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Jan-28-2013 11:43printcomments

U.S.C.I.R.F. Hypocrisy Regarding Iran is Blatant

Let's put the real facts about Iran into place...

Target Iran

(SACRAMENTO, CA) - America, the country that arrests decorated Marine combat veterans over Facebook posts, and destroys families for possessing a natural plant, marijuana, is politically attacking Iran over the 8-year sentence from a man the U.S. government itself has dubbed, Iran’s “Hanging Judge”. But the guy only got eight years. Doesn't the use of "hanging judge" seem a little out of place? Why even mention it?

But this is the U.S. government and one of its very obvious platforms is the demonization of Iran at the beckon call of Israel.

Iran has never agreed to Israel's pillaging of Palestine and theft of land and horrible apartheid laws for non-Jews.

But let Iran sentence a Christian to eight years in prison and the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom loses their mind condemning the Iranians. This, while Israel shot and killed several innocent unarmed Muslim youth this week in planned military strikes.

The United States, the nation that is presently turning its back on:

  • A Buddhist-led slaughter of Rohingya Muslims in Burma,
  • Ridiculous persecution of Pakistani Christians,
  • Genocide of 160k Sri Lankan Tamil Hindus and Christians
  • Endless persecution of Jews in U.S. ally countries like Saudi Arabia

No matter what, the USCIRF condemnation process is politically geared and intensely supports the terrible crimes of Israel. Israel would have long ago been brought under control for its war crimes and human rights violations, except that the United States, year after year, has used super veto power in the United Nations to squash the charges, year after year, time after time.

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If the U.S. government cared the way it is supposed to care, then everything would look very different.

Now that I have that out of the way, here is today's anti-Iran rant from the U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom:

Sentences Iranian-American Pastor to 8 Years in Prison

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- "The trial and conviction of Pastor Abedini represent an outrageous miscarriage of justice and yet one more damning piece of evidence pointing to the rampant denial of religious freedom and the absence of any semblance of rule of law in Iran, " said Katrina Lantos Swett, Chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

    Iran’s “hanging judge” Judge Pir-Abassi on Sunday, January 27, sentenced Iranian-born American pastor Saeed Abedini to eight years in prison for “threatening the national security of Iran” because of his activity starting in 2000 in the Christian house church movement. Pastor Abedini has been in Iran since July to establish an orphanage.

    “The charges against Pastor Abedini were contrived, the process was irregular and deeply flawed, and the conviction flies in the face of both Iranian and international law,” said Lantos Swett. “Judge Pir-Abassi has been responsible for particularly severe violations of religious freedom. We call on the Iranian government to immediately release Pastor Abedini. In addition, we call on the U.S. and the international community to raise Pastor Abedini’s case in all international fora, including the U.N. Human Rights Council. We reiterate our call for the U.S. government to freeze the assets and deny entry into the U.S. of Judge Pir-Abassi, and other Iranian judges and government officials who have committed violations of religious freedom and related human rights, including the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, who would have had to approve the Pastor’s harsh sentence.”

    Pastor Abedini was convicted and sentenced four months after he was arrested in September. “Unfortunately, Pastor Abedini’s case exemplifies the Iranian government’s across the board assault on freedom of religion or belief,” said Lantos Swett. “Iran has intensified its persecution of Christians, including lawyers of these victims, such as Mohammed Ali Dadkhah, a prominent human rights defender who was sentenced to 10 years and who most recently defended Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani and some Baha'i prisoners. The Iranian government also has intensified its attacks against Baha'is, with an increased number of arrests and detentions, including young mothers and their small children."

    The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has recommended that Iran be designated a “country of particular concern” or CPC for its systematic, ongoing and egregious violations of religious freedom. The State Department has designated Iran as a CPC since 1999.

From 1953 to 1979 Americans and Britons absolutely raped the national economy of Iran, in the view of millions, that is a pretty big deal. In '79 the Hostage Crisis began and then eventually they were all released, alive. In the meanwhile, the U.S. government shot down a civilian Iranian airliner, on July 3, 1988. Iran Air Flight 655 (IR655) was shot down by USS Vincennes on the Bandar Abbas-Dubai rout, which resulted in the loss of life of 290 innocent civilian from six nations including 66 children.

