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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Sep-23-2011 16:02)

Mahmoud Abbas and Barack Obama: Tragic Hero vs Political Prostitute

Israel needs peace. Israel needs to live side by side with the Palestinian people, within the Arab world. Israel cannot rely forever on the unconditional support of the declining United States.

(TEL AVIV) - Obama and Abbas ”The Arab Spring may have been a last chance for the US to recover its standing in the Middle East. After some hesitation, Obama realized that...

“Now he has blown it, perhaps forever. No self-respecting Arab will forgive him for plunging his knife into the back of the helpless Palestinians..."

Read Full Article (Sep-23-2011 15:25)

Recognition of Israel Necessitates Recognizing Palestine First

Recognizing a state requires the existence of an equal state, politically and legally on the same level, to make the recognition.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Mahmoud Abbas submitting the application of the state of Palestine for admission to membership in the United Nations Author’s note: Recognizing Israel has been an Israeli precondition for sitting around one table with the Palestinians to start the so-called peace talks.

In almost all the screwed up bilateral negotiations over the past two decades, the Israeli side would always issue statements that justify and stick the failure of negotiations on the other side’s unwillingness to recognize the state of Israel.

Read Full Article (Sep-23-2011 14:34)

The Third Rail and Forcing Obama to earn his Nobel

"If you are not a part of the solution-you are a part of the problem." - Eldridge Cleaver

(UNITED NATIONS) - Barack Obama Today at the United Nations President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas formally requested full United Nations membership and stated, "I don’t believe anyone with a shred of conscience can reject our application for full admission in the United Nations," as he called statehood “the realization of the inalienable national rights of the Palestinian people."

Read Full Article (Sep-23-2011 01:11)

London JC Launches Attack on Prof. John Mearheimer

Being the amateurish outlet that it is, the JC has made at least two mistakes.

(LONDON) - Gilad Atzmon misrepresented I occasionally read the London JC: it provides a glimpse into Zionist paranoia, and it also depicts a true image of the ‘Nuevo Ghetto’ mentality.

Today, a week ahead of the publication of my new book The Wandering Who, the JC seems to be desperate to mount pressure on Professor John Mearsheimer, the highly respected academic who warmly endorsed my book. In the article below, the JC prints a collection of quotes from the book that are supposed to be both embarrassing and contentious (I made them bold). Needless to mention, I am standing firmly behind all of my quotes, and each of my words.

Read Full Article (Sep-23-2011 00:29)

`Tears of Gaza` - The Movie

Vibeke Lokkeberg gives us the names, faces, and stories of three ordinary Gaza children with extraordinary spirits.

(LONDON) - ‘Tears of Gaza’ by Vibeke Lokkeberg is a documentary film that should be watched by every American, to see how Israel spends our taxes. Every European should watch it, to see the true face of Israel. It should be viewed by every Arab, to renew our resolve not to allow a racist nation to wipe Palestine and her children from the map and from history.

I had read the stories from Gaza after Israel’s so called “operation cast lead”. I had read the reports. I thought I had cried enough then not to cry again.

Read Full Article (Sep-22-2011 16:46)

Veterans Today Supports Palestinian Statehood to Increase American National Security, the most widely read military and foreign affairs online journal urges President Obama to end the cycle of endangering American national security through continued ‘blank check’ support for Israel.

(CINCINNATI ) - Veterans Today This multi-decade policy has been a disaster not only for American relations in the region, but for Israel and its neighbors, also.

“The biblical claims that Israel has used to claim divine right to the land have no historical basis whatsoever. It was entirely made up to justify the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians”, states Gordon Duff, senior editor.

Read Full Article (Sep-21-2011 13:25)

No Turkey This Thanksgiving

So why all the defensiveness about Israel when Israel is a liability and Turkey a valuable asset strategically

(WASHINGTON D.C. CNI) - Gen. Walker and Turkish troops, Korea .Turkey is an ally. Israel is not. Turkey has served United States strategic interests. Israel has not. Turkey has hosted American bases and committed its soldiers to support their American counterparts in combat. Israel has not.

Israel has done little more vis-à-vis the United States’ real interests than take more than a hundred billion dollars in taxpayer provided largesse, use Washington as a veto machine to protect its own interests, and betray all of that by spying and stealing defense secrets which were later traded to the Russians and sold to the Chinese.

Read Full Article (Sep-21-2011 12:53)

Brzezinski: The Last American Cowboy `Spills the Beans`

Ambushing MSNBC, Zbigniew Brzezinski Lays Out A Foundation For Real Americans

(CINCINNATI) - Brezenski Catching readers on the underside of the video. Save the article. We are going to be working with this video a bit more this week and I hope to be discussing it on radio and TV, if allowed. If you don’t mind, I would take a minute or two to bring out a few of the issues here that caught my eye.

First of all, over the last week or two, I have been addressing American Jews. VT already has a huge readership in Israel, seen by some as the voice of the anti-Netanyahu political parties and others as excessively pro-Palestinian.

Read Full Article (Sep-20-2011 17:51)

The One-Sided US veto

The US, arguing that unilateralism is misguided, hypocritically plans to veto Palestinian statehood at the UN.

(BEER-SHEVA, Israel) - Obama and Netanyahu US President Barack Obama's decision to use the US' veto prerogative if the United Nations votes to recognise a Palestinian state will constitute a blow to those seeking peace in the Middle East.

His administration's claim that peace can only be achieved through dialogue and consent rather than through unilateral moves ignores the complex power relations that constitute peace-making between Israelis and Palestinians.

Read Full Article (Sep-20-2011 14:22)

At the UN: the Speech that Might Have Been

“Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.” - Reinhold Niebuhr

(LAVERNE, Calif) - Obama and Palestine An Address at the United Nations by the President of the United States:

May I address each and every one of you as the anointed representative of your respective countries, responsible to the citizens of those countries in this assembly of nations, gathered together to guarantee the rights of all peoples on this planet as defined and declared in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As President of the United States, I represent the first nation to defend its independence based on the natural rights of humankind...

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
