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Dec-21-2009 20:50 ![]() ![]() JACK, JACK: Who's Got Your Back?Bonnie King Salem-News.comThe very life & legacy of Jack Herer, author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes, is at stake.
(SALEM, Ore.) - It’s a sad situation. The making of a movie of the week, perhaps. When a world renowned author falls ill, his family and friends become enemies, all professing to do so on his behalf. In the meantime, his health continues to fail, and his good name is tarnished by the very people deemed to uphold it. Much has been said, some of it true, some of it not true, regarding Jack Herer as of late. Anchor of the worldwide hemp movement, Jack Herer lies in a bed in a rehabilitation center in Eugene, Oregon, continuing recovery from a heart attack and anoxic brain injury. Whereas, we reported just over a month ago that he seemed to be making significant progress in his recuperation, now that progress has reportedly stymied. Jack was rushed to the hospital and admitted November 7th for a four-day stay following dehydration and Stage 5 Renal (kidney) Failure. Doctors spent 35 straight minutes with Jack in Emergency, which is longer than usual to stabilize a patient. Even then, he wasn’t stable. Since then, the battle between those closest to Jack has turned from a skirmish into a war. HOSPITALIZED AGAIN When Jack was admitted to McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center on November 7th, he was gravely ill with his blood pressure only reading 78/58. Doctors questioned the sudden and dramatic illness. One person from Jack's on-the-road team, Joy Graves said, “I was notified by a brief phone call that the state of Oregon had an active investigation underway." “The day before this test was ran, Avamere had run a drug screen, and it only showed THC, nothing else. So this is absolutely frightening,” she added. "He should not be this sick." THC: Some might find it laughable that Jack would ever not have THC in his body, after decades of daily cannabis use. Alcohol in all its forms is a substance that Jack does not imbibe, for over 35 years by some accounts. One theory is that alcohol may have been part of the hemp mixture he was given, perhaps a tincture, and could have had a poor effect on his system, though that has yet to be confirmed. In recalling the night Jack was admitted with renal failure, Joy Graves said, “Chuck had been the one in total control of Jack and he didn’t want me there. I saw Jack briefly earlier that day, and I confronted Chuck because Jack didn't look right and it seemed to me that his health had worsened.” At McKenzie-Willamette, Jack was found to be extremely dehydrated, the bronchitis had turned into a contagious infection, and he was diagnosed with Stage 5 Renal failure, which is often fatal. “When I got to the hospital at 2:30 in the morning," Graves said, "Jack looked in sad shape. I had to call the nurse in four times to suction out phlegm from his throat so he could breathe. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, after all the progress he’d made. I asked for every test they had, to see why he was suddenly so sick.” Four days later, Jack’s kidneys had cleared up and he was released back to the Rehab center. The hospital did so without consulting those with authority over Jack's care. A sign of things to come. “Now that the test results have come to light, and seeing the records, I feel like I failed Jack. He should not have had to go through any of this," Graves said. THE SEEMINGLY NEVER-ENDING DNR DISPUTE “Some people assume that the original DNR went into effect in the beginning, when Jack had just been taken to the hospital from the festival and he seemed to be on the brink of death, but that's not when it was ordered. "In fact the DNR didn’t go into Jack’s chart until many weeks later, when he had been moved to Avamere Rehabilitation Center. This after he had shown improved brain function at Emanuel Hospital. That is when the decision to limit his care was put in place,” Graves said. "Why then, when he was looking better?" The "Do Not Resuscitate" (DNR) order put in place in October by Jeannie Herer was the flame that initially ignited the whole combustible ordeal. Graves trumped the DNR by having it lifted, and a restraining order was filed against Jeannie Herer to stop her from making further decisions that may be a risk to Jack’s health. On November 24th, Jeannie Herer responded via an online comment: “There are several different parts to a DNR form. I was told Jack wouldn’t survive another heart attack. He’s still going to have heart surgery in the future. The only box on the DNR that I checked to ‘not resuscitate’ him was for if he was already dead. The rehab facility told us that they would have taken him to the hospital for bronchitis no matter what. There is a lot more to this that I can’t talk about now, but it will come out.” That is the last we’ve heard from Jeannie Herer on the subject. Graves says that a Do Not Resuscitate order takes away Jack’s right to make a decision, “Everyone knows Jack Herer has had several major medical situations in the last ten years. If a DNR was something he was in favor of, it would have been well known. If his wishes involved limiting his care, he would have marked the answers differently on the medical directive.” BUT THE DNR STORY DOESN'T STOP THERE... The DNR removal was good news to so many, but it’s existence was still confusing. However, nothing was as confusing as this: during the hospital stay that week in November, co-Power of Attorney Chuck Jacobs ordered a new DNR, giving permission to intubate, but no CPR. The rationalization behind this has not yet been explained, and I spoke to Chuck about it that same day. He talked to me about “things” in general, since returning from Europe last month, and said his relationship with Jeannie Herer was “going good.” I asked how he felt about the DNR that had been in place, as that was the main note of contention with his co-power of attorney, Joy Graves. He said, “The DNR was different than how it was explained. It’s very common that people choose that. It wasn’t even a full DNR. If he has a pulse, then they’d save him. 911 would be called, transported and everything.” “So, there wasn’t a ‘no transport’ order?” I asked. “No. There never was a ‘no transport’ order,” Chuck said. “I don’t know why anyone ever said that. It’s just all not what people think it is. Jeannie’s got a bad name with the hospital and care home because of hemp oil. It’s not really fair. Everything’s kind of messed up right now, but its all working out. Jack’s back with his family, he’s happy and content.”
