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Waters for Life in Palestine

After 1967, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza were denied access to most of their water resources in a calculated process to impoverish the population and destroy the economy in the occupied Palestinian territories.

(BETHLEHEM) - Water in Palestine From its founding Israel as an apartheid colonial power has appropriated natural resources from native people to use for immigrants imported from around the world.

Before 1967, Israel diverted waters that normally flowed into the Jordan river basin and also restricted water usage by the Palestinians who remained in what became the state of Israel in 1948.

Read Full Article (Sep-29-2011 12:23)

Israelis Mock Palestinian Bid for Statehood (Video)

“Nowadays, Israelis are exhibiting the symptoms of a mass paranoia syndrome”.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - The Israeli syndrome. A lot has been written about the Palestinian bid for statehood lately. The whole world watched the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, as he handed over the historic request to UN chief Ban Ki-moon, asking the United Nations to admit the state of Palestine as a full member.

We can glean a fairly good idea where most of the world stands on this Palestinian bid for statehood issue from the huge applause and standing ovation Mr. Abbas won as he entered the hall just after submitting the membership request and giving his speech...

Read Full Article (Sep-28-2011 20:54)

Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year): Will God forgive?

Do the people who have been hurt by Jews in Zionism’s name include the Palestinians?

(LONDON) - Rosh Hashana shofar At the start of the Jewish New Year I have some questions for Britain’s Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks. They are for him in particular because of what he said in a recorded message of preparation for the New Year, but they are also questions that could and should be asked of rabbis everywhere.

First here’s the complete text (quite short) of what Lord Sacks said and can be seen to be saying on You Tube.

Read Full Article (Sep-28-2011 20:12)

Countering Slurs: Hollywood`s Anti-Arab Propaganda

Very few films or TV programmes portray Arabs in a favourable light. Those that do need to counter the negative images reflected in the bigotry of a century in Hollywood.

(MANAMA, Bahrain) - Fordham High football player Fordson High School is a secondary school in Dearborn, Michigan. At times Dearborn has been a victim of hostility toward its Muslim community. The city has the largest concentration of Arabs outside of the Middle East.

The school and its football (American football) team is the setting for the new film “Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football”.

Read Full Article (Sep-28-2011 19:38)

Ibrahim Zaza: The Gaza Boy Newspapers Omitted

Among the dead in the first wave of attacks that targeted 'militants’ were two children, one aged three and the other 13.

(LONDON) - Ibrahim Zaza "Both of Ibrahim’s arms were cut off. He had a hole in his lung. Parts of his legs were missing. His kidney was in a bad condition…we need people to stand with us." These were the words of an exhausted man as he described the condition of his dying son in an interview with The Real News, an alternative news source.

Ibrahim Zaza was merely a 12-year-old boy. He and his cousin Mohammed, 14, were hit by an Israeli missile in Gaza, fired from an unmanned drone as they played in front of their house.

Read Full Article (Sep-28-2011 17:00)

Plan to Visit Occupied Palestine - a Call to Action

For the next few months and as we Palestinians struggle for freedom inside, we ask you as Internationals and Palestinians living abroad to join us.

(BETHLEHEM) - Palestine is a land of historic intrigue Palestine Justice Network (PJN) cosponsored by many popular resistance and civil society groups invites internationals to come visit occupied Palestine.

Previously, we hosted internationals to do exploratory and support missions to Palestine for example during Christmas 2010 and the attempt to arrive by the hundreds in July 2011.

Read Full Article (Sep-28-2011 16:27)

`Free Palestine` Book Now Posted Online as Holy Land looks to United Nations for Justice and Liberty

Radio Free Palestine is 172 pages with over 110 colour photos. It can now be read by visiting

(LONDON) - Hamas A book telling the plight of the Palestinians under the longest military occupation in modern times has just been made available on the Internet in flip-page form.

It comes at a critical time for Palestinians as the UN considers their bid for statehood while America and the EU try to derail the application and force them back to negotiations with their tormentor, Israel.

Read Full Article (Sep-28-2011 16:02)

`The Wandering Who` Gilad Atzmon`s Look At the Darkness Behind `Seinfeld`

Always the Smart Thing, Read the Book, Not the Reviews, Even This One.

(CINCINNATI ) - Gilad Atzmon As editor of an American based military-foreign affairs publication, reviewing a book on “Jewish identity” is new territory.

The author, Gilad Atzmon, has an international reputation as someone who continually takes Israel to task, rebukes the mainstream media but lives and works as a musician.

Read Full Article (Sep-27-2011 15:30)

Attack on the Mavi Marmara - Names of the Israeli Navy Commandos Released

174 soldiers who took part of the military operation are detected and photos of 148 of them have been found.

(ROME) - Israelis who attacked the Mavi Marmara The Turkish daily Sabah issued, on 26 September 2011, a list of 174 names of soldiers and Israeli military officials identified by the Turkish intelligence services (MIT) as having taken part in the attack against the Mavi Marmara, in May 2010, attack that resulted in the deaths of nine members of the NGO Turks IHH.

The Turkish intelligence unit scanned the images of the attack second by second; the detected profile images were compared in Facebook and other social sites to find the names of the soldiers who participated in the attack.

Read Full Article (Sep-26-2011 14:17)

Obama`s Short Cut To a Second Term

When we look back at this so-called conflict we will be astounded by how unilateral this whole bloody business has been from the very beginning.

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Bibi lecturing obama on the new realities in the Middle East in the Oval Room, May 2011 It was only last May, when the arrogant and defiant Mr. Netanyahu arrived at the white house and lectured Mr. Obama, the president of the world’s super power about how wrong and irresponsible his mentioning, in the Middle East speech, of a two-state solution was, and specifically his call for a Palestinian state to be established as a sovereign state on the 1967 borders.

It was such an embarrassment for the U.S. President sitting in his Oval Office/throne, watched live and worldwide while Bibi was slapping him across the face.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
