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Feb-13-2011 04:20 ![]() ![]() ![]() Israel's Racism Breeds Hateful Atmosphere for American MuslimsPolitical Commentary by Tim King"If I were an Arab leader I would NEVER make terms with Israel... that is natural: we have taken their country" - David Ben-Gurion, father of Israel
(SALEM, Ore.) - Though the statistics vary, some estimates indicate that Muslim people could outnumber Jewish people in the US by more than a million. While national politics in the US almost always follow the 'Judeo-Christian' line, it might serve the American people well if they consider for just a moment that this 'two religion' western concept fails to make sense in a democracy. Majority rule, remember? Besides, Christians, Jews and Muslims all adhere to the concept of a single God. The three faiths evolve from the same origin. They all have good points and all have a variety of interpretations. It is a sad fact that FOX News, right wing AM radio pundits and Christian TV networks convince Americans into believing that they should discriminate against Muslim people. Their shows and networks are funded and controlled by Zionist money; big pharma and insurance companies. Sadly it is that simple. The Muslim people became the 'new enemy' after the fall of Communism. Over time Americans came to believe that an enemy is always required. No doubt much of this is economic in nature, and also the result of Israel's firm hold on US politics. Faces of Judaism Elements of Judaism are decidedly not Zionist. In other words, they do not believe that the Jewish faith should exist in the form of a national government; they also don't believe that Jewish people should be in Israel displacing the native Palestinians. Torah Jews believe that the concept of Israel is highly flawed and they are very concerned about the persecution of non-Zionist Jews in Israel. Israel's prejudice is not restricted to Arabs or Christians, but also to Jews who are out of sync with the 'correct' politics. This is of great concern to those of us working to educate people about Palestine. has many friends and allies in Israel and within the American Jewish community and we all stand together in the belief that Palestine needs to see its 1967 borders reinstated. There is room for everyone, but no room for a government that is clearly racist and maintains an apartheid legal system like Israel's. Sadly, we are also hearing more and more about racism toward dark complected Jews in Israel. It seems Israel, like other governments including Mexico, has a decidedly light complected set of spokespeople and politicians. Most Israeli people are not Caucasian in appearance; but you would think they are by watching the news. I only mention this because I believe it is an unfair representation that influences the thinking of Americans. Problems with 'Islamophobia' exist in the US but they begin in Israel. In America, there is an extremely measurable lack of equity for Arabs and it is cultured and catapulted by ignorance, propaganda and prejudice. Muslim people are bashed constantly in the land of the free and it goes against the grain of everything Americans supposedly stand for. Of course no bigger stones are thrown that the boulders cast by Christians, but Jewish people also openly attack the entire Muslim culture and elected officials of these two faiths do the same thing, yet there is never a consequence. They call for war in Iran when Iran has no history of aggression toward the west. And it is Israel that tried in vain to sink the USS Liberty off the coast of Gaza during the Six Day War, killing dozens of Americans and wounding far more. If the tables were turned, even just this article for that matter, you will see cries of 'anti-semite' and baseless accusations of bigotry which are especially misplaced as exists to fight racism and help restore equality. Those who attack us always talk about Hamas; the legitimately elected political leadership of Palestine, only in term of their being 'terrorists' and it is backwardly wrong. Israel just last week attacked a medical storage facility in Gaza claiming they had attacked 'terror tunnels'. Thousands of similar incidents over the years are all barbaric and illegal by international law.
