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Salem-News.com (Oct-14-2010 11:45)

The Verdict: Hang Up

Don't Fall for Jury Duty Scam; it's pure fraud...

(HARRISVILLE, N.H.) - Fraud The phone rings, you pick it up, and the caller identifies himself as an officer of the court. He says you failed to report for jury duty and that a warrant is out for your arrest.

You say you never received a notice. To clear it up, the caller says he'll need some information for "verification purposes"-your birth date, social security number, maybe even a credit card number.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-14-2010 02:57)

An Indigenous Solution for Peace in Afghanistan Part 2

Part two in a special series; Tribal imbalance, violence, corruption and chaos.

(SEATTLE) - Afghanistan billboad The nexus between tribal imbalance and America’s incoherent military and political strategies are the root causes of the dilemma in Afghanistan, and now America’s policies are exacerbating already-deteriorating conditions on the ground.

General David Petraeus’s COIN strategy is designed for failure because of the stratospheric odds against winning Afghan hearts and minds. Not to mention the fact that NATO’s very presence is fueling the insurgency.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-13-2010 16:04)

The International Community and Mordechai Vanunu`s 56th Birthday

Happy birthday 'V' - millions of people all over the world are on your side!

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - Mordechai Vanunu The Israeli nuclear weapons whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu was born 56 year ago, on 14 October 1954. The former Israeli nuclear technician, in citing his opposition to weapons of mass destruction, went public with the details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British press in 1986.

Shortly after that he was lured to Italy by a Mossad spy, drugged, kidnapped by Israeli intelligence agents.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-13-2010 13:20)

Demands of Independent Investigation into Death of Cameroonian Journalist

(PORTLAND, Ore.) - Bibib Ngota The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is calling on the Cameroonian government to quickly open an independent investigation into the death of journalist Cyrille Germain Ngota Ngota alias Bibi Ngota.

“We are surprised by the bias in the report presented by the Cameroonian authorities which purports to validate simply the official version conveyed shortly after the tragic incident,” declared Gabriel Baglo , Director of IFJ Africa office.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-13-2010 12:40)

A Retrospective Analysis of the `Wikileaks Crisis`

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Wikileaks controversy On 25 July 2010, the New York Times carried an explosive story by Mark Mazzetti, Jane Perlez, Eric Schmitt and Andrew W. Lehren about some 92,000 classified Pentagon documents which had passed into the hands of Wikileaks, a Sweden-based whistleblower website headed by Julian Assange.

Ostensibly, the leak sent shock waves through the US Administration – not just for the sheer volume of the leaked material but also because the revelations could significantly affect the course of the war in Afghanistan.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-12-2010 18:40)

`Most Famous Woman in Afghanistan` Speaks at Canadian Boat to Gaza Fundraiser in Vancouver

"This war is a disaster for both the Afghan and the Canadian people" - Malalai Joya

(VANCOUVER, B.C.) - Salem-News.com Malalai Joya, the woman the BBC has called "the most famous in Afghanistan", is in Vancouver to headline a benefit evening for the Canadian Boat to Gaza tonight: Tuesday, 12 October 7:00 p.m. at W2 Storyeum, 151 W. Cordova.

The event at W2 will also feature Victoria-based Gaza flotilla activist Kevin Neish, as well as live music and other speakers.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-12-2010 13:55)

Group Will Protest Israeli Dance Troupe at Benaroya Hall in Seattle

(SEATTLE) - Michelle Kinnucan Increasing scrutiny of Israel's crimes against humanity is becoming more prevalent these days in western society, particularly in the Pacific Northwest.

BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanction), a large scale boycott movement against Israeli products, is gaining momentum on a worldwide scale. Activist Michelle Kinnucan of Greater Seattle Veterans for Peace, says the next public effort there is a Protest for Justice & Peace in Palestine.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-11-2010 20:52)

4,000 Faces of Christianity

What the religious Christian world does not want you to know.

(DALLAS, Tx.) - Colored candles of religion During the past nineteen hundred years over four thousand different Christian religious denominations, organizations, and movements, have evolved in the world. These four thousand we call main line groups. Go outside of these main line movements and the number of groups cannot be counted.

A great number of these main line groups have developed their own individual plans of salvation.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-08-2010 12:02)

Morrow County Deputy Arrested on Murder Charges

Anyone with any information should call the Morrow County Sheriff’s Office at 541-676-9061.

(SALEM, Ore.) - 47-year old Steven Montie Crum A Morrow County Sheriff’s reserve deputy wanted for murder was arrested this morning without incident during a traffic stop in Harney County.

Steven Montie Crum (DOB: 06-12-1981) was arrested for the murder of Jessica Rae Killian, whose body was discovered on Oct. 4 on a farm near Ione. The investigation is ongoing.

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Salem-News.com (Oct-07-2010 20:07)

Kenneth O`Keefe Criticized American Support of Israel

O’Keefe said the ability of the media and government to use propaganda to further their agenda is one of the most dangerous parts of the world today.

(KANSAS CITY, Mo.) - Ken O'Keefe Tear gas filled the air, Israeli militants fired off rounds from snipers and percussion grenades went off all around. A 19-year-old American photographer holding his camera up to catch the moment was shot dead from helicopters above.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley


Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin