti Earthquake Scams knows that both the Willamette Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross and Medical Teams Intl. in Portland are both legitimate agencies raising funds to help the people in Haiti.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Oregon AG John Kroger Oregon Attorney General John Kroger is warning Oregon consumers to be on the lookout for unfamiliar organizations soliciting funds for victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti.

Scammers exploit current events – from fears about a swine flu pandemic to the sale of Michael Jackson memorabilia – to defraud consumers. Scammers will seek to gain access to credit card numbers and bank accounts in order to commit identity theft.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
