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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jan-17-2012 08:58)

The Al Saud runs the country as a family fiefdom

Women are not registered, when they disappear, nobody misses them, and families are not held accountable.

(DUBLIN) - the original Saudi Family: Abd Al Aziz Ibn Saud “Ibn Saud”, …and other family members 1911 Ib Saud, founding father of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, told his informal adviser, Englishman Harry St. John Philby, that he had married one-hundred-and-thirty-five virgins and about one-hundred other women, but planned, in future, to limit himself to two new wives a year.

Read Full Article (Jan-17-2012 08:14)

Israel is under Cyber Attack

Needless to say that the Jewish State is pretty devastated by the Idea that a bunch of ‘indigenous Arabs’ are far more technologically advanced than its own chosen cyber pirates.

(LONDON) - Saudi hackers The ‘Arab hackers’ attack on Israel escalated today. The Israeli Stock Exchange’s and El Al’s sites collapsed on Monday. The hackers say that it is within their capability to crash every Israeli server.

“If Israel apologises to the people of the Gaza genocide, we may reduce the attacks," said Saudi Hacker OxOmar to Ynet in an interview via email.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2012 19:06)

Alan Dershowitz, an amoral and impotent dwarf

Dershowitz behaves similarly to a whining toddler, unconstrained by facts, reason, or the broader consequences of his untruths in his quest for Mr. Atzmon’s silence.

(LONDON) - Alan Dershowitz I had the good fortune to write arrangements for the Meeting House Jazz Orchestra this Fall for a benefit concert hosted by Manhattan’s Friends Shelter, the charitable arm of the E. 16th street Quaker Meeting House.

The show featured the great British-Israeli saxophonist Gilad Atzmon and my arrangements of his tunes.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2012 15:29)

A.I.P.A.C. Persuading Americans to break the law?

AIPAC has been described by The New York Times as “the most important organization affecting America’s relationship with Israel.” Well, it would wouldn’t it?

(LONDON) - People are increasingly taking a stand against the will of AIPAC and Israel's human rights violations. Habituation writes James Austin M.D “means that repeated stimuli yield a decreasing response.” Conversely and importantly.

He goes on, “Sensitization implies that responses increase when stronger stimuli are repeated.”

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2012 10:41)

Here`s to the end of the `special relationship` and more outing of Mossad

According to retired and current intelligence officers, Israel regularly proposes conducting covert operations targeting Iranians.

(CLERMONT, Fla.) - Israel US relationship The bumper sticker reads, “I love my country…but I think we should start seeing other people” and recent events lead me to believe it could actually be happening in regards to the “special relationship” between US and Israel.

The American-Israeli massive missile drill codenamed “Austere Challenge 12,” that was to deploy thousands of US troops and missile defense systems to Israel this spring, was postponed on Friday the 13th...

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2012 22:20)

Iranian Scientists Die as Bibi`s War Looms

Disdain toward a perceived enemy–and laughing and bragging about it–is dispicable, inhumane, and reprehensible, regardless of rank.

(CHICAGO) - Obama and Neti On Friday, January 13, Eli Lake posed a question on Newsweek’s web site, The Daily Beast Has Israel Been Killing Iran’s Nuclear Scientists?

Lake does not have hard evidence to answer his question. But he speculates, using the old reliable “circumstantial evidence”, to point to Israel’s Mossad,”for a string of slayings of Iran’s nuclear experts”.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2012 17:06)

How Great Jewish Leaders Used to Think...

Albert Einstein Opposed Israel Terrorism and Zionism.

(NEW YORK) - Albert Einstein The following is a letter Albert Einstein sent to the New York Times in 1948, protesting the visit of Menachem Begin.

It is clear when reading this personal view of Einstein's, written at the time of Israel's formation, that his remarks about Jewish Zionist Terrorists are more harsh and pointed than anything written by today's journalists.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2012 13:22)

A call from Gaza fishermen

Fishermen speak out to the world in hopes that their rights to work safely will be restored.

(Besieged Gaza, Occupied Palestine) - Gaza fishermen Palestinian fishermen of the Besieged Gaza Strip are calling on the world to force Israel to lift the naval blockade which restricts the Palestinian fishing area to 3 nautical miles.

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2012 20:01)

US Congress: Falsely Labeling Peace Activists as `Terrorists`?

Against a backdrop of madness, HR 3131 lists Ken O'Keefe & other Human Rights Activists as 'terrorists'.

(SALEM) - The U.S. government has listed one of our closest friends and allies as a terrorist.

The baseless designation against a U.S. Marine Combat Veteran named Ken O'Keefe is little more than parroting of the allegations made after a deadly attack on a humanitarian aid ship off the coast of Palestine in 2010.

Read Full Article (Jan-13-2012 12:27)

Alan Dershowitz Attempt to Destroy a Memorial to Martin Luther King

Perhaps the Hasbara mouthpiece truly believed that destroying a Martin Luther King Memorial was good for Israel and/or the Jews. He was wrong.

(LONDON) - Alan Dershowitz A year ago I was invited to attend a celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. at the Friends Meeting House, NYC.

The Meeting House Orchestra was due to play music from my award winning Exile album - an album created to celebrate the prospect of peace and harmony in the Middle East and beyond.

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