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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jun-09-2010 01:19)

Israel to Ease Blockade in Exchange for Weak Flotilla Inquiry

Israeli officials reportedly denied there was any direct link.

(Bethlehem - Ma'an/Agencies) - Israeli warship Israel is poised to accept a British plan to ease its blockade of Gaza in exchange for international acceptance of a watered-down investigation into last week's deadly raid on a Turkish aid ship, The Daily Telegraph reported Wednesday.

Britain is understood to have taken a leading role in the negotiations and last week circulated a confidential document proposing ways of easing the blockade, according to Western officials familiar with a draft version of the report quoted by the London-based daily.

Read Full Article (Jun-08-2010 23:05)

`REMEMBER THE LIBERTY`? An Anniversary Day Apology

A 39th Anniversary of Israel's attack on the U.S.S warship Liberty.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - The U.S.S. Liberty was attacked by Israel during the Six Day War; it almost led to a strike on Egypt that came about from bad information... from Israel. Remember the Liberty: the pathetic battlecry of an Israeli occupied nation of ignorant, lazy, cornfed Zionist collaborators ---- like the French during WWII ---- at most the pitiful whining of "free press" media eunuchs and Quisling officials who haven't a free instinct in their entire being?


Read Full Article (Jun-08-2010 05:41)

Dear Helen Thomas with a PS to all her `Colleagues` and Every American

One lady who has been there to see America from the inside, for a very long time.

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - The one and only Helen Thomas Eighty-nine year old Journalist Helen Thomas has taken a lot of heat for daring to address the fact that any Jew without any historical connection to Israel is encouraged to settle-as in colonize-upon legally owned Palestinian land.

I learned about, Aliyah, which means ‘going up,’ during my first of seven trips to Israel and occupied Palestine in June 2005 from an American Jewess who had taken the deal and she informed me:

Read Full Article (Jun-07-2010 21:17)

Colorado Gives Marijuana Dispensaries Legal Status

Governor Signs Regulations for State’s Medical Marijuana Industry.

(DENVER) - Colorado flag with marijuana Today, Colorado Governor Bill Ritter (D) signed legislation that will regulate the state’s medical marijuana dispensaries through a system of local and state licenses, but still allow individual localities to ban dispensaries.

Currently there are an estimated 1,100 medical marijuana dispensaries throughout Colorado — the most in any state other than California, which does not have statewide dispensary regulations.

Read Full Article (Jun-07-2010 00:04)

Why Israel Put Mordechai Vanunu Back In Jail Last Month

CNN wants to interview me; but they say they can't do it because they don't want problems with the Israeli censor. BBC is doing the same thing" - Mordechai Vanunu

(CLERMONT, Fla. ) - Vanunu and Israel On 24 April 2004, which was three days after Mordechai Vanunu was released from 18 years in a windowless tomb sized cell jail for providing the photographic proof and telling the truth about Israel's clandestine seven story underground WMD Program in the Negev, Uri Avnery wrote:

"Everybody understands that he has no more secrets. What can a technician know after 18 years in jail, during which technology has advanced with giant steps?

Read Full Article (Jun-06-2010 22:42)

UN Recognition of Israel is Fatally Flawed

Christopher King argues that beneath Israel’s litany of crimes against the Palestinians, and most recently its murder of humanitarian workers aboard the Gaza-bound international aid flotilla, lies the fact of its own illegality.

(LONDON) - Artwork by the amazing Carlos Latuff The true nature of the so-called freedom-loving, democratic state of Israel is clear to the world following its military attack on Gaza, and the illegal blockade which causes terrible suffering.

These horrifying events should focus minds within the international community on the legitimacy of the Israeli regime.

Read Full Article (Jun-06-2010 00:52)

Is Israel Planning Act of Desperation ?

It still holds two stolen nukes for possible port attack.

(CINCINNATI, Ohio) - Israeli nuclear weapons Whenever the gang that has seized power in Israel wants to move forward their agenda-their plan to use American lives to dominate not only the Middle East but Central Asia-they reach into their bag of tricks.

Sometimes it’s a simple story: “rockets from Gaza” or another phony Bin Laden audio tape. However, too often, as we have learned time and time again, something very bad happens at just the right time.

Read Full Article (Jun-05-2010 23:29)

Portland Police Seek Suspect in Sexual Assault

The male suspect is described as Hispanic and in his late twenties or early thirties with short wavy hair and brown eyes.

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Portland sexual assault suspect sketch Portland Police say a woman was sexually assaulted outside of her vehicle in the area of Northeast 116th and Sacramento On June 2, 2010 around 12:30 a.m.

The victim told police the man was armed with a box cutter and that he threatened her with it.

Read Full Article (Jun-05-2010 19:28)

Baja California News: Outcry Follows Migrant`s Death

The death is currently under investigation by the San Diego Police Department’s homicide unit.

(SAN YSIDRO, Calif.) - Port at San Ysidro A Mexican national who died after a confrontation with US border agents has become the latest symbol of the crisis surrounding US-Mexico relations and migrant affairs.

Anastasio Hernandez Rojas died in a California hospital May 31, following a violent encounter with US Customs and Border Protection and Border Patrol agents at the San Ysidro Port of Entry.

Read Full Article (Jun-03-2010 02:41)

How and Why I got `on-board` with The FREEDOM FLOTILLA to Gaza

When will Obama learn that it is in America's best interests to: End the Siege on Gaza?

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - Flotilla arrest I am an American without a drop of Arab blood within me and my org has been an endorsing org of the FREEDOM FLOTILLA, since I learned about it, in June 2007.

On the first day of the conference, I learned that among the invited speakers who did NOT show or send a representative were Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the Republican National Committee.

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Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