“What happened with the hemp oil?,” I asked. “Well, yesterday the doctor checked Jack out of the hospital when Jeannie and I were out for a smoke. We were gone twenty minutes, then came back and Jack was gone without them telling us anything. Then we found out there was a doctor’s note that bans all visitors, because someone has been giving him THC.” “How do they know?” “They found THC in his system, and it’s an issue. Jack can’t have any hemp oil until a private place has been found,” Chuck explained. “I don’t like what’s been going on, but it’s pretty hard to know what will happen next.” The 'no transport' order, for the record, was written on a white board in Jack's room. It wasn't a piece of paper, but Chuck might not have known this, since he was in Europe when all this came to a head. All the while this discussion was taking place, Chuck didn’t reveal that we were talking about the current DNR, that he had, in fact enacted earlier that day, November 12th, 2009. A new DNR. HEMP IS THE WORD... Much speculation has been cast about regarding who has kept Jack Herer from getting the hemp oil he so believes in, the medicine he’d been taking for over thirty years. Until US federal law changes about the legal use of medical marijuana, there will be a problem with hospitals and healthcare facilities: most find it too risky to allow medicinal marijuana to be administered on their premises. Getting heat from the feds doesn’t do their business any good. This contradiction between states where medicinal marijuana (cannabis) use is legal, and the federal government’s stance to continue to punish sick and ill patients remains very problematic. Jack is feeling the brunt of these federal laws, and friends and family are rightly frustrated by their hands being tied to help him. According to many sources, Jeannie Herer did attempt to get hemp oil to Jack in the beginning, with some success, but it was a complicated ordeal and ended when he was transferred to Avamere Rehabilitation Center in Eugene. They gave a resounding “no” regarding cannabis, and that was the agreement upon his arrival. Because cannabis was not a part of his official daily meds regime, the herb’s medicinal qualities were not considered when other dosages for medications were prescribed. Though it is commonly understood among his family and friends that “cannabis is the best medicine”, he was not allowed to have any. Not just a few of Jack's supporters have been disturbed by this. In response to accusations of withholding the oil, Joy Graves said, “I am not against Jack getting Rick Simpson oil. Jack always got Rick Simpson oil straight from the source, and he’s probably only been given second-rate copies of it. Jack needs his oil, he has used it every day for a long time, and I think it would really help him.” For all intents and purposes, the US federal government is the only entity truly deserving of the responsibility of keeping the healing oil from Jack. And fear. SEPARATION OF THE CANNA-FRIENDS Three months ago, Jack had a heart attack on day one at Portland’s Hempstalk. His team somberly finished up the festival without the Hemperor. His health was the main topic of discussion throughout the grounds, and those on stage dedicated their music, speeches and performances to Jack, sending him the power of the cheering crowd again and again. Hundreds of people signed a cannabis tapestry to express their concern, and prayed for a speedy recovery. In those first days and weeks, family and close friends came and went from Jack’s side, some of them accepting that this visit might be the last, some refusing to do anything less than believe he would recover. Tim Pate played guitar and sang to Jack. Small improvements were noted, but Jack didn’t make any big strides.
Chuck Jacobs told me that during this time of unity, his experience had been just the opposite. He said that the day after Jack fell, at Emanuel Hospital, Jeannie Herer accused him of giving Jack drugs, LSD or ecstasy while on the festival tour and blamed him for Jack’s heart attack. She demanded that he leave the hospital premises, and not only that, but also give her Jack’s van and move out of Jack’s house, where he lived full time as Jack’s assistant. Chuck was overwhelmed, and said in October that even though he was hurt and angry, he “felt bad for her”, assuming she was overreacting due to her concern for Jack’s life, but that her accusations were wrong. He complied with her wishes, left the hospital and headed to California to pack his belongings. What Jeannie Herer didn’t yet know at the time was that Jack had already assigned Chuck Jacobs and Joy Graves his co-Power of Attorney. Jack also signed the Advanced Health Care Directive (AD) which gave primary powers to Chuck, and listed Joy as the substitute if Chuck is unwilling or unable to act as the primary representative on Jack’s behalf. Emanuel Hospital reviewed the Advanced Health Care Directive and deemed it incomplete initially due to a missing signature (Chuck's), which was later rectified. Chuck “signed on” as the AD on October 5th, and then he left for California. Chuck and Joy Graves hoped that the administrators would acknowledge their right to oversee, or at minimum, participate in, Jack’s medical care. One might ask about this time, why would they want to do that? Good question.