You see, the United States is playing a game that does not involve fairness, but instead conveys a lot of death and destruction and bias. The real stories are not released here, and only the more intelligent Americans who use the Internet for research even know most of these basic facts. Just as most don't realize that the largest candlelight ceremony honoring those killed in the 9/11 attacks took place in Tehran, just as most Americans are just realizing that Israel has a large number of undeclared nuclear weapons kept illegally with the knowledge of the United States, while it endlessly hovers around the notion of WWIII over Iran's ambitions to have nuclear power.

I was announced in December, through Iran's Deputy Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Rayeesi, that the Iranian Judiciary has prepared indictments for 18 US officials on charges of criminal acts. This is the type of news most Americans will never hear.

The names of the 26 US officials are listed below:

  1. Former FBI Chief Director Thomas J. Pickard, for violations of human rights, including his involvement in the siege of the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas in 1993, and the death of over 80 of the cult's followers. He is also wanted for human rights violations during his tenure as the CIA station chief in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2003
  2. Former commander of the US detention facility at Guantanamo Bay Geoffrey D. Miller, who commanded the US prison at Guantanamo Bay between 2002 and 2007, and has been charged with torture of inmates
  3. Current Guantanamo commander Rear Admiral Jeffery Harbeson for human rights violations at the detention center since 2010
  4. USS Vincennes Captain Will Rogers III, for the killing of 290 Iranian civilians onboard Iran Air Flight 655, which was shot down by the USS Vincennes on July 3, 1988
  5. Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who served in the post from 1975 to 1977 and from 2001 to 2006, for the killing of thousands of civilians in the US-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He is also charged in connection with human rights violations and torture at two notorious prisons, Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Bagram in Afghanistan
  6. & 7- Paul Bremer, the US administrator in Iraq from May 2003 to June 2004, and General Tommy Franks, who led the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, are also on the list of US officials that the Iranian parliament plans to impose sanctions on
  7. Former commander of US forces in Iraq Raymond Odierno, for his major role in the massive violation of human rights in Iraq
  8. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, commander of the US troops in charge of torturing prisoners in Abu Ghraib for violation of human rights and his role in the US state sponsored terrorism
  9. Former US Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz for his role in the crimes committed against the Afghan and Iraqi people
  10. Gen. John McKean, former US Deputy Chief of Staff for his role in the massacre of the civilians, torturing of prisoners in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and violation of human rights in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  11. The United States' first administrator in Iraq in 2003, charged with the massacre of the civilians and violation of human rights in Iraq
  12. US Defense Department official Richard Pearl, for his role in designing the military invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the crimes committed by the US troops in the two war-torn states
  13. Richard A. Cody, Deputy Chief of Staff of the US Army in 2003, for complicity in the massacre of the civilians, torture of the prisoners in Abu-Ghraib and Guantanamo, and violation of human rights in Iraq and Afghanistan
  14. Gen. James Mathews, commander of the US operations in Iraq, for his role in the massacre of the civilians in Fallujah, Iraq, in 2003 and his involvement in crime against humanity
  15. Gen. George Casey, the Chief of Staff of the US Army from 2003 to 2007, for his complicity in the massacre of the civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, the raid and occupation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's consulate in the Northern Iraqi city of Erbil and the illegal arrest, abduction and torturing of five Iranian diplomats for over 2.5 years
  16. Gen. David Petraeus, former commander of the US troops in Iraq and commander of the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, for massive violation of human rights, massacre of the civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as complicity in drug-trafficking
  17. Gen. Janis Karbinsky, former commander of Abu-Ghraib prison and former officer responsible for US prisons in Iraq, for torturing prisoners and massive violation of human rights in Iraq
  18. Gen. Steve Casbon, Abu-Ghraib Prison official, for torturing prisoners and massive violation of human rights in Iraq
  19. Gen. Stanley McCrystal, commander of the US troops in Afghanistan, for massacre of the civilians, torturing of prisoners in Bagram, violation of human rights and complicity in drug-trafficking
  20. Gen. Jack Bridgez, Commander of the US Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, for his role in the supply of logistical backup and training for the anti-Iran terrorist group, Jundollah, support for terrorism in Afghanistan, massacre of the civilians and massive violation of human rights in Afghanistan
  21. Luis Freeh, former CIA Chief, for violation of human rights, complicity in the torturing of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq
  22. Robert Muller, former CIA Chief, for violation of human rights, complicity in the torturing of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq
  23. Gen. Games Jons, former US president national security advisor, for his support for terrorism, specially his support for the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), and providing aid for terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Iraq
  24. Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, former chief of staff of the US Army in 2007, for his role in the massacre of the civilians, torturing of prisoners in Guantanamo and Bagram, and violation of human rights in Afghanistan and Iraq
  25. Stuart A. Levey, the incumbent and first Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence within the United States' Department of Treasury, for his role in the violation of human rights through imposing illegal sanctions against the Iranian people.

