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U.S. Rep. Brad Miller Introduces Janey Ensminger Act

Miller, Dingell, Burr & Hagan push for passage of bills to help families exposed to contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - U.S. Marine Jerrry Ensminger and his precious, late daughter Janey who contracted cancer from Camp Lejeune's toxicity. With bi-partisan support, the Janey Ensminger Act to require the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide health care to veterans and their family members who have experienced adverse health effects as a result of exposure to contaminated well water at Camp Lejeune was introduced today.

It is estimated that more than a million Marines or their family members were affected by the toxic drinking water at Camp Lejeune.

Read Full Article (Feb-01-2010 12:37)

Latest Study Says TCE Worse Than Thought

Conclusions could lead EPA to propose tougher regulations.

(MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.) - trichloroethylene The Environmental Protection Agency has released a new report concluding that TCE — trichloroethylene, a pollutant found in much of Mountain View's groundwater — is definitely a carcinogen, a finding which could lead the agency to propose tougher cleanup standards.

"Many people across the country are exposed to TCE in their air and their water under current standards that would not be allowable under these (potential) new standards," explained Lenny Siegel, director of the Center for Public Environmental Oversight.

Read Full Article (Jan-31-2010 19:10)

98th MCAS El Toro RAB Meeting: A Year Older and None The Wiser

“Politics: A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage.”  Ambrose Bierce

 “Politics: Who Gets What, When And How” Book by Harold D. Lasswell

(LAGUNA BEACH) - El Toro tower summer of 2009 The following is an update on the Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) for Salem-News visitors, and I’ve provided the two quotes above to let these same readers see where we’re headed in this, my second posting about the subject. I would remind readers that this is my impression of events, if you want the nitty-gritty technological conundrums, the depressing minutiae regarding why all of us are so confused and outraged, go to Salem-News archives.

WARNING: Viewing these pieces might be hazardous to your mental health, especially your sense of moral accountability!

Read Full Article (Jan-29-2010 13:00)

Military Environmental Hazards Bill Faces Hurdles

Congressional jurisdictional issues and Defense Department resistance to accepting responsibility for harming veterans and dependents are major impediments to passing a final bill and ultimately providing medical care.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Barrels of PCE (perchloroethylene)and TCE (trichloroethylene) There’s a definite need for more “adult supervision” in Washington. Yesterday, the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs passed an original bill, “Examination of Exposures to Environmental Hazards During Military Service Act of 2010.” The vote was 9 to 5 along party lines.

Nine democrats voted for the bill while 5 Republicans against it. Senator Jim Webb (D, VA), a Navy Cross Marine veteran, did not vote.

Read Full Article (Jan-27-2010 13:40)

Senate Considers Bill for Environmental Hazard Exposures

Camp Lejeune veterans and family members are automatically covered under the TRICARE program. Veterans and dependents of other bases must await the decision of an Advisory Board. No provision is made for civilian workers injured from exposure to environmental hazards.

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Senator Daniel Akaka (D, HI) The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee will hold hearings on Thursday, January 28th on an environmental hazard exposure bill drafted by Senator Akaka, (D, HI), Chairman, Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.

According to an informed Congressional source, a vote is expected on the bill entitled, “Examination of Exposures to Environmental Hazards During Military Service Act of 2010.”

Read Full Article (Jan-22-2010 18:50)

Who Killed Colonel James E. Sabow, USMC?

19 years ago today, a Marine Corps Colonel was murdered at MCAS El Toro, California. His brother has relentlessly pursued the investigation of his death for all of these years. Guns, drugs, and a government cover-up make this a perfect crime.

(IRVINE, Calif.) - Cover for On January 22, 1991, Marine Colonel James E. Sabow, age 51, was found dead by his wife in the backyard of his quarters at MCAS El Toro, California.

Read Full Article (Jan-16-2010 21:42)

How To Build An Environmental Activist

PART III (Conclusion)

(LAGUNA BEACH) - Aliso Beach in South Laguna As I mentioned in Part II, after attending dozens of USACE and EPA-sponsored watershed workshops from late 1998 through early 2004, after traveling to several additional restoration conferences facilitated by professionals, the experts said that Aliso was toast, hopeless, could never get restored to health, hence never get funded.

The County of Orange, the entity that broke it, wouldn’t pay to fix it.

Read Full Article (Jan-15-2010 14:53)

Dingell, Stupak, Miller Call on Navy to Fund Camp Lejeune Studies

“The law doesn’t make victims of toxic exposure, or the ATSDR, beg polluters for justice and the necessary funding; the law gives them rights.” - Congressman Brad Miller

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Camp Lejeune on the map Members of Congress accuse the Navy of delaying efforts to provide a more meaningful understanding of the health problems incurred by former Camp Lejeune residents.

The Navy has failed to provide funding requested by ATSDR for a cohort mortality study and a health survey as required by law.

Read Full Article (Jan-12-2010 21:25)

How To Build An Environmental Activist

PART II in a continuing series.

(LAGUNA BEACH, Calif.) - Aliso Creek photo by John Krill of Laguna Beach In October of 1999, after the TV and newspaper media began responding to our demand requiring the County to close this beach completely for recreation, the newly-formed consortium (Clean Water Now! Coalition) confronted Laguna Beach City Council requesting they take a more aggressive stance and litigate upstream polluters to protect our residents.

The Council blinked and the CWN!C co-hosted what was the first municipal meeting for this issue on November 9th, a greatly publicized and media saturated workshop with local ocean pollution as the sole topic.

Read Full Article (Jan-11-2010 20:45)

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Marine veteran remembers visit by Colonel Gregory (Pappy) Boyington, the Marine Corps’ highest ranking Ace from WW II, who died 22 years ago today.

(SOMERDALE, NJ) - It’s not often that you get to ‘stand inspection’ for a Medal of Honor winner. The word was passed that Colonel Gregory (Pappy) Boyington, WW II Medal of Honor and Navy Cross recipient with VMF-214, would be visiting MCAS El Toro and the Marine Wing Service Group-37 tomorrow.

This was a big deal. Medal of Honor winners do not pay visits every day. Pappy Boyington was the highest ranking WW II Ace in the Marine Corps.

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The NAACP of the Willamette Valley

Tribute to Palestine and to the incredible courage, determination and struggle of the Palestinian People. ~Dom Martin