It’s not a secret anymore that Jeannie and Jack weren’t living together at the time of his heart attack. In early summer, she wanted to move to a different house, together. Jack apparently waffled. He told several people that he didn’t intend to move out of his house at Clear Lake. Jeannie went to Nevada for a time to help her nephew, and considered Carson City as a possible store location. She spoke to me then, and said that Jack thought a head shop would be a hit there, but she was more inclined to focus on hemp education in the beginning, considering the state of the legal system in Nevada. In the end, it was not a viable business idea and Jeannie returned to California without much ado. But she didn’t move back in with Jack. She found another place, in Santa Rosa, that she says would have suited their needs, and she was planning for Jack to move in with her after the festival season. But his season was cut short. In those first days, Jeannie Herer cast out those people closest to Jack who had administered care, support, love and friendship on the road and in her absence. They weren’t about to break their promise to Jack however, and due to Jack’s own insistence, they had the paperwork to prove they were representing his wishes. Jeannie had all of Jack’s worldly possessions moved out of his house and put into storage. She says it was in an attempt to save her and Jack money, others say it was about Jack never coming home. Finally out of critical condition, Jack was transferred to Avamere Rehabilitation center in Eugene. Now that it was out in the open that the Power of Attorney was legally “durable”, Jeannie allowed Joy to visit with Jack while Chuck went on tour with Rick Simpson in Europe, in Jack’s place. At that point, Jack's condition was stable, and he was showing signs of progress. He would follow with his eyes and at times smile, but was not responding much to physical therapy, and still not speaking. Jeannie left for California to finish moving. Shortly thereafter, an Avamere employee showed Joy the DNR in Jack’s file, and things took a sudden 180 degree turn, as has been widely reported. When Jeannie returned to Oregon, she was not allowed in to see Jack. On October 29th, a legal separation of marriage was filed in Lake County, California on Jack’s behalf by Joy Graves, officially recognizing Jack and Jeannie's estrangement. The date of the end of the marriage is noted as July 7, 2009 which is the day Jack officially took Jeannie off his lease. Jeannie questions the separation in her November 17th online update, “If Jack had wanted a legal separation on 7/7/09, why didn't he get it himself? He didn't have the heart attack until September 12. Our 10-year anniversary was September 9. He was on the road but he called me and wished me a happy anniversary and told me he loved me and that he would be in Santa Rosa with me as soon as he was finished with the Portland Hempfest.” Living in Santa Rosa is not what Jack had in mind, say others. “Jack was having problems with Jeannie. He went into great detail with me as well as others regarding Jeannie and his fears of her. He said this 'break up was different', that it was over and he was done”, Joy Graves told Salem-News. “He said that Jeannie had begun threatening him with legalities, mostly about the IRS, and she was always needing more money from him. Even when she says she wanted him to start taking it easy, she was actually making big demands of him and lots of us could see he was working too much, trying to keep up.” “He said he knew she wasn't accepting of ‘it being over’, but he was blunt about it,” Graves recalls Jack saying, "‘She threatened me with a divorce from Carson City - I wish she would, I'm done.’” He said-She said is a tedious game. Without Jack’s input now, it’s all about piecing together documentation and factual testimony. For a man so full of words, he apparently did not share enough of them with his wife when it mattered the most; she has said multiple times that she was not under the impression that their marriage was over and expected to reconcile after the festival season, but if Jack had told her he wanted to end their marriage she would have done so. WHAT ABOUT THE CHUCK AND JOY TEAM? These two unlikely partners-in-care were brought together solely by Jack’s own doing. When Jack enlisted them to sign the Power of Attorney and Advanced Medical Directive, they both say they did so because of his persistence. They did not expect to be drafted into service within hours. Chuck and Jack spent over 200 days a year on the road. Without Jack, Chuck continued as planned, and went on the European hemp tour with Rick Simpson about three weeks after Jack’s heart attack. The drama with the discovery of the DNR and activation of Chuck and Joy’s authority took place in his absence, and so returning to the Northwest was an anxious event.
The facility decreased the daily narcotics Jack had been receiving, increased physical and speech therapies, and the results were positive. Regardless of all the drama going on outside Jack’s room, inside his world he seemed to be making progress. Within a week, we were told that Jack was saying some words, that he was more responsive, and even singing. It was recently revealed that Eve and Jack had a relationship outside his marriage, and it is true that Eve has admitted a great love for Jack. Regardless of the varied opinions on the subject, there is documentation that while she and Joy were working with him, he made remarkable strides. Though I have not yet been allowed to visit Jack due to the visitation restrictions of this complicated ordeal, I have seen video footage of Jack trying to speak, forming some words, even trying to sing along as Eve sang aloud to him; he responded to direction and pushed a button on command, which proves some coordination of his thought process. The video clips were taken just before Jack was hospitalized November 7th, and so do not necessarily reflect his present condition. They do substantiate that Jack has been communicating - though very limited, and that there is reason to continue being positive about his potential to recover more fully. When Chuck returned to Oregon and started piecing together what had taken place in his absence, Joy “stood down” voluntarily so Chuck could assume care for Jack, and possibly rekindle his relationship with Jeannie, if he saw fit.