We had a reporter on the scene of this Israeli attack in Gaza just four days ago- Ken O'Keefe; and learned that once again, through the hard proof of video recorded in a destroyed building operated by the Ministry of Health in Gaza, Israel's goal seems to only reduce the 1.5 million imprisoned, poverty stricken people of Gaza into non-existence. The video clearly shows that Israel struck a building intended to store items that help people stay alive. Medical supplies are always in short supply in Gaza. Israel simply finds out where they are kept and attacks. We have filed an official inquiry with the IDF to learn why they did not disclose this target in a press release issued about the 9 Feb. 2011 Israeli attacks. Ken O'Keefe is the former US Marine who was aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla ship Mavi Marmara last May when it was attacked in international waters by Israel. Ken, serving as a crew member and unarmed peace activist, was directly involved in capturing and disarming two of the heavily armed Israeli 'commandos' who raided the ship by helicopter, gravely injuring dozens and killing nine unarmed men. No one aboard the Mavi Marmara was armed was a gun. The IDF boarded her with assassin hit lists in hand; one of which was recorded on video and amazingly not confiscated by Israel. This is included in the video 'Mavi Marmara Witness' with this article. Ken and his comrades made sure these captured Israeli soldiers were protected and given medical care. They wish a similar courtesy could have been granted from Israel. Instead of taking the humanitarian route, even after it was all over and everyone except the Israelis laid down their arms, (which in this case consisted of bars cut from the ship's railings), Israeli soldiers refused medical treatment that day to men who died from their wounds as a result. To further illustrate the ridiculous nature of classifying people as something they are not, Israel has also branded Ken a 'terrorist'. Never has a more incorrect designation been made, except maybe Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher's condemnation of South Africa's Nelson Mandela as a terrorist during the fight to end apartheid. Israel issues one false statement after another, while admitting that they send their rocket laden planes to Gaza to attack targets they select. The people of Israel who support this should be ashamed. I elaborate about the Mavi Marmara and Ken's experience because it clearly shows Israel's disregard for general humanity. There was even a Palestinian Knesset Member aboard the ship; Hanin Zoabi. The IDF threatened to shoot her repeatedly when she begged them to evacuate the wounded. Activist Kevin Neish who was also on the ship, recalls the soldier saying, "Take one more step and I shoot you in the head". After the United Nations convened a formal war crime investigation into the Mavi Marmara attack, it was concluded that everything Israel did was illegal and immoral. Six of the nine unarmed activists were Murdered by the IDF "execution style" according to UN reports. When considering its pattern of flagrant international violations of law, Israel appears more and more to be a highly advanced terrorist state, complete with several hundred armed nuclear warheads which are undisclosed and equally illegal.
As I have noted in articles before, hundreds of years passed without Muslim people locking horns with the west. Then about a Century ago the US moved into the Philippines and began slaughtering Muslims. Then after Israel illegally took over most of Palestine following the 1967 Six Day War, tensions toward the west's support of Israel rose dramatically. But all of the talk about Muslim people hating 'freedom' as the ignorant President Bushes complained, is fantasy crafted to fit their warring needs... Indeed the opposite is true and a series of lies and political treacheries have led the Arab world through a divisive political maze. No people seek freedom more than the oppressed and occupied Palestinians. They are denied this freedom by Israel an the US. It is a crime and that is literal. The words of Sir Lawrence of Arabia promised "autonomy" for the Arab world if they helped the allies take Jerusalem from the Turks in WWI. Then came the Balfour Declaration and England reneged on its deal for Arab freedom. Always lies, and always from the west. Today the only guarantee that an Arab nation won't be attacked comes in the form of a political deal cut with the US and Israel. It has been a bad formula, and the Revolutions in Egypt are the result. Arabs Outnumber Jews in America? From the way US politicians and media generally regard Islam, you would think that Muslim people were a vast minority. It is certainly true that the statistics run the gamut, and the population numbers may be somewhat close, but even that proximity itself seems highly downplayed. U.S. News & World Report reported that the US Muslim population in 2008 was 5 million. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) placed the number at 7 million in 2010. As a nation with privacy and religious freedom, the religious breakdown is hard to gauge, and the US Census Bureau does not ask what religion people are. The American Religious Identification Survey had a significantly different finding; they report the US Muslim population at 1.3 million in 2008. One year later, in 2009, The Pew Research Center placed the number at 2.5 million[1]. The Jewish population in the US is approximately 5.7 million[2]. In his commentary American Jews, Dr. Gerhard Falk discusses the fact that estimated number of Jews in America varies. According to Falk, those who consider only Jews with synagogue affiliations claim that there are only about 4,400,000 Jews in the US.