To read the full article from the Fars News Agency, please click here. 

All of this war positioning is needless and only the desire to support Israel's government over a Biblical notion of Jews being "The Chosen People" while it annihilates its neighbors drives it. Iran has never relented to the theft of Palestine and the routing of its people, the world's largest Diaspora. On many counts, Iran is right and the U.S. is tragically wrong.


Tim King in Iraq

Tim King: Editor and Writer

Tim King has more than twenty years of experience on the west coast as a television news producer, photojournalist, reporter and assignment editor. Tim is's Executive News Editor. His background includes covering the war in Afghanistan in 2006 and 2007, and reporting from the Iraq war in 2008. Tim is a former U.S. Marine who follows stories of Marines and Marine Veterans; he's covered British Royal Marines and in Iraq, Tim embedded with the same unit he served with in the 1980's.

Tim holds awards for reporting, photography, writing and editing from traditional mainstream news agencies like The Associated Press and Electronic Media Association; he also holds awards from the National Coalition of Motorcyclists, the Oregon Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs; and was presented with a 'Good Neighbor Award' for his reporting, by the The Red Cross.

Tim's years as a Human Rights reporter have taken on many dimensions; he has rallied for a long list of cultures and populations and continues to every day, with a strong and direct concentration on the 2009 Genocide of Tamil Hindus and Christians in Sri Lanka. As a result of his long list of reports exposing war crimes against Tamil people, Tim was invited to be the keynote speaker at the FeTNA (Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America) Conference in Baltimore, in July 2012. This is the largest annual gathering of North American Tamils; Tim addressed more than 3000 people and was presented with a traditional Sri Lanka ‘blessed garland’ and a shawl as per the tradition and custom of Tamil Nadu

In a personal capacity, Tim has written 2,026 articles as of March 2012 for since the new format designed by Matt Lintz was launched in December, 2005. Serving readers with news from all over the globe, Tim's life is literally encircled by the endless news flow published by, where more than 100 writers contribute stories from 23+ countries and regions.

Tim specializes in writing about political and military developments worldwide; and maintains that the label 'terrorist' is ill placed in many cases; specifically with the LTTE Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, where it was used as an excuse to slaughter people by the tens of thousands; and in Gaza, where a trapped population lives at the mercy of Israel's destructive military war crime grinder. At the center of all of this, Tim pays extremely close attention to the safety and welfare of journalists worldwide. You can write to Tim at this address: Visit Tim's Facebook page (




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Marv Steckel January 28, 2013 5:01 pm (Pacific time)

In the very very end, when the smoke clears and the few surviving people climb out of their hidey holes to see what’s left, there will be the Jew, reduced, but still alive. May God Bless the Jewish people of Israel as they go it alone against Iran in their quest to save humanity from nuclear capable madmen. And Islam? People will talk about it, in the past tense. Don’t forget tactical was a Democrat after all that dropped A bombs on Japan! Expect Obama's strong Jewish White house staff insure that he moves to dissolve Iran's leadership, like he did in Egypt, Libya, and now Syria. The latter is where most of Iraq's WMD's were stored. Uno, he ones similar to those that killed thousands of Kurds. We cannot allow radical muslims to have anything beyond one-round hunting rifles, and then spears would be best. Oh you hear about things exploding in Iran's hidden military people at work.

Editor: Why are some of your posts under different names, like Kathy?  Be advised that representing yourself as different people will have your banned from comments, please follow the rules.

Anonymous January 28, 2013 1:18 pm (Pacific time)

Tim 1300 years of human right's violations by muslims garnishes little agreement with your unsophisticated understanding of what's going on, and more importantly, the process that got us to this point. We Americans who have actually had real experience, coupled with education and traveling around the world, know that muslims are the primary enemy to all freedom-loving people. You on the other hand are doomed, and hopefully you and your entire DNA go down the abyss together. You have been played by the enemies, and you are the ultimate "useful idiot" and not just by deed, but also by IQ. Suffice you will ignore all evidence that refutes your unsophisticated obervations.

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