Chuck was perplexed and eventually clearly displeased that Joy had filed the restraining order and the marriage separation papers, and said he was not in favor of either. The divide between Jack's two assistants began to separate. Still, Chuck was Jack’s right-hand man, his roommate of over two years; and Graves said she had no reason to not have confidence that Jack was in good hands. However, within days Jack was back in the hospital, this time in dire straits. Since Jack had just been to Emergency (for bronchitis) the week prior, McKenzie-Willamette hospital knew the instructions via Joy Graves to be “Full Code”, which is an order to do everything possible to keep the patient alive. However, when Jack was transported to the hospital this time around, Chuck was in charge, and he did the strangest thing: Chuck had the medical directive at that time, therefore he had the right to decide Jack’s “code status”, and he instructed “DNR” and “Limited Intervention”. He contradicted Jack's previous full code. According to the record, the hospital personnel found it worthy of note that Chuck was insistent about the DNR: “As far as I know, at this time, the DNR and Limitation stands. I am working on getting that changed because I feel it’s totally inappropriate and unjustified,” Joy Graves said. “I don't know why Chuck would do something like remove the (full code) blanket that may be needed to save Jack's life. Maybe somehow, he just doesn't understand.” This action brought the same response to Chuck that the DNR had meant to Jeannie, a swiftly acquired restraining order to keep him from making further decisions. Chuck was served on the 13th of November. “Unfortunately for poor Jack,” Graves said, “it was a little too late in some ways.” Also, and before the state investigation began, Chuck had already been terminated from the Advanced Directive due to a breech of contract. Jeannie Herer was served with a second Restraining Order the following day, November 14th, but not without a lot of drama. Jeannie wrote: “Last Saturday (November 14th) I went to see Jack at the rehab facility. I went out to smoke with Jack's roommate. While we were out back, a nurse came and told me a woman and her daughter was at the nurses’ station with a restraining order. She said she'd keep them at the desk so I could go around the building to the parking lot. I got in the van and was pulling out of the parking lot when Joy Graves and Steve Cherms pulled up about an inch in front of me, blocking my way out of the parking lot.” Joy says she called for the assistance of the Eugene police department as Jeannie refused to cooperate. Jeannie says she was the one who alerted the police and they stayed with her while the officials made decisions. "First, the police spoke to them and then came over and asked me what was going on. I told them I was visiting my husband who was in the facility with an anoxic brain injury." In the end, Jeannie received the service papers and was allowed to leave the premises. Documents removing Chuck from Jack’s Advanced Medical Directive were given to Avamere on November 15th. Chuck Jacobs was terminated from the Power of Attorney, recorded on November 24th. Julie Phelps, Avamere's administrator, told Joy Graves “as soon as the legal team reviews them, I will give you a call in a day or two." Copies of the court orders have been submitted to Avamere multiple times, but Joy has yet to hear that they have been acknowledged. The first restraining order that Joy Graves filed against Jeannie Herer was dismissed because it was filed in Oregon instead of California. She then re-filed in California, and that order was dismissed there on December 3rd, simultaneously with the one against Chuck Jacobs, tabling Graves' other actions. That too, was an event full of emotional upheaval and conflicting perspective. Bill McPike, attorney for Jeannie Herer, and others were in attendance. After some discussion, the judge told Joy Graves that the orders needed to be re-filed by a (California) state licensed attorney. Graves says that is underway. The cannabis community is vehemently on one side or the other, “Jeannie’s” or “Joy’s”, instead of simply on Jack's side. This is something that cannot continue. His legacy is being written, right now, and everyone is contributing. “THE MOST HIGH”: A BOOK UP IN THE AIR Jack’s upcoming book, The Most High: Plant Secrets of the Gods and Explorations Revealing the End of the World as You Know It, is still a work in progress but it has already caused quite a stir. There is fear among Jack's supporters that the rights to this unfinished book are not protected. According to both Chuck and Joy, Jack’s insistence on the Power of Attorney was primarily to protect the future of that book. Jeannie was on the record about not wanting it to be published, and Jack was concerned that while he was away in Europe, something could “happen”, and he wouldn’t rest until he knew the book would be protected. The notorious would-be co-author of The Most High was apparently the reason behind Jeannie’s dislike of the book. James Arthur Dugovic was author of “Mushrooms and Mankind”, substantiating the bond between he and Jack, as both held amanita muscaria mushrooms in high esteem. 47-year old James Arthur (Dugovic), of Bass Lake, California was arrested in April 2004. Madera County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Erica Stuart told local newspapers that Arthur was a registered sex offender facing new charges of sexual misconduct with children. He was to have appeared in court April 26, 2005 for a preliminary hearing on child molestation charges. He had pleaded not guilty and was held in Madera County Jail on $300,000 bail.
