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Feb-04-2011 01:41printcomments

Koch Industries

“...I’ve never seen anything like it. They are the Standard Oil of our times.” - Charles Lewis, founder of the Center for Public Integrity

The Koch Brothers, Charles Koch (left) and David Koch (right)
Koch Brothers: Charles Koch (left) and David Koch (right)

(CLEVELAND ) - The Koch Brothers, Charles Koch and David Koch, own and operate Koch Industries, the largest private company in the United States.

Together the brothers have a combined net worth of over $40 billion and they are the die hard allies of big business and far right wing politics.

They have quite a record with environmental violations, and they are known funding sources for industry and particularly, and financial backers of climate change deniers.

Their political influence and financial backing are responsible for driving the Tea Party.

Charles Lewis, founder of the Center for Public Integrity, said this:

“The Kochs are on a whole different level. There’s no one else who has spent this much money. The sheer dimension of it is what sets them apart. They have a pattern of lawbreaking, political manipulation, and obfuscation. I’ve been in Washington since Watergate, and I’ve never seen anything like it. They are the Standard Oil of our times.


Koch Industries

One of the world’s largest private fortunes is Koch Industries,
The brother’s are the two biggest supporters of the Tea Party,
2010 they earned 11 billion $$$$ that is plenty of kangaroos,
However, in the process laying off thousands not good news.

David & Charles Koch, co-own this mega earning machine,
With their total worth well over 42 billion doesn’t that mean?
Lay offs? Should not these two be in the business of hiring?
Because as we all know those words are just a fancy, “firing.”

David’s the richest man in New York City, haven’t you heard?
Head & heels above the billionaire, Mayor Michael Bloomberg,
While these Tea Party supporters amassed their biggest gains,
The total of their employees out of work over 8,000 that’s insane.

Political donations have helped the company escape serious fines,
Prosecutions! Emitting cancer-causing chemicals time after time,
From government contracts, public property, corporate loopholes,
Violation after violation without consequence to the bank they go.

With a number of investments and only in various profitable plans,
They are at the center of eminent domain seizures of private land,
Saw an article that a modern day, “Dallas” series is in the works,
J.R., Bobby, Sue Ellen Ewing and whomever, Koch has real dirt.

Smiling Bill Gates isn't really any different as his fortune is from,
Buying his products only works, purchasing the complement ones,
Michael Dell made billions, illegal profits paying millions in fines,
Doesn’t take a wizard, make $900,000 get caught and pay a dime.

There is surely much more to write and more guys to write about,
While many you will never hear because with billions comes clout,
However, from those we do, like these guys here just check it out,
Shouldn’t these men be leaders in employment? There’s no doubt.

By Luke Easter


Luke Easter is a poet who writes about things that are very close to the heart of Another former U.S. Marine, Luke heals the world with an approach that reaches people on a different level, one known for centuries, yet too often forgotten in the one we live in.

We live in a world of social & economic injustice. The main reason for founding America in the first place was to relieve the oppression of the King of England. Patrick Henry said it best, “give me liberty or give me death.” And yet, all too often death seems to be the only way out. Why is there such a high suicide rate especially among teens, in the land of the free & the home of the brave? What makes headlines? Good news? Ha! More depressing stories than anything else. I feel poetry takes an edge off the hurt of bad news while still delivering it but in a, “glitzy” sort of way. Giving a different perspective. Kind of like slap in the face as opposed to a knife in the back. At least with the slap you’ll live to see another day and you will know whom it’s from. I wasn’t here for the beginning of the world but at 59, I just might be here for the end.

Even though it’s still a knife, rhyme poetry helps to dull the blade. And that’s my job. You can write to Luke Easter at:

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Silence Dogood February 9, 2011 9:50 am (Pacific time)

Read this months ago...(there's much more for those who wish to spend time to become informed), but it is 'a place to begin'. Source:

Anonymous February 8, 2011 6:15 pm (Pacific time)

Starting about ten years ago Halliburton (sp?) was the boogeyman, then Bush (still is, but waning), then another new bunch of big money types the left spotlights. Though Bush and Palin still reverberate, Palin is a force of nature, who will continue to get stronger. I see her as a Cabinet member in 2013. I see Mr. Luke leaves the fatcats on the left alone. Pity it's so obviously demo talking points that have no traction. It is over for the democrats, just a bunch of acidic bravado. I just love watching the heads explode on the left. Chris Mathews and Ed Shultz are an absolute joy to watch as they fumble around in the political wilderness searching for relevancy. There audience continues to tank daily, as does all of those similar shows, and the print media who still continue to consider the masses to be a bunch of rubes. Well those rubes have taken their money to other places that provide the news and respect that they demand. Can other outfits do likewise?