Falk said: "Our share of the total American population is no more than 2.2% and perhaps less, depending on how we define who is a Jew." However he believes that if you tally those who are Jewish though not affiliated with any Jewish religious group, the number jumps to 6,061,000. "Accordingly, 9.1% or 1,651,000 of New York State citizens say they are Jewish. This is the largest concentration of Jews in any of the states. Jews constitute 5.7% of the population of New Jersey, 4.9% of the people of the District of Columbia, 4.2% of Floridians, 4.4% of Massachusetts citizens, 4.1% of the people of Maryland, 3.1% in Connecticut and 2.9% in California. In all other states Jews are very few. In some states Jews are more or less 2% of the population but in most states Jews are 1% or less of the American population." Whereas the US Muslim population feels threatened, singled out and victimized, Jewish people have a list of agencies ranging from AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) to the Southern Poverty Law Center, ready to advocate for them, and prosecute those who treat Jewish people with prejudice. That is very important, but advocating for a particular group's freedom seems like an act of prejudice itself, in fact I'm sure it is. Dr. Gerhard Falk wrote: "Despite our small numbers, we are well liked by the American population. This is best understood by looking at the list of Jews in Congress and other political offices. While one senator from New York, Charles Schumer, is Jewish, both senators from California, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein are Jewish. Do you think our ancestors who came here in 1902 would have believed that two Jewish women would ever represent the state of California in the U.S. Senate?" [3]. What seems clear is that the same arrangement may never come to pass for Muslims, and that is the measurement of America's integrity, particularly when viewed side by side with stated US policy and law. People here are told that religion and government are separate, but is it true? What we do know is that the US works with Israel to ensure that there is an outlet for US money that does not have to pass the fairness or equity test; money that can be used by Israel to purchase weapons that are used illegally; knowing that the US will always be there to veto war crimes investigations in the United Nations, as the historical record shows. But a new level of understanding is evolving and this has happened over and over again. Unfortunately it didn't happen in the 1930's to save millions of Jews and large numbers of Roma and others from being Murdered by the astoundingly evil Third Reich.
The eventual awareness is inevitable, because human beings know that one race or religion is not more important than the next, but don't try to convince a Zionist of that. Many, particularly in Israel, tend to think it is OK to kill Arabs and even excuse the Murders of western activists who try to help the Palestinians. Israel is the Jewish state; that means it is in the same exact category as the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. It places a legal preference on people because they subscribe to the 'right' religion. Other Mideast countries like Iran have laws to protect their Jewish populations. Israel has separate laws for people depending on their religious and cultural backgrounds. Religious extremists make bad political leaders. And for the record I abhor the notion that Jewish people are treated with prejudice in certain Arab countries. Of course to make the second-rate list in US ally countries like Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia, all a person has to do is be female, and the same holds true for Israel in many ways. Israel's quest for Zionist domain of the entire Mideast is what the world is faced with, and every day people whose families have lived here for hundreds of years; the Palestinians, who are indigenous, are routed and treated with severe prejudice and all of it violates the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Israel's government and policies are the problem, it is not a religious matter. Criticizing their governmental patterns of cruelty inevitably bring the typical reactions; lame inaccurate charges of 'anti-semitism' and they are in reality, a feeble false flag expression used because any real argument on behalf of Israeli policy is impossible to wage. In recent years, attacks from Israel have claimed as many as 1400+ Palestinian lives at a time. Every single day Palestinians are attacked by settlers, who are all religious extremists, many armed and filling the role of terrorist with Israel's backing. There are also increasing reports of settlers firing rockets at Gaza; this in addition to the IDF's regular murderous attacks with US-supplied F-16 jets. Of course this is never discussed in American media or press. But you hear about what are always described as 'terrorist' attacks against Israel. Of course if the Palestinians actually manage to