Ten days before his hearing, Arthur was discovered by jailers with a bed sheet tied around his neck. Some suspect foul play, but most do not. Still, the scandal was something Jeannie believed Jack should stay far from, for his own good. That plan indeed has backfired. Soon after Jack’s heart attack and before leaving on the European trip, Chuck asked Joy to sign a contract giving certain book rights for "The Most High" to Eve Lentz, as she had been serving as an editor for Jack. Joy refused to sign. “It's Jack's book - he should be the one to sign or decide anything to do with it, and if people would back off and give him the time and help he wants, he'll heal and I'd say within a year he can do what he wants with his damn book - and everything else that's his.” Jeannie allegedly gained possession of Jack’s notes and research material for the book when she had Jack’s house cleaned out near the end of September. Graves said, “Jack point-blank asked me to protect that book from Jeannie, no one else. He told me, ‘she's going to try to stop me, you've got to help me, she's going to go to court and have me declared crazy just to stop me.’ None of us took him seriously, now I realize he was, and why.” OFFICIALLY, FINANCIALLY A MESS A thing of the past. That’s what the legend of Jack Herer may be, should the legal eagles out there have their way. Sadly, his very name may be at risk, as the states of Oregon and California wield their authority. A generous soul, Jack Herer is well known to be open to new ideas, but now Jack's been opened up to scrutiny with officials searching out any product that bears his name, or reference to him. Graves said, "I got a call from the state finance officials, saying they had been advised that Jack has been making money without claiming it. They specified each publisher by name, from the Emperor and the Grass books, the body care products, the hats and shirts, etc. by individual product, and the really messed up part of it - the seeds that are named for Jack, and ‘gaining revenue due to Mr. Herer's name and publicity status’.” She said that they had the bank account number to his and Jeannie’s joint account, and asked her to explain the statements line by line. “My explanation was simple: I have no access to those accounts. Only Jeannie, and maybe Chuck I suppose, has that access.” Since then, Jack and Jeannie’s joint checking account has been closed and there is a “Fiduciary Abuse” investigation underway. The financial responsibility of those in charge of medical care is nothing to be taken lightly. Jack’s costs are no exception; for example, Jack's transport to the hospital and back to the rehab facility had to be paid before another transport would take place. Chuck Jacobs signed for his transport, but Joy came through and paid the ambulance company, out of pocket, so their services would continue. My lineage is that of justice, especially for the ones who can’t pursue it themselves. Jack is in that position now, and he wants his justice.
–Joy Graves "For all the money that’s been donated to help with Jack’s tragedy, little or none of it is known to have gone to specifically pay for Jack’s needs," Graves said. According to our research, Joy Graves is the only person in the mix who hasn’t asked for donations, or help for herself, and yet many are seeing her as having an ulterior motive. “They can have his money, what little there probably is. They can do whatever they want with his belongings if it comes to that. I want Jack to live. None of the rest of this stuff matters to me,” said Graves. Joy Graves is herself, terminally ill, suffering from bronchial and cardio pulmonary disease (COPD), Parkinsons and wasting syndrome. She is clear that she expects nothing in return for helping Jack. Jack was fully capable of making his own decisions when he chose Chuck and Joy to represent him. He knew the qualities of each, and felt they were the right team for the job. Whether he had a premonition or just felt it was good business savvy, Jack put his life in the hands of his two friends just hours before it became mandatory. Tenacity, dedication and fortitude is now the test they’re given. WHERE WILL HE GO FROM HERE? We have been told that Jack cannot be considered for a “private facility” at this time because his progress has slipped, so his next move must be to a “skilled” facility, a professional environment. However, since the state has stepped in, the court has assigned Jack a probate attorney, Don Dickman, to represent him. How this affects Jack’s future is yet to be seen. Will Oregon get Jack special care? Jeannie Herer has now filed for “guardianship” of Jack, which is something the state of California would not abide, but may be allowed in Oregon. Jack’s son, Mark Herer, has filed for Conservatorship of Jack’s estate. As Jack is a legal resident of California, it will be interesting to see what the judge decides to do with this case. Both filings are yet to be heard in Oregon court. South of where all this is happening, another 500 miles or so, is the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), with a world famous neurological hospital. The UCSF Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases is one of the best places in the world to find treatment and possible solutions for brain anoxia, such as Jack has experienced. The symptoms of anoxic brain injury vary, depending on how long a person is deprived of oxygen. Symptoms may include cognitive problems and a lack of coordination. A total lack of oxygen to the brain damages the brain cells in the cortex. When a person undergoes cardio-pulmonary arrest (heart attack), a loss of consciousness may often occur in 10-15 seconds. For this reason, a person may have irreversible damage of the mind occurring within 5 minutes. Some estimations gave 20 minutes that Jack went without oxygen after his heart attack. UCSF specifically works to find the causes of human nervous system disorders and improve treatment options. Their scientists apply state-of-the-art translational research methods, and engage in collaborations with colleagues around the globe, including over 100 renowned researchers and clinicians. And, it’s within driving distance to Jack’s house in Clear Lake. In order to be approved for admittance to UCSF, Jack's doctor needs to sign a referral. Once returned to his home state of California, Jack’s care would be more easily financially managed. Jack would also not have to be transported between doctors' offices, hospitals and rehabilitation centers- everything would be handled under one roof. Just a few days ago, on December 15th, Jack had an appointment with his doctor for just that reason, but it was cancelled by Chuck Jacobs. Without the referral signature, Jack cannot seek advanced care at UCSF. Joy says Jeannie Herer’s petition for guardianship is keeping Jack detained in Oregon. “He needs to be moved back to California right now, to one of the top neurological rehabilitation facilities in our country. California is more open-minded about medicinal cannabis use, there I believe we could ‘discretely yet honorably’ move toward Jack’s accessibility to Rick Simpson Oil." The guardianship case is actually filed against Jack, as he is the respondent. Apparently the court appointed attorney will represent him, unless his Power of Attorney is allowed to do so. Joy says this is all a moot point, and a stall in getting Jack treatment. "As a California resident, Jack has full medical insurance waiting for him, and he is a California medical cannabis patient. His house is there, his heart is there, and a team of experts are waiting to help him there.” “I hope his own attorney sees what’s best for Jack,” Joy said. “I’m just relieved in knowing that his resident state officials are in full support, and are willing to claim jurisdiction." "So long as California is willing to help protect Jack, not any one of us - just Jack, things should work out right for him.” At this hour, we are waiting to see the outcome of today's test. That is, if a doctor is willing to sign Jack's referral, will Chuck Jacobs give Avamere the thumbs up, so that Jack can move to the next level of care in SanFrancisco? Time will tell. Merry Christmas, Jack. ![]()
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Kathy Ann September 14, 2011 1:46 pm (Pacific time)
I guess going "home" with Jeannie didn't do much for his health did it? He died two weeks later. And she was with him. I hope he found comfort in that, but I doubt it.
