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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (May-27-2010 17:55)

Investor Kenneth Starr Arrested

(SALEM, Ore.) - handcuffs Bloomberg reports that New York investment adviser Kenneth Ira Starr, who has a client list that has included actors Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes, was charged with stealing money from his clients so he could buy luxury items including a $7 million apartment.

Read Full Article (May-27-2010 15:52)

Forget Dialogue

If we think that the rules of the failed “peace movement” were different than those of the new “dialogue movement”, perhaps it’s time to get wise.

(ROME) - Israel flag For quite a while, people involved in activism (as advocates of Palestinian nationalism and the Palestinian cause) have been part of a “dialogue movement”.

This follows an extended period of time wasted in the failed “peace movement”. Once we figured out it was another Zionist trap (and it admittedly took several decades too long, since no Palestinian advocacy participant is against peace, so it was difficult to communicate to all that peace was not its objective and thus our participation was enabling Zionism) we were well out the door.

Read Full Article (May-27-2010 00:09)

Nobel Prize Winner Calls for Release of Israel`s Nuclear Weapons Whistleblower

Irish Peace Nobelist Mairead Maguire Calls on Peace Nobelists President Obama and President Shimon Perez to do all they can to Free Mordechai Vanunu.

(DUBLIN) - Mairead Maguire in Jerusalem Mairead Maguire, has written to President Barack Obama, USA and President Shimon Perez, Israel, asking them to ‘do all they can’ to obtain the release of Mordechai Vanunu and for Mordechai to be given his freedom and allowed to leave Israel.

Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower, was convicted by an Israeli Court in l986 and sentenced to 18 years for passing on information about Israel’s nuclear weapons.

Read Full Article (May-26-2010 22:06)

A Nakba Commemoration at Shatila Palestinian Refugee Camp in Beirut

Palestine Civil Rights Campaign-Lebanon: A PCRC update by Sarah Marusek, Board Member PCRC

(SHATILA CAMP, Beirut) - 22 May 2010—On this warm Saturday afternoon inside Beirut’s Shatila Camp, hundreds of Palestinians gathered at the Palestinian Youth Center to observe the annual commemorations of the 1948 Nakba or disaster, that forced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homeland.

That number includes around 120,000 who found refuge in what were originally intended to be temporary camps in Lebanon.

Read Full Article (May-26-2010 13:52)

A Little Boy of Bethlehem

Article originally published in 2007 is a snapshot in time, these are Eileen's observations from that year, during her 7th trip to Israel.

(BETHLEHEM) - Little boy in Bethlehem My last six trips to Israel and occupied Palestine have been driven by the fierce urgency of now and a sense of calling; to go-bear witness-and report about the lives of regular people living under military occupation and to learn about and support the grass root efforts of Israeli, Palestinian and International nonviolent activists against the occupation of Palestine.

Read Full Article (May-25-2010 20:45)

Australia Expels Israeli Diplomat Over Fake Passport Affair

Dubai authorities said they were almost 100 per cent certain the Israeli spy agency, Mossad, was responsible for the hit.

(MELBOURNE) - Australian Passports Forged By Mossad The Federal Government is expelling an Israeli diplomat after it found Israel faked Australian passports that were used in a hit on a top Hamas leader in Dubai.

Read Full Article (May-25-2010 17:43)

The Arms Circus, Israel Keeping the World in Turmoil

The art of keeping America at risk for fun and profit.

(CINCINNATI, Ohio) - This week, newspapers around the world received reports and signed documents from South Africa.

The reports said that, in 1975, Israel agreed to sell South Africa nuclear weapons. South Africa then released an arms agreement signed by current Israeli President Shimon Peres. This is the document “heard round the world.”

Read Full Article (May-25-2010 16:42)

Iran was not what we had Thought

"I found a community of like-minded, hospitable, curious people, including complete strangers who approached me with great energy and kindness." -Shannon Kelley, Morelia International Film Festival

(TEHRAN) - Although the relentless and incessant spates of mainstream media's psychological warfare have turned Iran into a hazardous and insecure region in the eyes of global public opinions, thousands of Western tourists "take the risk" of traveling to Iran each year to behold in person the concealed and withheld realities of the peaceful and magnificent Iran which a hawkish leader had idiotically categorized as a part of the so-called "Axis of Evil".

The American, French, German, British and Australian citizens who voluntarily travel to Iran to discover the veiled face of this ancient land usually confess identically that Iran had not been what they had thought.

Read Full Article (May-25-2010 11:14)

Threat to Miranda Rule

Why did the Supreme Court feel the need to create a universal standard?

(SAN FRANCISCO) - Attorney General Holder & President Obama Recently, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder floated proposals to carve out an exception to the Miranda rule and delay "probable cause" hearings beyond 48-hours for terrorist suspects. The proposals come in the wake of the arrest of Faisal Shahzad, the suspect in a failed attempt to detonate a car bomb in New York's Times Square.

Federal interrogators questioned Mr. Shahzad for several hours before warning him of his right to remain silent and consult an attorney, citing an exception to the Miranda rule that allows such delays for immediate threats to public safety.

Read Full Article (May-25-2010 02:22)

Bob Birch Reports from Palestine`s Occupied Territories

Question: how can the Israelis get away with it?
Answer: because we in the West do nothing.

(AL JABA, Occupied Palestine) - Al Jabá, a village of 700 people, sits in the path of a section of the apartheid wall which Israel has scheduled for construction at a future stage.

It lies south west of Bethlehem, just one kilometre from the 1967 Green Line – inside the Palestinian West Bank.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