kill an Israeli on a rare occasion, they know that Israel will unleash a fury of damage on random targets because Israel's war on Gaza is nothing more than an out of control gang war anyway; it is about turf and who owns what and who has bigger guns. Of course we all know that there is no competition in the last category. That is why Palestinian kids throw rocks, which also earns them the title of 'terrorist' in Israel. I think the word should be used universally for all nations that employ tactics as defined by any dictionary, of course the US and Israel would be the first two governments named. Israel on the other hand, has lost exactly 28 people in total to the highly touted 'Hamas rocket attacks' and Israel 'hasbara' propaganda teams are producing videos about attacks from Gaza left and right, that make a big deal out of comparatively small damage. As of 9 February, the IDF stated in a press release that 40 rockets and weapons of different types had been fired from Gaza into Israel. None were fired by Hamas in spite of claims, and anyone who does even a small amount of research into Hamas knows they have not been firing rockets, that they denounced suicide bombings years ago and also that this governmental body has been trying to reign in the attacks from militant in Gaza not connected to Hamas. Hasbara has a reenactment of how an Israeli had rocks thrown at his car by a reported Palestinian. A reenactment of a non-injury rock throwing incident? In another an Israeli claims Palestinians beheaded his cow. Video from Palestine on the other hand, shows Israeli people brutalizing Arabs; Israeli soldiers shooting a man who is handcuffed, Israeli naval forces slaughtering an entire family on the beach at Gaza, the sniper Murder of British peace activist Tom Hurndall, the terrible crushing death of American activist Rachel Corrie, the destruction of ancient Palestinian water cisterns used for hundreds of years. The out and out cruelty of Israel toward Palestinians accounts for hundreds of hours of YouTube content, all you have to do is have the courage to look at it[4][5]. Israel is a land of immense prejudice, and there is nothing wrong with simply writing and speaking the truth of it. Until Israel's apartheid government is forced to change, as happened in South Africa and the US during the Civil War, the problems will continue. Americans need to make their voices heard if they care about what is right in this world. I have a growing number of Jewish friends and supporters and they are 100% peaceful and honest and ready and willing to do what it takes to bring about change, but their government is not exactly friendly toward that, as we see in the video accompanying this report from RTV. I have an equal number of Jewish friends and compatriots here in the US and also in the UK and they are working hard to bring about awareness and change, and I look forward to hearing from more Jewish people who share the passion for real freedom and peace for all people. There is no more convincing voice in this fight for Palestine than theirs. References and more specifically related links below these video and slideshow frames:
References: [1] [2] [3] [4] The Shooting of Tom Hurndall - Film review by Tim King More articles on anti-Semitism and Zionism:
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Omar February 22, 2011 2:14 pm (Pacific time)
Acording to last comments , some americans are ready to mass murder muslims.... oh shit they did it in iraq...
End games February 14, 2011 9:08 pm (Pacific time)
Howard needs to study more about "religious law"..
Howard Kline February 14, 2011 5:59 pm (Pacific time)
Editor maybe you just do not understand anything about Islam and how it interacts with our First Amendment.
Editor: Islam is a religious faith. It does not "interact" with the First Amendment. Besides, the only people stripping away our rights as Americans are Christians; remember? Or did you not know that about Bush?
Islam, as it evolves, does not recognize our Constitution nor our Bill of Rights. It does not allow for "religious freedom."
Editor: What are you saying? Does Christianity or Judaism "recognize" the Constitution or Bill of Rights? Don't you think the timing was a little off for that? Those documents were drawn in the late 1700's; Jesus lived 2,000 years ago and Muhammad live about 1300 years ago. I think you are saying 'God' doesn't recognize man-made law and you are right. You are treating a religion like a single living entity; any possible point you are trying to make is fully betrayed already by your blanket tossing bigotry. I have your number; another person who hates Muslims. Definitely your problem not ours.
Have you no background in World History?
Editor: Far more than you obviously do. I learned about Islam in the Islamic world and there is nothing that tops a first-hand perspective. Scaremongers like yourself rely on fear and ignorance to peddle your messages of hate and you are wrong.
Also there is no such thing as a moderate muslim.