Luke Easter February 4, 2011 9:39 pm (Pacific time)

Hey! You are missing one of the main points. Yes! It is okay to make political donations. No! It is not okay to be worth well over 42 Billion $$$ (with a "B") and layoff over 8,000 low level employees in the process. Does that not defeat one of the, "pet peeves" of the, Tea Party pertaining to employment? As for being from overseas. Ha! I am from the planet Zoltron the home of Tim and Bonnie King. I'm here by their invitation but not to worry. My visa expires 12/21/2012.

Tom February 4, 2011 6:20 pm (Pacific time)

Luke much of the spellings in your post appear to be British or Canadian. Are you from overseas? Needless to say making political donations is a freedom we have here and of course there are legal guidelines. Have you traced how much money people like Soros have given to groups just the opposite of the kind the Koch's have given to? Considering that over one year ago it was reported that Al Gore had made over 100 million in the Climate Warming scheme, it's refreshing to see bucks challenging his obvious financial stake in this matter. To have off-setting groups for debate on different issues is a hallmark of our democracy. Glad to see it happen. Though public unions that get taxpayer money is not an ethical behavior in my opinion. In fact it is one huge conflict of interest, but then we all have those contrasting opinions don't we. At least the Tea Party movement is funded by private funding; you cannot say that about those people and organizations who receive funding from public unions now can you?

Editor: Addressing the first question, you will note an increasing number of US writers leaning toward world spellings and not strictly using the American versions of various words.  Our writers are located throughout the world and I personally think this is an interesting silent move that underscores our respect for all, and our roles as world citizens, not just US citizens.  Luke may have something else to add, this is strictly my POV.

Luke Easter February 4, 2011 4:27 pm (Pacific time)

Charles and David Koch are finally getting noticed for their part in the extraordinary growth of the Tea Party movement.
The two, 74-year-old Charles and David, 70, have invested widely in the outcome of the 2 November elections.
One Koch subsidiary has pumped $1m into the campaign to repeal California's global warming law, according to state records.
The brothers, their wives and employees have also given directly to Republican candidates for Congress and are the sixth-largest donors to the Senate campaign of Tea Party favourite Marco Rubio.
They have also given heavily to the Republican Jim DeMint in South Carolina, according to the Centre for Responsive Politics.

But organisations tracking money in politics say the Kochs' biggest impact in the midterm elections will be from funding and providing logistical support to such groups as Americans for Prosperity (AFP), one of the biggest Tea Party groups.
AFP, in turn, has spun off other organisations such as November is Coming, Hands Off My Healthcare, and the Institute of Liberty, which are buying up television ads and holding rallies across the country in an attempt to defeat Democrats.

What few realize is that the secretive oil billionaires of the Koch family, the main supporters of the right-wing groups that orchestrated the Tea Party movement, would not have the means to bankroll their favorite causes had it not been for the pile of money the family made working for the Bolsheviks in the late 1920s and early 1930s, building refineries, training Communist engineers and laying down the foundation of Soviet oil infrastructure.
The comrades were good to the Kochs.

Today Koch Industries has grown into the second-largest private company in America. With an annual revenue of $100 billion, the company was just $6.3 billion shy of first place in 2008. Ownership is kept strictly in the family, with the company being split roughly between right-wing brothers Charles and David Koch, who are worth about $20 billion apiece and are infamous as the largest sponsors of right-wing causes. They bankroll scores of free-market and libertarian think tanks, institutes and advocacy groups. Reason magazine, Heritage Foundation and Cato Institute are just a few of Koch-backed free-market operations. Greenpeace estimates that the Koch family shelled out $25 million from 2005 to 2008 funding the "climate denial machine," which means they outspent Exxon Mobile three to one.

mary February 4, 2011 9:09 am (Pacific time)

off with their heads!

Mike February 4, 2011 7:40 am (Pacific time)

Luke do you have some primary sources that show how these characters have provided financial backing to the Tea Party movement? Thanks

mary February 4, 2011 9:09 am (Pacific time)

off with their heads!

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