thinking-minds February 15, 2010 8:56 pm (Pacific time)
Looks like the truth to me. If it wasn't, The Attorney Mr.McPike would be taking real legal action for slander or libel. Such an action would only proove the validity of this report. If it isn't true, then Jeannie Herer and Chuck Jacobs would contest it in court. They won't. It isn't slander or libel, it is factual. The story is documented and prooven here. Great report Bonnie. Don't let them spin it anymore.
mcpike February 11, 2010 2:31 pm (Pacific time)
I have been Jack's attorney for about 7 years. If you want any photos email me. I have supported Jeannie, his wife, since the beggining of this power of attorney thing.
EDITOR: Thanks Bill, we appreciate the invitation to discuss this and do have some questions you can probably clear up. What is your email address?
Steve February 9, 2010 2:28 pm (Pacific time)
ATT:FRIEND When I spoke with Jack last summer when Jeannie was in Carson City he missed her very much...So get your facts ...oh wait, they are not facts, it's just B.S. Jack NEVER spoke of divorcing Jeannie to me and he would have mentioned it.
koolaid February 7, 2010 9:42 pm (Pacific time)
I heard Jack is never going home to California and all his wife wants is to get him into a house so she can keep real health care at bay. Sad, I am praying for better for Jack.
Friend of Jack's February 7, 2010 7:59 pm (Pacific time)
What a bunch of bastards, the 'family' of Jack Herer is a hoax, they have supported his estranged wife's efforts to place him in a position where he will die, and along the way they packed his body with things like amphetamines. Real caring family, yeah, and the friggin' earth is flat. But it's OK, this is what the straight world expects of a bunch of stoners, turning on their own, acting like taking away Jack's power of attorney by force is a caring act. He was scared of Jeannie, he did everything he could to cut her off and get her hands off his property, to get her out of control of his life because she took advantage of him and he was "scared of her". Mark excluded, I'd be scared of all of them. He is the only positive thing in this mix. Now, for the miserable little wretches who call Joy Graves in her terminally ill state "bitch" and "whore" - you're lowlifes. She has given everything to help Jack with jack-sh*t in return and the wrath of nasty lying people who would hand Jack Herer himself over to the person he tried so hard to insulate himself from. I think a crime on his life has been committed and the smoke isn't half as clear as the Jeanie supporters would like to think it is. Good old Chuck brought the IRS down on Jack's back without reason and Jeanie and Chuck and the family all know that the experts say the only way for Jack to recover is to get him to a medical center in San Francisco where he belongs, where they believed they had a chance of bringing him back. But oh no, they are going to stick him in a Eugene house where there will only be only be minimal care, no million dollar rehab program for Jack Herer, Jeanie and her lawyer and Chancie and the rest all made damned sure of that. And all the while they lie about the only person who really had Jack's best interest at heart, Joy.
EDITOR: We appreciate your passion, but keep vocabulary clean, please.
Steve February 7, 2010 10:08 am (Pacific time)
Chuck Jacobs showed his true stripes during this ordeal.
Through it all I remained a dear friend to Jeannie and gave her all the support I could to counteract the biased reporting on this and other sites.
You didn't know what you were talking about no more than Michael Stone at the Examiner did when I posted that Jack had passed away.
Suppositions and half facts don't make a truth.
So now it's all settled, Jeannie is back with Jack and Mark is conservator like it should be.
D. Disney February 6, 2010 11:16 pm (Pacific time)
Well I guess the last word has been spoken. Feb. 3 a judge revoke the POA and appointed Jeannie as Jack's gaurdian. Now energies can be directed souly to Jack's recovery and eventual return home! Justice has prevailed!