Editor: Losing my patience, is your real name Archie Bunker? You classify an entire faith as something in one sentence and anything as complex as Islam could never be described so easily. It is one thing to say "certain Muslims" as I would write about "certain types" of Jewish people. But I never judge one general religion as bad, it is ridiculous a well proven to not be the case. Fundamentalist, be they Jewish, Christian or Muslim, are where the problems begin, not with the faith itself.
Why did you not respond to current european leadership comments on the failure of "multiculturalism?"
Editor: The only reason I respond to your rants or publish them is to further illustrate my own points. Pull your head out of the sand and appreciate that you aren't in control of what people think and do. Everything about the points you make smell of racist bigotry.
All I posted earlier was simply a recounting of events and an extrapolation based on that accounting. Where have I been wrong?
Editor: My question would be, 'Where were you right?' though I'm not actually asking you to try to answer.
My guess is that you have a very limited academic background in most anything, right?
Editor: Over twenty years in reporting, numerous awards, US Marine veteran, war photographer and correspondent in Iraq and Afghanistan, documentary producer, over 1400 articles published online...
Cheers anyway. What I posted is factual, very factual, and the future projections are based on historical behaviors of Islam. Even a child can figure that out.
Editor: Factual, very very very very factual, if you keep saying it does it sound better to you? Nothing you suggest is true, you are a racist and probably one of those who simply wants to exterminate all Arab people from Palestine, but you will fail. Hate makes you old, makes you ugly
Just because you have those rose colored glasses, it's still nothing more than rose-colored crap your looking at.
Editor: Wow, that was creative, though I can't actually see you...
Saul Morgenstern February 14, 2011 5:42 pm (Pacific time)
Wow, you got a pretty big hard-on for Israel eh?
Chill dude!
Editor: I don't think that is a good description.
Anonymous February 14, 2011 10:24 am (Pacific time)
If people would have actually did their homework in 2008, instead of letting the tv tell them what to do, or their ignorance in supporting the left/right hoax, or actually looking at obama/soetero's (or whatever his name is)past history and finding there was none, and looking at Ron Pauls history and did the right thing by supporting him, the billions going to israel would have stopped, the bankers would be in jail, troops would be home etc.. so write and shout all you want, most of the writers on salem-news, and the readers caused this problem by not doing their research. And the sad thing is? You will all do it again in 2012. ALl the whining from writers on Salem-news were for the most part obama supporters. So, go whine somewhere else. You voted in a ghost, that anyone who did their research knew he was a manchurian candidate. (sorry for the sarcasm, but this effects me and my family, and you all did not do your homework)
Howard Kline February 14, 2011 8:45 am (Pacific time)
Islam is incompatible with western values, and even less so with American democracy. As you may have noticed recently, the leaders of Germany, England, France, (and it's prudent to consider all other european countries), that "multiculturalism has failed." They were directly referencing Islam's failure to reconcile their values with the other values within their current host countries. We all want peace, at least normal people, but the end game for Islam is sharia law. If you have studied this religion's spread across the world for the last 1300 years, they start peaceful, but in the end when and if they get into a power situation, they get very violent. Even now as everyone is looking at the power change in Egypt, there is no ongong news of the violent murders of Christians in these lands. Lands the Christians have been in for over 20 centuries. The Jews have been in America since our founding, have they absorped into our value structure? Will the muslims in the future absorp? There is no evidence that Islam will at anytime give up their over-riding destination, and that is for all to be muslims, or be destroyed, and for a political theocracy to "rule", while we in the west must have individual liberty on a secular level for "self-governance." In time, as what is happening in europe, there will be a massive backlash, it is inevitable.
Editor: I guess that depends on what 'absorb' means. And if it was true that Islam is incompatible with western values, which is a crock by the way, then what happens happens, as the US is a democracy. There is this point in America that perhaps nobody explained to you... the US has religious freedom. That means your point goes down in flames. Jews in America, many, are already in agreement with the points I state. Finally, I can see from your words that you know absolutely nothing about Islam, what it means, or anything else. Thanks for being a shining example of the FOX cultivated American I referred to in this article.
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