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New York Times on Stress, Depression and Therapy: a Gentle Education

In addition to being a retired Osteopathic doctor, Phil Leveque is a Professor of Pharmacology and a Forensic Toxicologist.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - Depression I have accidentally become an expert on (military) stress (PTSD), depression and therapy.

The Veterans Administration considers PTSD to be almost synonymous with Clinical Depression and tries to treat it with anti-depressant drugs, which psychiatric experts in the field consider to be effective only about 20% of the time.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2010 13:18)

Maryland Senate Passes Medical Marijuana Bill

Measure to Provide Patients With Safe Access Now Moves to House.

(ANNAPOLIS, Md.) - Capitol of Maryland With no discussion or objections, the Maryland Senate voted 35-12 to pass SB 627, a bill that would allow qualified patients to be recommended medical marijuana by their doctor and receive safe access to their medicine through state-licensed distribution centers.

The bill now moves to the House. The General Assembly’s session ends Monday night.

Read Full Article (Apr-08-2010 21:55)

Marijuana and Heroin: Two Very Dangerous Drugs! Or Not!

Marijuana has never caused a death, but groups like NIDA keep lumping this herbal medicine in the same group as Heroin, which is deadly.

(MOLALLA, Ore.) - I was not surprised to read in The Oregonian Newspaper April, 5, 2010, that Oregon had 127 Heroin deaths last year and 119 in 2008.

Heroin deaths have averaged about 2000 per year in the U.S.

Read Full Article (Apr-06-2010 16:50)

Two Criminals Doing Business Together

The FDA and the Health and Human Services agencies have acquired a much needed short fuse in dealing with criminals disguised as pharmaceutical companies.

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - US District Judge Denny Chin on Bernie Madoff's conviction:
"Mr. Madoff's crimes were extraordinarily evil."
"The breach of trust was massive."

Wonder what US District Judge Denny Chin would call KV Pharmaceuticals and Purdue Pharma -- responsible for defrauding consumers -- endangering their lives -- and in some cases causing scores of deaths.

Read Full Article (Apr-06-2010 01:05)

The Ruins of Juarez

The world's most violent city, right next door to the U.S.A.

(LAS CRUCES, N.M.) - Ciudad, Juarez Approaching Ciudad Juarez from the south, passengers on a commercial bus got a hard look at the world’s most violent city.

Halted at a checkpoint outside the city limits, the bus was inspected by Mexican soldiers before being allowed to proceed.

Read Full Article (Apr-03-2010 22:08)

Who`s Afraid of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories?

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” —Queen Gertrude, Hamlet

(OSAKA, Japan) - Israel 911 Whenever someone insists too strongly about something not being true, we tend to suspect that maybe it is. In their denials of involvement in 9/11, do Israel’s apologists “protest too much”?

While it would take a small book to adequately document the Israeli connection to 9/11—as editor Justin Raimondo has attempted in The Terror Enigma—let us briefly recall some of the more intriguing facts as reported in the mainstream media...

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2010 21:59)

Global 16x9: `The Bigger Picture` Premieres Saturday at 7:00 p.m. EST

"....that company (Purdue Pharma) made a shocking admission - it lied"

(MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.) - Oxycontin images by: Global News A powerful story will be aired across Canada tomorrow night -- but unfortunately it will not be televised in the U.S.

It may be available in the U.S. on the Internet by going to Global TV 16x9 The Bigger Picture.

Read Full Article (Apr-02-2010 14:34)

A Tale of Two Palestinian Brothers... and Israel`s Dismissal of Murder

Brian Ross, Murder central; Israel and Amerika.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Bassem Ibrahim abu-Rakhma whose friends knew him simply as 'Phil', laqys dying after the Israeli military shot him with a tear gas bomb. This is the story of Bassem "Phil" Abu Rahmah and his brother Ashraf. Bassem was killed by Israel's military during a peace protest.

He was unarmed, in fact he was begging the Israeli soldiers in Hebrew not to fire directly at them, they did anyway, and struck Bassem squarely in the chest.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2010 22:40)

Oregon Legislator Objects to State`s Defense of National Healthcare

"I just hate to see us waste taxpayer money" -Rep. Sal Esquivel, R-Medford

(SALEM, Ore.) - Rep. Sal Esquivel Attorney General John Kroger's promise to defend the national health care plan drew criticism Thursday from a House Republican.

Rep. Sal Esquivel, R-Medford, questions why Kroger and Gov. Ted Kulongoski are pledging to defend the nearly $1 trillion health care law signed by President Barack Obama last week.

Read Full Article (Apr-01-2010 22:37)

Oregon Pledges to Defend Constitutionality of National Healthcare Reform Bill

Oregon will rebut legal arguments offered by other attorneys general.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Governor Kulongoski and Attorney General Kroger Oregon's Governor and Attorney General announced that the State of Oregon intends to take legal action in court to defend the constitutionality of the new national health care reform bill.

Oregon will seek to participate in ongoing litigation in order to argue that the new legislation does not violate the U.S. Constitution.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