ElectroPig™ Von FokkenGrüüven December 26, 2009 11:57 pm (Pacific time)
I've said it before, and I'll say it again...the truth WILL come out, and those who are not 100% on the side of Jack Herer will be exposed...and millions of Jack's friends and fans will not forget. After speaking with many of the principal characters for several months now, I am of the opinion that Jack must first be given medical clearance before he is moved anywhere. This falls to Chuck allowing for the doctor's visit and examination to occur. If Chuck fails in this obligation, it will be remembered. Once the doctor agrees that Jack is fit to transport, he should be sent back to California, directly to UCSF, as noted by others. This is one of the best medical facilities on the planet, and Jack Herer deserves nothing less than this quality of care. Any unneccessary delay in getting him care will also be remembered. I've heard of many people sending in donations to help get Jack's bills paid, but there has been no accounting of how much, or where the money that has been sent in so far has gone. If money is being sent in for Jack, it should be used for JACK and JACK ALONE! If there is a single person out there that thinks that anyone involved has more claim than Jack, they'd better give their heads a shake in short order. There seems to be a lot more concern about "Jack's legacy" or "Jack's book(s)" or anythiing related to Jack...but if it isn't JACK HIMSELF, the rest hardly matters. This is not to say anything negative about Eve, as I'm absolutely certain that Jack wants her to keep pushing on the book, and to get it published. It will likely be his last great work, and he deserves to have one last blaze of glory on the stands, and he has chosen Eve for a reason. Keep pressing forward Eve! As for the POA battles, it is fairly obvious that Joy was added to the POA as an alternate, in the event that Chuck wasn't able to make the decisions he needed to make when they were/are needed to be made. Joy assumed what I believe to ber her rightful role when Chuck left for Amsterdam while Jack lay in a hospital bed. There is no confusion in these facts, but there is a great deal of confusion as to exactly what benefit Chuck has been providing to Jack since he returned from Europe. Signing a DNR is not exactly conducive to a public perception that you want the man to survive...especially when the man himself has shown time and again to be a warrior on any front that he came across. The fact that the reversal of an earlier DNR was instrumental in saving Jack's life should have been enough to drop the topic, yet another DNR currently exists. I fully understand that in Jack's case, if he were to suffer another heart attack, it may be the final blow that he might not recover from, but this isnt helping him get back to California where he belogs, AND has full medical coverage. It is my personal observation that I have never heard anyone from Oregon medical facilities say "Hey, why not send him back to his home state and let him get full coverage?" Does this not sound to you as though their main motivation may just be milking Jack for as much as they can, for as long as they can? If you were a doctor and he was your patient, would you want him to get the best care available, or would you rather make as much off him as you could? I'm more than a little skeptical of the medical community as a whole, and for many reasons, but this smacks of both profiteering and hypocrisy, and neither of those words should have ever been allowed to be associated with medical care! To those whose prime motivation is to GET JACK HOME and get him the treatment he has spent his life earning, you are Jack's TRUE friends. To those who just want to ride his coattails or to see what they can get out of him before or after he's gone, I'd like to personally stake you down on top of the nearest fire ant mount and pour a gallon of honey on your balls. GET JACK HOME! Get Jack the care he deserves, and quit trying to decide who is goig to take over when Jack is gone...HE'S NOT GONE YET! LONG LIVE THE EMPEROR!!!
Eve Lentz December 24, 2009 12:25 am (Pacific time)
Yes, I agree that there should be no sides except for what is best for Jack Herer, right now! Funds are being raised to move Jack to UCSF (University of California at San Francisco). This is a facility that taylors their care to the patient's specific needs for recovery of brain damage, which Jack has. They have Doctors and Nurses with cutting edge technology and tools to assist Jack in communicating. They have been waiting for Jack and as a resident of California, he is medically covered for these services. Jack is a truly Great Man, worthy of the best care. He deserves it! At Avamere, where he is now, they do not have any doctors. Just Nurses. Jack must be transported to a $750 Doctors appointmentm not including the Transport fee to and from Avamere. Jack's last appointment was cancelled and the last doctor he saw was during his last hospitalization some weeks ago. They have physical therapy, but no cutting edge technology, no therapies specific to his needs, no tools to help him communicate and no medical coverage (in Oregon he is receiving Federal aid to pay his bills). Jack is not a legal Medical Marijuana patient in Oregon but he is in California. I know that Jack can communicate because I saw him communicate with me and many others. He worked so hard in therapy to stack cones from an outstretched physical therapists', hand on demand and many other things others have said he could not do. All of this IS in the medical records and I am thankful to Joy Graves for all she has done to help Jack. She has never asked for money and she has paid some of Jack's medical bills and all legal expenses to help Jack get the care he needs, safely. I wish everyone else could see what we have seen and dealt with. We have tried so hard to not put out personal business and videos, but we felt and still feel that Jack's life is at stake. We do have the honor of trying to carry out what we know Jack wanted us to carry out for him, as we were with him the last month before his heart attack and he always told us "Protect the book". Jack called me several times a day to ask "what part are you editing now?" I saw Jack hug Joy with both arms so tight, we had to pull them away. He has also done this with me. We know what we know, and only care right now that he gets this chance to show what he's made of. I truly believe that he needs this wonderful UCSF like he needs air! The only thing that Jack's doctor, who last saw him, needs is a call from Chuck Jacobs approving the transfer. I have expected miracles since Jack's heart attack and I have seen some, already! I still believe he has at least a few miracles left in him, as he is still so strong you wouldn't believe it! I pray that Chuck and Jeannie and everyone else will give Jack this awesome chance to recover in a good place and be able to come back to us! Jack has recovered from many things, especially recently and you better believe he is still fighting for his life! with Love, Peace and Respect for all involved, Eve Lentz
Chuck Jacobs December 23, 2009 12:10 pm (Pacific time)
If people even knew Jack...108,000 miles for the last two and a half years! I love the man!
