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About Gaza articles Page 27

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Sins of Our Fathers

“We dance round in a ring and suppose/ But the secret sits in the middle and knows.”
(Robert Frost)

(LAVERNE, CA) - American Jewishness Victors’ celebrations harbor shadows that lurk in the soul as revelers dance in remembrance.

Read Full Article (May-10-2012 20:10)

Is Young America Waking Up While Old America Sleeps?

California high school student explores his country's ties with Israel.

(BANGKOK) - AIPAC and 911 One of our regular contributors and good friend, Anthony Lawson, recently sent us an interesting article, which was, in turn, sent to him by a young Californian, Nicolaus Jannasch.

Read Full Article (May-10-2012 19:12)

AMP Calls on State Department to Defend Tradition of Due Process and Human Rights

As of May 1, 2012, Israel was holding 4,653 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons and detention centers, in direct contravention of international law.

(CHICAGO) - A national grassroots organization has a mission underway to educate Americans about Palestine’s rich cultural and historical heritage.

They are is calling on the U.S. Department of State to intervene on behalf of 2,500 Palestinian political prisoners, who are engaged in a lengthy hunger strike to protest their inhumane and illegal incarceration as well as Israel’s illegal use of administrative detention.

Read Full Article (May-10-2012 14:00)


Updates from Occupied Palestine about continual peaceful resistance.

(BETHLEHEM) - *"We did not go into the battle [the hunger strike] because we love to be hungry or in pain, but for our dignity and the dignity of our nation,"* Thaer Halahlef, 33 years old from Hebron, 73 days on Hunger strike.

Read Full Article (May-08-2012 23:22)

Underwear Bomber Story - One Big Brown Stain

Wipe the propaganda from your mind.

(SALEM) - Dirty Underwear I've been clenching my ears over the latest 'underwear scare'. I don't want to hear the dirty details of a saga like this at first.

I know that the story will unfold if I just hang on. Well, the underwear sprang a hole and something leaked out... The AP reports in Officials: Al-Qaida bomber was CIA informant

Read Full Article (May-08-2012 14:39)

Congress Proposes Giving Israel an Extra $1 Billion for Firework Safety

Congressional Committee Proposal would raise US taxpayer support for Israel's military in 2013 to a record $4 billion.

(WASHINGTON DC) - Israeli and Gaza kids As news about Israeli political parties merging dominates headlines, this one is being overlooked.

Read Full Article (May-05-2012 19:19)

Time for Change?

Colonial Israel continues to push the envelope and expand with or without agreement from compliant “Arabs”.

(BETHLEHEM ) - Palestine resistance Palestinian political prisoners illegally held in Israeli jails are on hunger strike and some are near death.

Read Full Article (May-05-2012 17:27)

Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh on The Wandering Who

Our Bethlehem Professor evaluates the controversial words of our gifted friend and fellow writer Gilad Atzmon.

(LONDON / BETHLEHEM) - Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh This is a very interesting review of The Wandering Who by Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh in the current Holy Land Studies Journal.

"I see in Atzmon writings a number of memes that are seeping into the common discourse. A meme is a persuasive idea that spreads in a population like a useful gene spreads in a population..."

Read Full Article (May-05-2012 14:34)

What Jesus Would Say
Israel and United Methodist`s Failure to Act According to the Christian Manifesto

United Methodists and Jewish allies called for an end to Israel’s occupation, but opponents spread fear and misinformation that carried the day.

(CLERMONT, FLA) - United Methodists Israel In describing the trial of Jesus before Pilate, Luke the Evangelist brilliantly described the mood of the crowd when he wrote:
"But with loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be crucified, and their shouts prevailed." (Luke 23:23 NIV)

Read Full Article (May-03-2012 12:46)

Don`t Let Israel Criminalize Human Rights Advocacy
Support Dr. Meir Margalit

Support Human Rights Defender Dr. Meir Margalit against attempt of criminalization of his support for rebuilding of demolished Palestinian homes

(JERUSALEM) - Dr. Meir Margalit Human rights defender, Dr. Meir Margalit has spent two decades as an elected member of the Jerusalem City Council, promoting building and planning rights of Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
