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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Nov-01-2011 18:37)

UNESCO, Ashraf AbuRahmah, and more

The UN released yet another report detailing the humanitarian effect of the illegal siege of Gaza...

(BETHLEHEM) - Ashraf Abu Rahma An apartheid "judge" just allowed the Israeli occupation authorities to keep our friend Ashraf AbuRahmah in jail pending trials.

Ashraf was shot deliberately while handcuffed and blindfolded in an incident that was captured on video embarrassing the occupation forces.

Read Full Article (Nov-01-2011 16:53)

Gaza: Women die waiting - an appeal

It is something really worthy of all our support to donate to AngliCORD’s appeal so fewer and fewer women have to die waiting.

(MELBOURNE, Aust.) - Gaza breast cancer patient We often get requests from people wanting to help the Palestinians. It is always difficult to know just what to suggest because there is so much need as a result of the oppressive political situation in which they live.

It is true that unless Israel lifts the siege on Gaza, ends the military occupation and stops discriminating against its own Palestinian citizens, the situation for Palestinians will continue to deteriorate.

Read Full Article (Oct-31-2011 15:41)

One up to the Palestinians

Among the abstainers was not-so-Great Britain, still too gutless to shake off the chains of subservience to the pro-Israel lobby and end its betrayal of the Palestinians.

(LONDON) - UN accepted by UNESCO It makes a nice change for Palestinians to be able to chalk up a success.

And admission as a full member to UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) is good news for them and bad news for their Israeli tormentors. Palestine becomes the organisation's 195th member as soon as it has ratified UNESCO's constitution.

Read Full Article (Oct-30-2011 12:02)

`STAY HUMAN` - written by Vittorio Arrigoni THE READING MOVIE

Project will breathe new life into the writings of one of Gaza's top activists.

(ROME) - Vik Arrigoni was taken but his message is stronger than ever. One year ago I proposed to Vittorio the idea of taking into the stage his book, but as it often happens, we failed the priorities and put off the project. Today I realize it was a bad mistake. I want to use Vittorio’s words to summarize what we will do:

“Readings could be managed in various cities (I could attend them telephonically, all events might be advertised on the 'Manifesto'...”

Read Full Article (Oct-29-2011 22:37)

The Greatest Threat To World Peace

Isn’t the time ripe to drift as far as possible from Jerusalem and its stooges?

(LONDON) - Israehell According to Ynet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are extremely concerned by the "Iranian threat". Yedioth Ahronoth, the Israeli leading paper, reported this week that Netanyahu and Barak are pushing for action against Iran.

According to Israeli leading columnist Nahum Barnea the heads of the armed forces –and Mossad are opposed to taking action against Iran at this time.

Read Full Article (Oct-29-2011 19:37)

PHOTOS - Israeli Drone Attacks Killing 7 Gazans, Responding Resistance Rocket Kills Israeli

Israel's addiction to war gets a payback.

(SALEM) - Victim of Israeli drone attacks Israeli aircraft struck at Palestinian militants in Gaza according to The Associated Press Saturday. Forces within Gaza responded with a volley of rockets aimed at southern Israeli towns, and one Israeli has died in the return attacks.

Israel never does stop attacking the mostly defenseless people of Gaza, sort of like a dog that bites at you every time you walk by, but occasionally goes for the throat.

Read Full Article (Oct-29-2011 18:05)

Shalit Deal Reveals Israel`s Superiority Complex

Palestinian prisoners freed last week. The Shalit deal is a public display of Israel’s racist price index, designed to update the market values of the region’s various races.

(TEL AVIV Ha'aretz) - Palestinian prisoners freed last week One Israeli soldier for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners. This equation has fostered more or less the following logic: The life of an Israeli is more valuable than that of a Palestinian. How much more valuable? Much more. In fact, 1,027 times more valuable.

Read Full Article (Oct-29-2011 15:19)

Ahlam and Nezar, A Palestinian Couple Released in The Prisoner Exchange

This is the personal story, the life in prison, and the courtship and marriage of Ahlam and Nezar, who now face an uncertain future.

(CHICAGO) - Ahlam (left) and Nezar (right) Tammimi, were among the 477 Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli prisons, October 18. Two young Palestinians, Ahlam and Nezar Tammimi, were among the 477 Palestinian prisoners released from Israeli prisons, October 18.

They were in the first contingent of what is supposed to become more than one thousand Palestinians released in an exchange for Israeli Sergeant Gilad Shalit.

Read Full Article (Oct-27-2011 21:13)

Shalit: Israeli Soldier With Atypical Autism

“What the Nile TV channel host did not know was that she was going to interview a psychologically disturbed man with personality disorders.”

(ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Gilad Shalit Israel freed 1,027 Palestinian and Israeli Arab prisoners to get Shalit back.

Beyond the debate over the rationale of Israel’s deal to release 1000 prisoners for one kidnapped soldier lies a simple fact: this Shalit deal is not only unbalanced it's also mysterious...

Read Full Article (Oct-26-2011 04:41)

Has President Obama become a joke?

I am also wondering if Obama has any real grasp of the fact that largely because of his support for Israel right or wrong, America is becoming as isolated in the world as it is.

(LONDON) - Obama Last Saturday in his radio address to his own people and over the internet to those around the world who still think he is worth listening to, President Obama said, “This week we had two powerful reminders of how we've renewed American leadership in the world.”

That made me wonder which of the two d’s should be applied to him - duplicitous or deluded...

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