Green Fingers December 23, 2009 10:25 am (Pacific time)
This is so so sad...Jack should be turned over to his children on his care, and on everything. Vendettas be damned and whos right and whos not... thats all a bunch of bunk! Let Jack get well and get over yourselves and your so called agendas..the agenda is for The Great Jack Herer to GET WELL and HEAL without all the DRAMA. **Our prayers are with you Jack. BTW- Salem-News Thank You For keeping up with Jacks condition. Good Job Reporting.
Beth Soloe December 23, 2009 7:41 am (Pacific time)
I have known Jack for a few years now on a personal level.. everytime he comes to Vegas he visits with me for long hours.. I know Jack loves his wife.. I saw it in his eyes.. I heard it in his voice.. I have no doubts.. and I also know Jack doesn't have a lot of money like this article insinuates.. I don't know what happened to the money donated.. but as far as sales from products go.. he's not rich by far.. he's surviving just like the rest of us. Shame on the banks for assuming the worst just because his names on everything under the sun he's getting royalties from every sale made attached to his name. As far as the scandal goes.. I just want to see Jack happy and home where he belongs.. like many do.. and that can't happen if he can't get his medicine and can't be around those he loves!
ShereeKrider December 22, 2009 9:40 pm (Pacific time)
Considering the drama involved, #1 Jeannie was not there when he had hisinitial heart attack at the festival, #2 Chuck Jacobs and / Or Joy Graves was, Jack for some reason signed a piece of paper 2 hrs before his "attack". #3 He is out of his home state #4 his wife is denied access due to a most likely made up POA, and the DNR keeps changing? If this isn't some kind of conspiracy I don't know what is. Someone wants the money that he would be worth dead. Is this just being treated as a "Civil" matter or is there an "investigation" of this matter going on? Why can't he be transported back to california? How can someone with a POA such as this, file for someone elses disallusionment of marriage??????? Too many unanswered questions. Take him home, give him his medicine (oil), and with a little help from some educated physicians he will be alright. If not he won't make it. God Bless him..... Sheree Krider Ky U.S. Marijuana Party
john f. adams December 22, 2009 6:10 pm (Pacific time)
thanks bonnie for the update.
Carl Raff December 22, 2009 2:06 pm (Pacific time)
Great Article. Please keep us informed. Is there anything we can do to help Jack?
Timmy Leary December 22, 2009 1:13 pm (Pacific time)
Why no mention of his children? Mark Herer should have rights well beyond any of the opportunists now running Jack's life, or whatever there is of him left.
Bruce Cain December 22, 2009 4:14 am (Pacific time)
This is sad. A few comments. I want to say that it is just wrong that they are preventing Jack from using the Simspon Hemp Oil.
RainbeauxFamily December 22, 2009 9:12 am (Pacific time)
Wow - What a well done story Bonnie. Thanks for keeping us informed on The Hemperer's status.
CatFish December 22, 2009 6:54 am (Pacific time)
Thanks so much for putting such an effort into untangling this web. What alot of work you and yours have put into this article it shows. Salem News Rocks! Now how can we get Jack back to Cali? Jack and his well being are all I care about not the drama but the man. There must be a way for us to help Joy in her struggle to get him the best care possible. Everyday lighting a candle 4:20 for Jack and Rick Simpson too!
douglas benson December 22, 2009 6:39 am (Pacific time)
Jack has planted the seeds of love and freedom for so many .Peace be upon you .
Sarah Smile December 22, 2009 1:21 am (Pacific time)
Wow, that is an incredible story, I can't believe the deterioration of the relationships how sad! We pray for Jack Herer's speedy recovery, and we'll keep him in our prayers.
Seeva Cherms December 21, 2009 9:53 pm (Pacific time)
For Jack's sake Chuck, please do the right thing Jack is depending on you to help him. At least STAY HUMAN and finish that out. I surely hope you remember what JACK wants and needs. You know what she's saying and doing are not right. This whole DRAMA has taken its toll on all of us on Jack's side. Even to the point of what happened at court. Ed Disney I guess I wish you had more sense and faith that Jack is not STUPID enough not to know a legal document from a book autograph! But u know Jack LOL!!! But he loved his Wa. and Oregon Family and he is well loved for sure. Thank God for you all! Thank you for all your prayers! Bonnie, I want to personally thank you for doing your very best to b fair but thorough in your article, I believe there are few interested in the real truth instead of a scorned wife's fairy tale~ this DNR needs to be reversed and he needs to get to SF! Jeannie I feel sorry for you. To have someone else make better decisions for your "husband" must really upset you. If you care for Jack stop this internet vendetta and get on with living. I wish people would understand that we all just want what Jack wants and deserves to be safe, in a healthy environment and able to thrive. Please Lord Grant Jack These Gifts. He really deserves them! He does everything for so many! Peace, Love n LIGHT, Seeva Cherms
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