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Congressional Investigators Say Toxic Military Base Health Hazards Were Overlooked

Former assurances to Marines over health concerns related to Camp Lejeune are off the table; the feds now say the notion that Marines will remain cancer free, is false.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Military decals It was just less than a year ago when we began investigating and reporting on the contamination of Marine Corp bases in North Carolina and Southern California.

Now there is a new President with new environmental policies, and the historically reluctant flow of data on these environmental disasters appears to be increasing.

Read Full Article (Apr-10-2009 10:12)

El Toro`s Radium Contaminated Hangar `In Limbo`

Hangar 296, constructed in 1944 is over 200,000 square feet in area. It is the second of two huge maintenance hangars in the highly industrialized section of El Toro.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - El Toro Marine Corps Air Station's Hangar 296 A huge maintenance hangar at former MCAS El Toro remains “radiological restricted” over California Department of Public Health concerns about a Navy radiological survey.

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has not approved an MCAS El Toro hangar contaminated with Radium-226, despite a July 2002 Navy report recommending unrestricted use.

Read Full Article (Mar-17-2009 07:57)

Veterans for Change Fights for Presumptive Disability

TCE is a widespread contaminant among many water systems in the U.S. A 2003 Air Force Pentagon report estimated that there were 1,400 TCE-contaminated military sites.

(SOMERDALE, N.J.) - Veteran The Veterans for Change (VFC) supports legislation to include veterans under the VA presumptive disability category who were exposed to trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) in the military and are seriously ill from diseases linked to these chemicals.

The VFC was founded in 2006 by Jim Davis, son of retired Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGySgt) Lesley Davis who died of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease," from exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam.

Read Full Article (Mar-06-2009 12:09)

Veterans Exposed to Carcinogens

Beyond Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, the government isn't required to notify veterans of their possible exposure to contaminants and their health effects.

(SOMERDALE, N.J.) - Marine Corps flag Veterans for Change (VFC) supports legislation to expand VA presumptive disability coverage for disabled veterans exposed to toxic chemicals.

Government reports show that many military bases have elevated levels of trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE).

Read Full Article (Feb-22-2009 12:25)

Veterans Support Reintroduction of `The TCE Reduction Act`

Presumptive disability for diseases linked to TCE contamination is the fairest way to honor the service of veterans.

(SOMERDALE, N.J.) - The Veterans for Change (VFC), a small but proactive organization, plans to petition Congress to reintroduce “The TCE Reduction Act,” and to include exposure to trichloroethylene (TCE) for military bases with TCE contamination of groundwater under the VA's Presumptive Disability category.

The Veterans for Change’s (VFC) mission is to promote positive changes in the treatment and rights of all veterans, especially relating to benefits claims, claims appeals, medical treatment, VA facilities, PTSD, Agent Orange, POW/MIA recoveries, diabetes, dioxins and related issues affecting veterans and their families.

Read Full Article (Feb-20-2009 07:25)

Why the Navy Wants to Conduct Operations Off Oregon

Drawing a line between the fate of the El Toro Marine air base and the proposal to conduct Naval operations on Oregon's coastline.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Marine air bases, Navy air base and Oregon coast I think Sherlock Holmes would be a good consultant on this one; but in his absence I'll take a stab at delivering my theory on why the Navy suddenly wants to bring a military presence to the Oregon coast.

Our regular readers know has been covering the toxic contamination of the old El Toro Marine base in Southern California since just before last summer.

Read Full Article (Feb-10-2009 09:26)

TCE-Related Toxic Waste in Irvine Much Worse Than Previously Revealed

A plume of the highly toxic chemical trichloroethylene that originated from the El Toro Marine base, has migrated beneath most of Irvine.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - began a series of reports in May of 2008 on the toxic waste contamination of the now-closed El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in Irvine, California.

New information released today suggests that far more of Irvine is potentially contaminated with TCE than even those of us who are studying the issue closely, realized.

Read Full Article (Feb-03-2009 12:38)

Fear and Loathing at MCAS El Toro: Report From the Restoration Advisory Board

“There’s something happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear.” - For What It’s Worth Buffalo Springfield

(LAGUNA BEACH) - After attending the preliminary tech Sub-Committee (SC) meeting, followed by the general stakeholders congregation last week, here are my personal observations and perceptions, for what THEY’RE worth. The leaders proved the adage about power corrupting absolutely.

Read Full Article (Feb-03-2009 08:53)

El Toro Marines Ask Navy for Help

Veterans start on-line petition to request the Navy's Public Health Center to evaluate the risks of occupational exposure to TCE and other contaminants at MCAS El Toro.

(SOMERDALE, N.J.) - MCAS El Toro bull and Navy logo El Toro Marine veterans are asking the Navy Marine Corps Public Health Center, Occupational Health Department, to address the occupational risks of exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), radionuclides and other contaminants at former MCAS El Toro.

On January 2, 2009, the Agency of Toxic Substances Registry (ATSDR) recommended that the Navy be contacted to address the potential exposure to workers to chemicals used in the occupational environment at former MCAS El Toro.

Read Full Article (Feb-01-2009 21:47)

Marines in `Catch 22` with Government

The VA is not going to wake-up tomorrow morning and realize the necessity of approving Presumptive Disability for TCE exposure. Congressional support is needed to make this change.

(SOMERDALE, N.J.) - The Feres doctrine prevents veterans from filing tort suits for injuries from exposure to contaminants on active duty.

Even when the government is clearly negligent, the veteran’s only alternative is to file a VA disability claim.

The ‘catch’ is that the VA requires evidence of exposure, medical records supporting the injury or illness, and a nexus statement from a medical care provider linking the injury or illness to military service.

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