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Page one |Previous Page| Next Page (Jul-03-2011 15:12)

Hundreds of Internationals and Hundreds of Palestinians Gear-up for July 8-16 activities

Volunteers and participants are needed and welcome.

(BETHLEHEM) - Some 40 Palestinian civil society organizations, popular resistance committees, and political factions announce the launching of the “Welcome to Palestine” initiative July 8-16 where hundreds of Internationals will work with hundreds of Palestinians for Peace.

The hundreds of men, women, and children will arrive July 8 at the Lod Airport.

Read Full Article (Jul-03-2011 14:06)

Child and Father Abducted From Sea

Report from March underscores tragedy of Israeli attacks on unarmed fishing vessels.

(GAZA STRIP ISM) - Fishing under fire Four days. That is the time lapse between the attack on Yasser Nasser Bakr, who was shot in the abdomen by the Israeli Navy, and the abduction at sea of his father and brother.

At 6:00 a.m. on March 20th, Nasser Bakr and his 15-year old son Alaam set out to fish in a small boat of 6.5 meters length, joined by three other hasaka’s.

Read Full Article (Jul-03-2011 13:58)

Israeli navy targets fishermen at sea

Do people realize that Israel routinely attacks unarmed fishermen at sea?

(GAZA CITY) - Gaza boats One boat carrying two fishermen was damaged around 10.00 a.m. on 3 July 2011.

This morning, Sabir and Umar Baker showed the Oliva crew the inside of the bow of their small hasaka boat, which had been hit by Israeli fire from a warship, about two miles out at sea. At the time of the attack, the Oliva was around 1 mile away.

Read Full Article (Jul-02-2011 23:27)

The Audacity of Hope

Greek Coast Guard and Commandos Stopping US Boat to Gaza. Is it any surprise that they have undertaken Israeli dirty work?

(MELBOURNE) - Greek commandos Greece has somehow maneuvered itself (or been maneuvered) into a financial crisis which threatens the incumbent government, and the economic quality of corporate life in Greece if IMF and World Bank historical response are pursued. So, to whom will they turn for relief?

Is it any surprise that they have undertaken Israeli dirty work?

Read Full Article (Jul-02-2011 17:46)

Vittrorio Arrigoni `Stay Human` - the Story in Gaza from Beyond the Grave.

Documentary recounts struggles of famed Gaza Activist Vik Arrigoni.

(SALEM, Ore.) - Vittorio Arrigono as a child in Italy, and shortly before his death in Gaza.  If you weren't angry about Israel's aggressive position toward innocent civilians in Palestine before, you will be after watching this brand new documentary about our friend and fellow writer, the late Vittorio 'Vik' Arrigoni was was killed in Gaza, last April.

Read Full Article (Jul-01-2011 22:33)

1 Minute 33 Seconds With Mark Regev

Spinning Like a Loaded Dreidel.

(WINDSOR, N.H.) - Mark Regev In the Dreidel game, a gambling game played for centuries by Jewish children and elders alike, the rules are quite simple.

Desired items are anted into a pot and each player spins the top-like Dreidel. Depending upon the letter facing up when the spin ends, the player wins nothing, half, all, or has to add more to the pot.

Read Full Article (Jul-01-2011 20:48)

Latest Flotilla Update from the FPM Delegation in Athens

Largest Passenger Boat Joins Flotilla.

(ATHENS) - Athens, Greece FPM delegation interviews with Israeli TV Channel 10.  From left to right: Dr. Paul Larudee, Sister Pat Chaffee, The Egyptian Gazette reports that a large passenger boat will join the Gaza Freedom Flotilla.

This is the boat that FPM helped to purchase, along with the other partners in the International Committee to Break the Siege of Gaza, and which will be carrying the FPM delegation of U.S. citizens, along with participants from other nations.

Read Full Article (Jul-01-2011 20:34)

National Lawyers Guild International Committee: The Flotilla Must Sail Freely!

NLG IC calls on US government end its pressure on the Greek government and demand that Israel refrain from attacking the flotilla

(WASHINGTON D.C.) - Today, the U.S. Boat to Gaza, the Audacity of Hope, was stopped by the Greek Coast Guard as it attempted to begin its journey to Gaza, apparently as a result of U.S/Israeli pressure.

The National Lawyers Guild International Committee called on the US government to end its pressure on the Greek government to act against the Flotilla and demand that Israel refrain from violence against peaceful protesters soon to be embarking on Freedom Flotilla Two...

Read Full Article (Jul-01-2011 17:56)

Write to and call the Greek government

We must all get involved. Volunteers are still needed in all areas. Please email us and come work with us. Silence is complicity and action is the best antidote to despair

(BETHLEHEM) - Greek police abuse pro-Gaza protestor The Greek authorities apparently succumbed to the US and Israel threats and have stopped the humanitarian ships from sailing to break the illegal and immoral siege in Gaza.

We all need to call Greek embassies around the world and complain because if they maintain this policy it means they are complicit in violations of basic human rights; human rights organizations and the UN has called the siege on Gaza collective punishment and a crime against humanity.

Read Full Article (Jul-01-2011 17:44)

Waiting for Godot on the Gaza flotilla

Unlike the existentialist play, Palestinians are facing a meaningful struggle to stay human in the face of oppression.

(ATHENS) - Free Palestine I left Gaza just as word began to circulate of attempts by various governments - the United States, Greece, Cyprus, and even UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon - to prevent or at least delay the departure of the boats participating in the latest Gaza flotilla.

Staring out into the mid-night darkness of the Mediterranean Sea on one of Gaza's beautiful yet rubbish-strewn beaches, it wasn't hard to imagine the chaos that would soon unfold...

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